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Socoder -> On Topic -> Rock solid tile map scrolling - knowledge gathering

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Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 06:05
I have been doing tile map engines for years and every time I start one I managed to go through the same set of failures and successes.

What I would like is the communities advice on the maths involved in getting this correct and efficient.

What I have so far is a tile map that does smooth scrolling around the whole map and the map will stick when it is near the edge so you don't get black bit for example but it feels dirty somehow, like I was more trial and error rather than a thought out process.

Only this time around in GLB I seem to have hacked it together rather than any thought gone in to the maths.

What I would like is your methods and why you choose/chose that way? Or to enlighten me to a 'standard practice'

What I do understand is how to store/render/edit a tile map, this part I know im ok at. What I struggle with is getting the function of the map to be:

* Reusable, so it doesn't matter on map size or screen size or if its part of the editor or the game itself
* Efficient, dont want to waste any cycles
* <more coming soon>

I found this by searching the forums but it doesn't really answer my question

Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 07:13
For me, i don't use a set tilemap system that's reusable, i generally built them along with the game, ground up everytime, for me, implementing such a setup could get a bit tunnel visionary and distract from actually building a game, as in, why go to implementing isometric maps when, really, ill never use it!

I remember an old coder called Skully, he was building a tilemap engine, on the basis it would help him quickly build games for his kids... He was on for months and months, it ended up being some sort of framework, and if i recall, he abandoned it, and i don't think he ever made a game with it either!

Though, that's probably not what you want to hear, so, when it comes to what you do want to hear, you can do no wrong and check out the include files for the tilemap editor called Mappy, i haven't a link at hand, but, its on google, and dissecting a couple of those will probably give you a better idea on the best practices when it comes to general purpose tilemapping!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 07:28
Here's how I do it.. (*As most people are aware, my methods aren't perfect, follow my advice with that in mind!)

Step one..
Simple loop

Add in your scrolling..

Then build on from that.
If you're finding it too slow, narrow down the drawing to PlayerX-(so many tiles) to PlayerX+(so many tiles), and the same for y...

Making a bog standard tilemap isn't tricky, and I've never found myself having to use an off the shelf one. It takes a couple of minutes to make a tiny half-working engine, and you can easily add your own special elements into it, without the need for a huge Multi-Purpose thing taking up all the space.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 07:33
Thanks Dabz, I get that I could spend days/weeks/millennia creating an engine but since I started this project in 2001 im in no rush!

Jay, I think thats similar to what I have. Could you explain your variables and why you are doing things like the /8 etc.

One phrase I like is "Explain like I'm 5"
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 07:45
If you hunt all my code for the past 3 or 4 years, you'll see that over and over and over and over and over again, in hundreds of different places.
It's a secret ingredient, and once I found it, I couldn't stop using the bloody thing!!

The simplest example I can give is this..

You update Score, the display shows "ShowScore", which goes "tickity-tickity-tickity" every time you update it.
It's a really really simple effect, but it makes the score tick up nice and gently, instead of always jumping up in chunks.
Want to see it in action?
Any and all of my Monkey games have been using it.

In the tilemap, it works pretty much the same..
You set an AimX and AimY co-ordinate, and the nice little function smoothly moves ScrollX and ScrollY to meet up to it's location. (Again, be sure they're all floats so it's smooth!)
You might also want to add a "if abs()<5" check to lock it when it's close, but that also has an awkward "click" type effect, so it's probably best to do a "if aimx<scrollx then scrollx=scrollx-1" type thing instead, when they're close.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 08:30
That looks cool, I will apply the technique later tonight.

Not sure how it will apply to a guy moving around a map.

Some quick pseudo code.

on to your tile map display, one thing I have noticed in coding, if it doesn't look simple its probably badly formatted or worked out.

I will try your method this evening and see if it works for me.

Thanks Jay
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 08:40
For player positions, I've stopped using "Position on the entire map", and switched to "Tile, and offset" instead..

PlayerX,PlayerY = Grid Reference
PlayerOX,PlayerOY = Offset.

So you have DrawX=(PlayerX*TileWidth)+(PlayerOX*TileWidth)-ScrollX
then you move PlayerOX-0.1, and when PlayerOX<-0.5 then PlayerOX=PlayerOX+1;PlayerX=PlayerX-1;
and pluses, and y'ses

When checking surroundings you simply look up Grid[(PlayerY*MapWidth)+PlayerX], without having any nasty divisions to do.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 08:47
oh I get you, I think I did this but in the reverse.

I started with the player being on a tile and controlling the offset but found it clunky and my brain couldn't handle it. This was a long time ago however so I guess I could switch back.

It really is simple but I think I'm tunnel vision'd into doing it the same way every time.

I will get my code sorted tonight and post for all to see.
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 08:52
The tilemaps I have done for my Mutant Monty clone are done in plain old Notepad.
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 10:50


I used bit-shifting when checking tilemaps, sorta:-

Taking into consideration of removing the offset of the map, e.g. playerX = playerX - mapOffsetX

People tend to go banana's when using bitshifting for some very odd reason, but, it's a free optimization, and, when your working with tiles that are generally 8x8 (Shr 3), 16x16 (Shr 4) , 32x32 (Shr 5) etc etc, it's, well, more natural. As well as, you can also shift the other way using Shl.

GLBasic doesnt have bitshifting commands build in, but, you can drop into inline C++ and use the bitshifting operators << and >>.

Thats my way anyway, and, exactly how I do drawing and collisions for Croco:-


Where, in Croco, the ball has 8 collision points that I check, which, if you play it and hit a bit of wall with one of the corners of the ball, it's work its way up or down (Depending on if you hit the bottom or top of the ball)


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 10:55
GLBasic has ASL() and ASR()
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 11:07

ASL() and ASR()


I looked everywhere at the time for bit shifting commands... In the docs, on the forum, behind my couch... Typical!!!

Never mind though, thanks for the future heads up Mr R!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 11:47
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 12:10
I use bit wise functions to store flags for each cell. Like if enemy can spawn. Collision data etc

I'm on my phone (picking misses up from gym) so difficult to find my code!

Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 15:43
PlayerX,PlayerY = Grid Reference
PlayerOX,PlayerOY = Offset.

So you have DrawX=(PlayerX*TileWidth)+(PlayerOX*TileWidth)-ScrollX
then you move PlayerOX-0.1, and when PlayerOX<-0.5 then PlayerOX=PlayerOX+1;PlayerX=PlayerX-1;
and pluses, and y'ses

Sorry Jay im not getting this.

My guy just goes whizzing off the screen or jumps around.

here is my code (the relevant parts) so far

If you need any more just ask but I think that should be all I have
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 16:01
What!. No! What!!?


(With apologies for chaos due to having just typed that on an iPad!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 16:06
That did it, time for a shower.

Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 14:57
Right thanks to Jay's intervention I can move around a map, its not 100% the effect i was after but it will do for now, I know I can solve that.

Now I have the collisions working too.

This is how I work it:

Each cell has an integer value to represent if you can WALK OFF that tile in a direction, I then compare the integer to a list using the bitwise AND function (bAND in GLBasic) and it will move if it will allow.

eg: The function below is called on key presses to check you can move in that direction

Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 15:27
And it was going so well...

for some reason my sprites are not rendering in the right order.

If I load a different anim file will this be higher up the z order than the ones below?

for example I load in my tiles and player anims

Then on the render..

Produces this image, I have turned off layers 1 - 3 which all render in the right order.

Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 15:36

Just a guess, here, but it might be GLBasic doing otherwise useful batch drawing, which may be buggering it up somewhere along the lines.
Suggest you try using a third spritesheet for "overlay", (even if it uses the same gfx) and see if it works any better..?

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 15:49

thats with loading a second set of tiles!
Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 16:11
I have updated the download if anyone wants a play

Latest build
Wed, 27 Mar 2013, 04:20
I submitted a post on the GLBasic forum for assistance

Wed, 27 Mar 2013, 04:37
I noticed on the glbasic website that the image reference numbers 0 and 2 are the same image file "TILES.png"... Obviously as logic suggests it should load it up twice and not share anything in common with one another... But, have you tried something like having a copy of TILES.png called TILES2.png and then loading that up as image reference 2?

Maybe underneath something is going tits up and GLBasic is throwing a bit of a drawing wobbler.

Just an idea, shouldn't work, but, you never know!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 27 Mar 2013, 04:56
I'm at work so can't test the theory out.

It could work I guess
Wed, 27 Mar 2013, 06:33
I have figured it out

It is looping through the map and rendering the player at every layer and every time a cell is rendered.


I will fix it later
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