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Socoder -> Off Topic -> I Want To Believe

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 12:34
Just been watching one of those aliens 'documentaries' love them. You can put a little stock in the whole astronauts saying they've seen alien space craft, but to look at a blurry photo and say 'that blob is 100 % a building' is just ridiculous. Plus why would there be only four or five buildings on the entire moon, if it were inhabited by aliens, there'd be tonnes of them.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 12:34
That's because what you see is just the roof. The rest goes down. All the way down.
Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 13:14
I read a book not so long ago about the Fermi paradox ("Where is everyone?"), it makes compelling reading on why there's a great wall of silence.

Unfortunately, while it doesn't suggest there's no life out there, it makes a formidable argument that, the reason we dont see/hear anything from intelligence like ourselves (A species that can build radio telescopes, map the heavens, detect exoplanets) is because, well, within our place in the grand scheme of things... We are indeed... Alone!

I mean, that's a tough assumption to swallow when you look at the size of the place, life, it seems, can be abundant, the process that makes us... Us, is so full of chance it's mind boggling, from the place the home planets star is in a galaxy and at what point in the galaxy's evolution it finds itself, then the planets evolution itself, right across the board to the circumstance a species must be under to evolve into the level of intelligence we have (And bare in mind, when it comes to it, we arent even K1 level intelligence yet.)

The last bit is important... Take dinosaurs, they were around for what 250million years... Long time (Sort off), they evolved a few times over into many species... But in all that time, they didnt need to evolve any form of advanced intelligence like we have... Modern humans are 200000 years old, specialized hunter gathering became the norm 80000 to 70000, literally an atoms breadth of a time line when you scale it against the last dominant set of animals that ruled the earth.

If the dinosaurs got their act together, garnered intelligence, utilized the planet they walked on like we do... They could've had the tech to stop that comet, or, cushion any blows from natural disasters which would've threatened their species survival... But they didnt... And that is why we are here.

We are so lucky that they spend 250 million years not needing anything apart from meat and leaves.

And that's just one of the chances we got for OUR evolution... The branches evolution can take before life gets to a K1 level of intelligence is astronomical, and given the size of the universe, it is fully feasible that we, as in, an intelligent species, are rarer then hens teeth.

And there's literally no guarantee we will hit the K1 level yet either... It wont take much in terms of human stupidity to add more silence to the already "Can hear a pin drop" universe!

So no... Aliens on the moon... very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very doubtful... But, like anything... Never say never!

And as always, thanks for watching*!


*I like vsauce youtube videos... But sometimes it's bloody annoying when you click on one and "Hey vsauce, michael here... Does a falling tree make a sound when noone is around?"... 5mins in he ends up talking about whale jizz or something completely different to the sodding topic!

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 14:18
You guys.. Pah..

It's so obvious that Cats are our alien overlords.
They came down from the skies, made Egyptians build giant pyramids and statues in their honour, and then began their study into our lives.
They invited themselves into our homes, ordered us to feed them and occasionally stroke them.
They lived among us for millennia, until we forgot who they were, and now nobody notices when they disappear for hours, at night.. They meet in groups, discuss when we've been doing, and how far our lives have progressed.
One day, they will be ready to allow us to send one of them up in a rocket, and on that day the great war will begin.

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Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 14:31
When I was a child my mother woke me up one night and told me to come outside. My father and brother were outside to and we saw a flying saucer hovering above our street. You could see the windows and light inside the craft thorugh the windows. My mother told me years later that see also saw stairs on the ship then.

I sometimes look on the Internet for news and such about aliens ect. But there is a lot of crazy things being reported.

There should be life in the galaxy for there is life here. (Said by Richard Hawkings iirc)

I reported the sighting when I was older to a ufo organisation and they asked me to tell the story on the national television. I did not do that though. The ufo organisations are not very professional at all is my experience. My father does not talk about that experience. My brother and Mother remember it. My mother was hesitant to talk about it to for a time.

The craft we saw looked like the saucers shown with the video's of Bob Lazar who said he worked on alien crafts in area 41.

I hope science wil discover soon how we can live forever so we will be able to live when they discover more about the galaxy and travel to other worlds one day.
Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 14:50
I'm not saying it's aliens, but...

I used to read loads of books on the paranormal and UFOs etc when I was growing up - anything from Timothy Good to ... everyone else really. And I'm still none the wiser!
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 01:46
I still like the idea that there are being out there that are more intelligent than us and for whatever reason are watching, ready to abduct drunk hillbillies at a moments notice.
Then when people say cryptic things like this -

View on YouTube

Instead of "I've been to the moon and did/didn't see alien space ships". It kind ruins the whole idea. But then, apparently astronauts are told not to mention any ufo sightings, even if they do know what the objects might be (satellite debris perhaps) for fear if panicking the population.

There is far too much made up crap out there to take genuine evidence seriously.

And don't get me started on the pyramids.

- Jay I think the youtube tag is broken.

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Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 03:01
Forget outer space. There are "beings" in my chicken run that are smarter than most humans.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:04
Out of the all billions of the planets there are there has to be at least a few others with life on them they may or may not be more advanced or they could be comletely Amish. Whether or not "flying saucers" are alien or simply recovered Nazi tech from WW2 will remain a mystery all the time we we greedy governments and religions on this planet.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:06
Doesn't matter how "advanced" you are, physics are physics. We can't get there, and they can't get here.

Unless wormholes.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:08
Some scientists are already saying it's possible to bend space, the problem is producing enough power to generate the field to try it out.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:12
GfK There are "beings" in my chicken run that are smarter than most humans

We should get David Cameron to translate between us and the chickens then, he is a yellow belly twat after all.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:14
I think they want locking up in a bouncy room.

You can't bend space. To bend space is to pull planets and stars about, and that's just silly.

The only way we'll ever get beyond a couple of light years from here (and even then, with volunteers who don't care if they die), is with the existence of wormholes, or some other "shortcut" we haven't yet found. And that in itself is pretty far-fetched.

And yes, I'm finding that as I get older, I'm giving up on the things I was dreaming about as a kid, and getting a huge shot of reality. I.e. this is all there is for us.
Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:18
GfK The only way we'll ever get beyond a couple of light years from here (and even then, with volunteers who don't care if they die), is with the existence of wormholes, or some other 'shortcut' we haven't yet found

Or if I decide to have a vindaloo and then let one rip!
Just make sure you don't say the words 'I'll eat my hat' though Dave, someone may indeed buy you that special hat one day!
GfK You're confusing space travel with armageddon

Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 15:20
You're confusing space travel with armageddon.
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 02:58
I think one of the "sad" things about the future of life elsewhere, is that we are around in a special time of the cosmos... It's just about all there too see... We can detect the big bang (CMB), which is fading. we have picked up on space is expanding faster and faster and one day, it will be tearing away from us at such a rate, all galaxies will drift away from each other, the expansion will be so immense that there will be nothing but black as it will be impossible for light to reach each other!

In the far future, if there is intelligent life, and they ponder about their existence and look up to the sky, and because the way the universe is evolving... They will see absolutely nothing!

Bit of a shame because it is such a beautiful place, granted a bit violent at times, lol, but, you cannot deny the universe is gorgeous.

*Hugs tree*


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 04:18
Would relativity not come into it? perhaps the time changes are not time changes at all, but space changes. Maybe the fact that something is moving faster gets it there sooner because the speed itself is warping space a little?

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Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 07:56
The universe protects itself against that sort of arrangement which I think your angling at.

The faster you go, the more mass you gain, to bend space time to such a degree will be fruitless, as you'll end up probably gaining so much mass that you will pass your Chandrasekhar limit and potentially turn yourself into a black hole!

But that's not the problem really, the problem is the faster you go, the more mass you gain, the more time for you will slow down, yet, on the outside, time will speed up... So, if you shoot off into space, or as an example, circle the earth getting faster and faster and faster with every orbit, you from earth will look like your slowing down, yet, your view of earth will look like it's speeding up... If you go that fast, life will on earth will pass by the decades within a blink of your eye.

Unless your a particle, it's pretty much a pointless exercise because by the time you or object get to reasonable amount of speed, and mass, time would've frittered by on the outside and it'll be quite possible whoever sent you/object up will be long gone!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 08:34
Well I guess that means that mankind is doomed to being trapped inside Earth's ecosphere to smell our own farts for the rest of eternity then!
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 08:39

Well I guess that means that mankind is doomed to being trapped inside Earth's ecosphere to smell our own farts for the rest of eternity then!

There is another way... Basically, you compress space at the front of your space ship, and expand it behind you... This lets you ride along as if you in a bubble on a wave, time difference is kept to a minimum, I've never read much about that setup if I'm honest, but, it's a good idea... It all depends on the fact that we can harness dark energy (For the back of the spaceship)

And since no sod knows exactly what it is yet, or if we'll ever find out, you can pretty much neglect that idea until science figures it out, that is, if they do!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 08:47
I tend to put all this stuff into the "but not yet" basket.
Thoughts and ideas that we aren't quite 100% sure are impossible, but also don't have any feckin' idea how we could achieve them.
Time Travel is also in this basket. We're not 100% convinced that it's 100% impossible, but I don't think we're going to be seeing it happen in the next millennia or so.

You can never be sure what the future might bring..

But it won't be bringing us to new worlds any time soon.

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Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 09:13

You can never be sure what the future might bring..

I know...

Debt, bills, death and poo!

All dead certs! Hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 09:57
Time travel is so possible! I'm traveling forward in time, at a rate of 60 seconds per minute!

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Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 10:08
Unless you're watching Tipping Point, at which point it's more like 2 hours per minute.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 11:40
Not helped by Ben Shepherd talking in that strained voice (ooooo it's riding!) that makes it sound like he's trying to lay a bog-rocking turd the size of the Isle of Wight.
Sat, 19 Mar 2016, 12:12
Dabz Basically, you compress space at the front of your space ship, and expand it behind you

Yep, that does tend to happen quite a lot the way my chad is lately.
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