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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Staff and Nonsense

Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 11:59
I was very tempted to buy a new 3ds today but the guy in the game store didn't even know what one was. I had to actually tell him it's called a 'new' 3ds and that he in fact had two on display in the corner of that very store!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 11:59
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 12:05
I don't know how people get jobs in places where they know nothing about what they are doing. He lost a sale today anyway.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 12:10
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 14:37
They have the same kind of numb-nuts in PC World, a lot of them in there don't know their arse from their bollocks.
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 15:27
This is another reason why bricks and mortar retail outlets are dying - it's suicide by stupidity.
Tue, 29 Dec 2015, 22:35
In PC World they think just because they did a Microsoft A+ course they know more than us, well they in fact don't know shit.
Wed, 30 Dec 2015, 03:12
Agree... I was browsing some desktop boxes one day and this bloke came over... "Can I help you?", as they do, I was like "Yeah, see this PC here, does it have an x16 PCI Express slot inside so I can chuck a graphics card in, there's nothing written on your specs"

He didnt know... Then the usual "fret mode" kicked in as he went off to find out... I just left it there!

If your going to be a salesman, the one thing you need to do is bloody know the things your selling!

I sorta see stuff like this when I get them situations:-

"Damien, when your finished making everyones cup of tea, and cleaned out the staff lavatories, will you do me a favour, Julian hasnt come in to work today so could you be a darling and man the PC aisle, theres a good boy, this could be your chance to shineeeeeeeee"

Damien's chance to shine... He's pulled on his brand new name tag, he's going to hit that shop floor like a tiger... THIS IS IT!!!!

"Excuse me mate, does this have an x16 PCi Express slot for a graphics card?"

Damien's underpants... Soiled!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 30 Dec 2015, 05:10
When you told Damien that there's nothing written on his specs and he walked off to "find out", he was really going off to find a mirror so that he can check if there's really nothing written on his glasses.
Wed, 30 Dec 2015, 08:14
Poor Damien! LOL.
Wed, 30 Dec 2015, 08:41
I've not ventured into a PC World store in ages. I might have to lube up the salesperson with dumb questions like:

Will I get viruses on it?
Does it have Office?
Can I watch youtube / netflix on it?

Before letting fly with some detailed questions about the processors performance compared to previous generations, where the real-world difference lies between it and another one of similar specs from the previous generation and then querying the performance of the ram and it's reliability / suitability to be used as a ram disk to really speed up operations.

Then, after there's most likely wtf? expression and 10 seconds of silence. I'll ask this.

Haha, sorry, someone asked me to say that for a dare, now, what's this windows thing I've heard of?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 30 Dec 2015, 08:52
"I'm looking to upgrade my Cyrix 386.."

You'll know, instantly, whether they know what they're talking about, or not..

''Load, Next List!''