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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Tipping Point Sux!

Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 17:06
RE the newsletter/Tipping Point. I KNOW, and the three difficulty settings - if those are the hard questions, well!

blog | work | code | more code
Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 17:06
I really need to stop watching daytime telly...!
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 00:23
You forgot "a trumpeter plays which musical instrument"? <<<ACTUAL FECKING QUESTION!!

Also get sick of Ben Shepherd going "oooh it's riding" and making noises that sound like he's trying to shit a chair leg.

I've started to hate him even more since he buddied up with Chris Kamara on Ninja Warrior, laughing like a couple of hyenas every fucking time somebody falls in a bit of water. Personally I'd take great pleasure in drowning the pair of 'em.
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 08:04
Question one of today's show.
Blue Cheshire is a variety of what British dairy product?

I also forgot to complain about how totally shit the sound effects are on this show. It's one single sound effect played endlessly, with little or no variety.

What is 20% of 100?

"Ooooh, it's riding."

Which 1997 set on a ship was Kate Winslet nominated for an Oscar?

"Oh, so close! But don't worry, you've got 2 counters left!"

Of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which is the only one that starts with the letter G?

The South Bank center sits on the side of which famous London river?

What single letter is printed on the hat of Nintendo mascot, Mario?


''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 08:21
The Chase is getting as stupid.

No matter whether they choose question set A or B, the contestants get questions like "what colour are the king of Khazakstan's favourite shoes?

Then the chaser gets "what's half of 30?". So I'm calling bullshit on the choice of question set.

Also, Bradley Walsh says "corrrrrrrect" when he's doing the contestant questions - really draws it out.
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 08:40
At least The Chase has a decent question rate.... It's no Blockbusters, though. That show was epically fast! Literally hundreds of questions in only a half an hour!!
But The Chase is still fairly fast. Loads of variety, plenty of "family shouting at the tv", makes for a decent show to watch, even if it is unfair at times.

Compare and contrast to Pointless.. A show that seems to ask a whole 3 questions over the course of an hour, and drags out each and every fucking answer to the point where you'd be quite content to throw a brick at your TV..

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 09:57
Today on The Chase - chasers LAST question.

A Reaganite refers to which US president?
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 10:58
What they need is a Shakespeare pub quiz (The Shakespeare is a pub in Durham), proper student setup... Anyway, me and a few mates decided to go on a pub crawl around durham one Sunday (This was long before smart phones and that)... We ended up in there (The place was choker, but bear in mind, its a tiny place, takes no filling) and we were asked if we fancied a shot at the pub quiz... We were like "Whyyyy-ayyyeeeee", "Got this us lads", "may as well give us the beer tokens now"

So, we settled down, beers on tables, pen in hand ready for the first question...

"Question 1... What is the symbol of atomic number 38 in the periodic table?"

The rest of the pub were busy scribbling away... We were like "errrrrrrr", we'll come back to that one eh?

"Question 2... In what year, did the french artist [Quick Google)] Georges Braque [Thats the fella] complete his famous artwork titled 'Pitcher and Violin'?"

Pub... Whispers, activity... Us... "Errrrrrrrrrr"

"Question 3... In 1784, Mozart joined which organisation?"

Haway, lets sup up and fuck off!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 11:29
Now THAT sounds like a quiz!!
Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 11:56
I personally rather enjoy "Pointless" - there's a shitload of waffle though, but the questions really do vary and there are numerous ones with multiple answers (eg songs by particular groups of the 80s). The picture, audio, anagram and missing letter rounds really do make it different to most other gameshows.

The Chase was a must-watch until last year, then we got really busy in life and it ceased to be important, especially seeing that it never really changed.

Tipping Point is indeed mup though.

but I have to confess, I still love Goldenballs - maybe it's the psychologist in me (enjoying the player interactions and lies about who has what).
Mon, 22 Feb 2016, 07:59
2nd question today; "the adjective 'Dickensian' refers to which writer"?

I've got Blockbusters on now.