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Socoder -> Film + TV -> New Telly!!

Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 05:39
The landscape of our viewing has changed, significantly!!
No longer is the house of Jay stuck in the 20th century!
We've finally made the BIG CHANGE to High Definition!!

42 inches of High Definition!!!

... Not that we've got anything to show it off, mind. The inbuilt Freeview looks fantastic, but is only SD.. quite why it doesnt do tha HD channels is beyond me, but it looks awesome, either way!!
The old Virgin set top box only does SD, the DVD player"s SD, the Wii is SD, too.
I might have to drag the X360 down, just so we've got something to test all those lovely HDMI ports with!!

It also came with 4 sets of 3D glasses.
Can't imagine those getting used any time soon!!

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 05:49
Welcome to the future Jay!
Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 05:54
Oh yeah, a link to the telly might help!

Bought on credit, as per usual, cos I've been out of work for over a year and money's a bit tight..
But the last TV was starting to go, with a good fifteen minute "settle down" period needed after turning it on. Grrr..
£399. Not bad for a HD 3D LCD screen, and I got a 10% discount, too, due to their website buggering up as I was about to order it!

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 06:09
Look inside to see me gripping my giant doohickey!

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 06:12
I didn't know that Murphy were still going, that's a pretty damn good telly for the price. My Samsung 40in LED cost £400 from Currys and that is just standard HD, doesn't have 3D.
Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 06:51
According to my recent research (for obvious reasons!)
Murphys and Bush both merged, and became Just Bush, then a company called Cello joined up with Littlewoods to rebrand the Cello devices as Murphys. So in fairness, Murphys is just an own-brand, now.

.. Like I give a crap, the picture's fantastic on it! (Or at least, it is to my eyes, anyway!!)

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 07:48
You've moved from SD to HD precisely as the first "UltraHD" 4K sets hit the market.
Congratulations, you're old!

Oh, BTW, the X360 will look 150% better on the HD telly. I don't even care about HD and I couldn't deal with it on the SD because of all the smudged-out text and other details, so went and bought the kit to play it on my PC monitor.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 08:28
Yeah, it's previously been hooked up to a monitor, mostly 'cos all the games were expecting high def, and the big old telly was blurring them to buggery!!

Quite why big companies use tiny fucking text on a game that may or may not be in such a high resolution, is beyond me. Stupid lazy devs, don't think of us cheap-ass gamers, do they!!?

And, yeah, I've been desperate to upgrade us for years. It took a recent extreme TV Fail issue before Mum finally agreed to the upgrade!
The old telly's fine if you leave it, but for the first 15 minutes the picture jiggles about back and forth..
This might not sound too bad, but.... Dang!! Wiggle wiggle FRAZZLE FRAZZLE!!!
Complete picture deterioration for a good ten minutes or so. Totally unwatchable, and definitely a sign of a well needed upgrade.

Happy with my purchase

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Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 09:16
I too have the 40" samsung LED telly, but at the time my brother in law worked at comet and got me a staff discount of £40! bargain.

only trouble now though it may be HD picture but the sound will be worse due to no room for a sub woofer!
Thu, 25 Apr 2013, 09:20
Sound isn't an issue. I've never enjoyed BIG sound. No good for my migraines!
Plus Mum has Surround-sound-phobia

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Fri, 26 Apr 2013, 13:09
Jealous! Our TV is probably about 30" DEEP. Cathode Ray Tubes for life!

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 26 Apr 2013, 15:00
When I was a kid, a flat panel TV was still the concept of sience fiction. I still remember 8-Bit home computers being cutting-edge technology.
Fri, 26 Apr 2013, 15:14
Nowadays (according to certain newspapers) you're a pauper if you haven't got an iPad or a slimline tv that's at least 40" in size. :/
Sat, 27 Apr 2013, 09:33
Trying out the "USB Media Drive" functions.. Pretty much a flop, to be honest.
The thing refuses to play pretty much any video I throw at it, and won't even do "3D Mode!" on my 3DS photo collection.
Kinda bummed by lack of compatibility, if I'm honest, but.. meh, whatever... not like I was ever going to actually use the 3D stuff..

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Sat, 27 Apr 2013, 10:57
"hmmm.." I thought.. "I wonder what the X360 can do..?"

I checked out a list of 3D compatible games.

22 games.
Hmm.. That's a bit shit, isn't it?

And they're not exactly a great lookin list, either.
The chances of my collection of 9 games being amongst this list is about 1 in.... Oh!


Sonic Generations is in the list..
I have that one!!

.. Ten minute later, I'd donned the 3D glasses, and whirled my way through Classic Green Hill.
Took a bit of fiddling to get it working, but in the end it was easier than I was expecting it to be.
And the result is surprisingly good, too.
I'm not entirely sure how the glasses work, to be honest.
Without the glasses, it's obviously a case of the screen being split into two halves.
One on horizontal line is the left eye's line, then the next is the right eye, and so on down the screen.

The glasses are just plastic.
Quite how the glasses knows which line is which is beyond my Techy knowledge, but amazingly it does actually work.
And bloody hell does it look good!!

So, there we go.

Something in 3D!

... And that's probably it, because I can't think of anything else that works in 3D.
Still, woot, 3D!!

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Sat, 27 Apr 2013, 13:40
For battery less glasses probably a polarised screen, like cinema (not exactly, but same glasses) or else your tv will be running at double the frame rate and flicking between the two views. In both cases usually though, you'll get a choice of input formats. Easiest to work with if you're looking to make your own stuff, is side-by-side, with one side being left view, the other being right. Bet you could code up a nice 3d demo and plug your computer into your tv!
There's a project for agaw! Your first 3d game!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 03:15
Was about to fiddle with the Virgin Bill a bit. We're currently on the XL phone package, but barely need the M, so a simple quick click should suffice.
Oh, except you can't do that online. You have to ring them up if you want to downgrade a package.. Nnngh....

Oh well, at least I can get the FREE TiVo box, right?
Click FREE.
Click FREE box FREE rental!
Click FREE!!
Insert details for FREE box!!!

Installation : £49.95


For WHAT?! For a man to unplug the current box and plug in a new one?!
fuck that shit!!
Upgrade cancelled.

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Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 03:50
Right, sod the upgrade, let's piss about with Sonic some more!!

Here's how it works. The X360 output the game in top-to-bottom mode, leaving an image looking not entirely unlike Sonic2 Splitscreen! (Image taken by turning off TVs 3D mode!)

(As an aside, I can imagine a nice side effect of this method is that you could reuse the 3D tech to create two seperate gameplay images for two different players..hmmm... Fullscreen Splitscreen!!!)

Anyhoo, the Xbox sends that out, and the TV reinterprets it into this..

Essentially taking lines from each layer, and interweaving them to create a single interlaced image.

It's a bit shit trying to look at that sort of image without the glasses, to be honest, so if we ever have more than 4 people in the room, that's 3D stuff out the window!!

Then comes the magic filter glasses!
Here's a shot through the left lens.

(Took a while to get the glasses over the iPad! Probably would've been easier with the iPod!! Sonic got bored and had a lie down!!)

As you can see there's little or no "bleed" in the image, it's damn near perfect. .. You can kinda see it on the sunflowers a bit when they're in front of a dark background, but for 95% of the time it's damn near perfect.

I must admit, this is probably the best 3D tech I've seen, WAY beyond the "move and it glitches" 3DS, and a megaton better in the resolution department.

Gameplay wise, this is still Sonic Generations, and as such is still more or less a chaotic game of insanity, either playing as a nice 2D Platformer, or a horrible 3D "sonic" QTE-driven thing..
Except the QTE's now pop out of the fucking screen, making them about 100 times more obnoxious than they already were!!


It's a nice enough showcase.
It's probably not a game I'll want to be playing for more than about 5 minutes at a time, though.

3D works!

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Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 03:51

For WHAT?! For a man to unplug the current box and plug in a new one?!

What you should do is get the bloke to come... Let him do the "installation", while he's there, make him a cuppa, give him some biscuits... When he's gone, send Virgin a bill for refreshments their "engineer" consumed on site for the grand sum of 50 English snots!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 10:29
I'm dead curious as to how glasses would filter out an interlaced image, especially when distance from screen and angle are never in any way predictable.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 10:48
Perhaps every other vertical line has a different polarity such that polarized glasses would work on an interlaced screen.
Sun, 28 Apr 2013, 10:50
If that's the case, then I'm not watching any Star Trek on this telly, just incase they reverse the polarity!!!

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