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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Updates vs Bandwidth

Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 13:52
Oh Windows 8... why you no tell me about updates any more?? 1.2GB. :/
Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 13:52
One point Twentyone Gigabytes? Great Scott!
Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 14:42
Dave "from College" is ALWAYS complaining about Updates. Either they break every feature he's ever known, or they're so big that they use up his monthly internet data cap.

.. Then I typically laugh at him for still having a monthly internet data cap.
He doesn't like that I laugh at him, for that.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 14:45
My beef with updates is that they make bugger-all difference. You never get shiny new features in a Windows update - just fixes for some obscure broken shit that only "Mikkel from Norway" has noticed. :/
Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 15:04
Yeah, Windows updates used to be much more fun.
Also, when was the last time we got a new Windows Screensaver? I used to love playing with those..
Microsoft are getting lazy!!!! And boring

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Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 15:21
The trouble with any system nowadays - pc, Mac, console, mobile and handheld is that there are so many hackers and crackers finding exploits that the big companies are just constantly fixing them. Very few of the updates seem to be actually updating anything but appear to be placing patches over holes.

They are like local councils filling in potholes - rather than redo the whole road and make the job clean and good, they'd rather fix the holes repeatedly because its quicker and cheaper for them - sod the end user's difficulties.
Wed, 09 Mar 2016, 16:19
*pictures Bill Gates standing, pointing at bugs, in a cheesy Microsoft Update Nees leaflet*

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Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 01:56
I like living on the edge, with Win 7 sans most updates after SP1 on there.

Half of em wanted to just be more telemetry / windows 10 nag screens, sod that!

I'll be in test mode, without any further updates thanks

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 03:42
I'm going to be honest... I reallly really think Win10 is okay, been on my main PC now since the upgrade thing happened and I've literally had no bother... Obviously I turned every privacy thing to either off or low, got rid of the additional bits and bobs it plonks in the start menu (Go to tile, right click, select uninstall... Done), took about 5 mins!

Then, there's my little netbook (www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-Aspire-V5-123-Notebook-Silver/dp/B00FLPFZSG), it had windows 8.1, ran like dog shit, unusable, only bought it when I worked away as I got sick of trudging my laptop about... £200, I should've known better... Anyway, upgraded it to Win10, and, it's a different machine, its still slow, but good god, did the upgrade make one hell of a difference!

So all in all, I can really see no problems with Win10 here, all it's doing is falling in line with what living in this day is all about, people dont seem to realise that software isnt the product anymore, we are.

And just because MS leave stuff on by default so they can see whats what, isnt an issue, how can it be, you can turn the bloody things off... And leaving them on is wayyyyy no more different what other companies see me doing, there's firms out there that know more about me, then me... They know what I buy, where I shop, what car I drive, how much debt I have, fuck me, there's probably info out there that shows where I get my sodding hair cut...

All these people who whinge still go out every day and broadcast their lives in such a way that privacy is just a 6 letter word, yet, one piece of software written by one company who has the audacity to infringe their already infringed life go banana's! :/


If people are really that bothered, like, honestly, that bothered about their privacy, then why are they still online? Why are they still using their bank cards to shop, why are they still letting companies view their financial status (Which ultimately, dictates life), the biggest question I have is why does it take MS to do something to cause a shit storm, but yet, not a peep from the same people towards other companies or even shouting about governments muscling in on our privacy?

Microsoft are pushing for people to use Windows 10, I can understand that, XP is gone, Vista is nearly dead, Windows 7 has 4 years life support wise, not exactly dead, but, it'll not be long. Windows 8/8.1, well, lets face it, if it was me I'd be welcoming Win10 with open arms!

If everyone is running Windows 10, which, is the last version and from here on, is only going to be updated. Then that's a good thing, the OS will be unified on the desktop level... My Windows 10, will be the same as your Windows 10, and his, and his... I imagine the support costs it will save will be immense, so you cannot knock them for that, or for trying that angle... I'd do the same, and probably a little surprised it hasnt happened sooner!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 04:12
Well said.
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 04:53
I agree. Apart from 'privacy' has seven letters.

privacy is just a 6 letter word

Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 05:10
Lol... Gick as guck!

Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 05:45
Anyway... It just annoys me... On another forum somewhere, there's a gentleman who isn't just on a one mission against Windows 10, he's got it going off on jihadi proportions...

All he does is bleet on about how shite Windows 10 is, how MS are pissing everyone's bed with their update thing, how Linux Mint is the best thing sliced bastard bread... I mean, he constantly mentions how much of a superior OS Linux Mint is... I like Linux Mint... But he's getting pretty annoying now cos its one in every 5 bastard posts now he bleeps that moving to Linux was the best thing ever!

And if anyone counters him, he just doesn't listen, take the newest one... Someone mentioned that it would be stupid to ignore Windows since Windows has about 95% share on steam, OS X about 3.5 and Linux finishes it off... His reply "and we're missing the point entirely!"


What? What point?

The facts are there... Windows is the dominant OS, like it or not, and Windows 10 64bit has nigh on the same amount of installations as Windows 7, it comes second in the list!

If your making games... You cannot ignore Windows 10... If you do... Your pretty fucking stupid if you ask me!

And here's the best one... Which I do love about these anti MS/Windows types... Is that after all the noise they make, after all the "Windows, im done", "im moving to Linux", "Windows is dying" etc etc you take a look at their website and as sure as I have ginger hairs on my balls... There's a download link to their game... For Windows! :/

If they were standing next to me I would happily give them a bitch slap with the back of my hand.



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 06:05
I always try to keep my system as up to date as possible, because otherwise I can never quite be sure what bits of my games might inexplicably break!

I'm operating on the "The framework used to work" basis for my newer games still running on older systems!!!

Also, spyware/malware/etc. Windows's inbuilt stuff has gotten fairly good at tackling that stuff, nowadays. I do regular scans with Housecall but nowadays leave Windows Defender to do what it needs.
It's certainly a fuckton better than it used to be!!

... I still have that sinking feeling that MS will start charging a fucking fortune for using WinDefender, though. They have a nasty habit of doing that.

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Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 06:37
So, what about drivers with Windows 10?

Is my Win8.1 laptop going to throw a complete eppy and brick itself if I upgrade?
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 06:46
Win 10 runs fine and dandy on my mac mini, much better than osx. But Win 10 works like crap on my old laptop, the thing runs at 100% cpu no matter what I do. But then, Win7 ran like crap on it also

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 06:54
I've not spotted any driver issues, but.. Windows, innit!!

The "will it run" check is there to ensure it'll run, at all. After that it's all guesswork.

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Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 08:06
It says I'm good to go. But it would, wouldn't it? :s
Thu, 10 Mar 2016, 08:11
I like Windows10 far more than Windows 8.XX

The touchpad issues I had was sorted by grabbing an old driver from Synaptics, so that got sorted.

I dislike some feature of 10 (especially the file explorer), but can live them as I don't use them that often.

I use Windows Defnder too Jay - beats the slow bloatware that AVG has now become.
Fri, 11 Mar 2016, 04:08
Slightly off topic but...

"This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer"

What the hell!! Just because a file is 'old' does not mean it is malicious! I'm trying to download some software to work an N64 peripheral, but can't through ANY browser because Microsoft doesn't want me to!

Now I'm having to resort to downloading it with my phone to my dropbox because there doesn't seem to be a way to shut off microsoft scren security thingy! Argh!!!!!111

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 11 Mar 2016, 07:01
"Unable to Run" is the one I get, often.
If you click "More Info", you can then click "Run Anyway"

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