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Socoder -> Site & Server -> CSS-Me-Do - SoCoder2

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Sat, 24 Jun 2017, 06:25
For those wondering what all the fuss is about, and why I can't just use the old version to do the same thing..



Errorless.. Because it's worth it..

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Sun, 25 Jun 2017, 06:28
Just spent FAR too long trying to get the sidebar "comment's read" thing working properly.
For some reason it kept "not lighting up" when the first comment was posted.
That sure is a complicated bit of script!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Jun 2017, 07:42
Apologies if anyone's been using S2 over the past couple of hours, and has seen nothing but debug messages all over the damned place!!
Hopefully the majority of "Unread" stuff should be working the way it's meant to, now.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Jun 2017, 08:08
Complicated new PM system, there, Jay! FFS, what were you thinking!?!

Right, S2's little envelope is back. (Did anyone notice it was gone?!!)
It lights up when you have a "The most recent PM" unread PM.
It doesn't scan through the whole archive looking at what's unread, since the read/unread system is limited to remembering roughly 500 posts, give or take.

Should've considered that bit when I started, and added a separate flag system for PMs.
No matter, it mostly works, and you can easily click the top-most PM to mark-as-read.

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Wed, 28 Jun 2017, 05:23
I've been considering switching over S2 as the main live site, this week, but the more I think about it, the more "important-ish" pages are missing.
There are links all over the web pointing to certain pages on this site, which, if I replaced the site right now, would no longer have any meaningful results.
The FLink pages, for example, do not currently exist, meaning everyone's links to those pages (mostly Spinal..Don't think anyone else used them!) would no longer work.

Can't have that!

Today I'll be working on FLinks.
For the past couple of days, I've been working on This!
(Bloody hell, was that hard work!!)

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Fri, 30 Jun 2017, 21:03
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 01:23
Be sure to let me know if you specifically posted that, or something on the server went tits up!!

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Sun, 02 Jul 2017, 07:52
For those interested, here's some fun little filesize stats!

Old Site
95kb - Index.php (Fooooooook!)
962kb - Includes
(Values approximate due to site's script being in random files all over the damn place!!)
Total = 1,057Kb

New Site
7kb - Index.php
376kb - Includes
(Much easier to count. Kept things neat, this time!)
Total - 383Kb

Approximately 36% the size, with only about 10% reduction in functionality.

CSS Comparison
2002 - Krylar - BlitzCoder
Old - 709Kb (Note : When I first built SoCoder, the css folder included tons of images!!)
New - 100Kb

2007 - Jayenkai - Grey 'n' Green
Old - 409Kb
New - 88Kb

2016 - Jayenkai - Smoke
Old - 123Kb
New - 126Kb

Approximately the same as later (much neater to create) SoCoder themes, but definitely shows how much of a fucking chaotic mess it was at the start!!!

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Mon, 03 Jul 2017, 06:39
Currently overhauling the email notification functions so they work hourly/daily.. No setting for it, yet, but it's in the works.
.. PS, this is a test post!
Mon, 03 Jul 2017, 07:20
Aaah, PHP.. You so sensible!!!

To find a thing within a string

To split a string using things


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Mon, 03 Jul 2017, 08:30
Currently having to wait until the hour, to see if it emails me the digest of the past hour.

But, as far as I can tell, I coded it right, so it should now work.

If you head into your profile, there's an option just above all the smilies, that lets you switch the email notifications between Immediate, Hourly, Daily and "Stop Emailing Me!", which should (*should*) function as intended.
.. Apologies if it doesn't!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 03 Jul 2017, 10:07
OK, I *think* that works, now!!!
(Didn't quite work out, earlier.. Needed extra tweakage.)

In addition, all your old Notes and Private Messages should now be in the Notes section.
Let me know if anything's broke!!

Oh, and click the topmost note to turn off the notification light. Can't figure out how to do that without needing a separate notification/read/unread list.
Bah, humbug..

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Tue, 04 Jul 2017, 06:48
Sorry to all who had to see that!
I accidentally put a = where I should've used an ==, and all hell broke loose!

Back to normal we go!!

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Tue, 04 Jul 2017, 07:15
Poll Scores are back!! \o/yeay\o/

Poll Scores

Slightly different point system, but more or less as it was.

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Wed, 05 Jul 2017, 04:21
Spent most of this morning trying to eek as much time out of the script as I could. Not managed a lot.. That sidebar's using up a lot of time!!

Have also added extra debugging and stuff to keep an eye on that "Google says no!" issue that Krakatomato was having.
Still no idea how to solve that (doesn't help that I haven't seen it, myself!) but at least I can track down any oddities.

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Wed, 12 Jul 2017, 06:21
A few base tweaks, today.
The largest spikes in the server are when we hit o'clock. They're on the hour.
Assuming this might have been the hourly email sender thing, I've pushed the email sender to be at 15 minutes past the hour, instead.

Hopefully this will show up on my CPU stat page.

If the server "burp" moves to Quarter-past, then I know it's my script that's doing it.
If it stays at O'clock, then it's something else that's doing it.

I'll give it most of this day, to do whatever it is it's going to do, and keep an eye on things.

Other tweaks for today include removal of unused accounts (ie, someone signs up, but doesn't log in for 24 hours)
The only site did that.. Forgot to add it to the new one!

I've also added a 24-hour removal of "Magic Keys", which are used when using the "Forgot my Password" thing.

In addition, the topic pages should (*should!) now be working "properly", ie without the "Last from from the previous page" post being at the top of the page. .. And by that, I mean it shouldn't have completely fucked up like it did when I tried to fix it the other day!!!

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Wed, 12 Jul 2017, 09:26
In answer to rockford's earlier query.
For some reason the table layout's a bit wonky.
I've set width on the leftmost "name" column to 64pixels, but occasionally (therevillsgames!) names are wider.
This seems to upset the table, and cause the width to switch to auto width.
Then the right hand side (post contents) end up having to scrunch it back.
When there aren't very wide posts in the contents side, it lets the name side take up more space than it should..

I do need to fx this..
I'm thinking a max-width would do it.. me so lazy, and cba!!!

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Wed, 12 Jul 2017, 14:45
Just thought I'd report it. It's no real biggie, but y'know.
Wed, 12 Jul 2017, 14:48
I'm still trying to decide in the best way to solve it.
Hopefully the solution doesn't involve further visits from the fellows at WidthPadding Industries (circa 1987)

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Mon, 17 Jul 2017, 06:09
Added the ability to list Spiders/Crawlers/Bots to the Server_time tool, and was absolutely horrified by the ratio of bots vs actual users.

Over the past 250 page requests.. Users 21 : Spiders 220 (with a few requests left over for AGameAWeek and LittleLever sites)

So, I've now disabled the recording of Bots, which should help me see more of the server's stats over a longer period (without bulking the numbers up to record more page requests)

Stupid bots..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 17 Jul 2017, 08:47
Have you tried blocking (most) of the bots via .htaccess? This lil block tends to take care of em mostly

It may be a bit out of date but if it helps reduce yer bandwidth usage, etc.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 17 Jul 2017, 08:51
Hadn't considered it.
D'you think it's worth it?

To be honest the bots currently busy rescanning every sodding page were all Google and Bing related :/

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 17 Jul 2017, 08:58
It might be worth it to help prevent tools such as Xenus Link Sleuth from scanning the website and putting another roadblock in the way of malicious traffic. It shouldn't do any harm by adding it mind. Bearing in mind that no two servers are the same and I'm assuming a LAMP set-up here

If they're only google and bing then yeah probably not worth bothering with.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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