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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> GamerBlock

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Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 05:42
Oh.. Well.. I guess that's the end of this thread, then..

Reddit Thread

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Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 07:07
Gone over to LootCrate.
They have a Gamer block of their own, so signed up to that. I imagine it'll be a lot of "AAA" titles that I won't bloody well recognise, but.. wtf..

I've also stupidly decided to sign up to a couple of their apparel blocks, too.
Time for some socks and undies!!!

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Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 09:18

TBF with low grade tat like that box, it's probably a good thing. It's always a shame to know that people lost their jobs though.

Good luck with the other blocks
Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 09:30
My last block from them will be the incoming Doctor Who block.. .. Or, at the very least, they took the money for it, so it'd better pissing well turn up!!!

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Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 09:32
I dodged the bullet - I very nearly subscribed to the Horror Block...

As for your Doctor Who block - it's currently missing somewhere in time and space
Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 09:42
I just can't believe they vanished like that..
Honestly, you'd think having "The Official Doctor Who Subscription Box" would be enough, but...
Nope.. 1.5 boxes and it's dead!!

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Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 10:06

View on YouTube
Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 16:14
That video is fantastic
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 05:05
Doctor Who Block - June/July 2017

The TARDIS stops here.
No more NerdBlock = No more Who Block
This is the last thing that NerdBlock have taken payment for, from my bank account, so this is pretty much the end of the road for this thread.

Let's see what "twice the price of a standard GamerBlock" gets me, for the final time.

> Reveal 🔎

Overall Thoughts

So that's that, then.
Couple of nice pieces in there, and almost worth recommending signing up, except for two slight issues.
1. It's still twice the price of a standard Nard/Gamer/Etc Block, and I still honestly don't think it's worth twice the price.
2. It's gone. The company went bust, and that's your lot.

So, um..

It been fun, NerdBlock!
Thanks for all the random tat

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Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 08:12
Yeah. The Dr. Men book seems interesting, but... yeah.

Have you decided to go for (an)other block(s), or are you just going to call it a day?
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 08:16
Yep, we did the the other day! I'm switching over to LootCrate, but it'll probably be a couple of months before the first of those arrive. :/

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Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 08:44
Cool. We can look forward to more great tat coming soonish.
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 08:57
There's always more Tat!
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:03
I wish Ashens was more regular with his tat unboxing. Strange, but I really enjoy seeing them.
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:21
You'd better not be suggesting I switch to Video mode!! *shudder*

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Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:32
No, I'd never do that because I'd never do that!

It's just that he covers other boxes too, including the retro toy tat and snackfoods of the world - all interesting stuffage.
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:36
Indeed. Variety costs a bloody fortune, though

Remember when he did the "Irish Snacks" box, the other week? Gunnarolla and his Mum recently did the same box!

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Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:40
I was not aware of Gunnarolla. I know other YouTubers do other boxes too - I mentoned the HorrorBox before - I uses to watch HorrorWhore and others do their unboxing of similar boxes.

But Ashens! He's the best and he does several at the same time (sometimes).

And yeah, the cost will never be justified for all those boxes! (Or even one sometimes!).
Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 09:50
Gunnarolla's not really a box-opener type of YouTuber. He started as a musician, but a couple of years ago, realised more people would just watch his bland vlogs, and that "all the work" of doing music videos was somewhat wasted..

He's been in a kind of weird void of "Trying lots of things" over the past year or so.

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Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 11:45

That was unexpected..!

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Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 13:42
So, do you know if you're missing any box(es) Jay? Because they turn up at different times/dates each month I imagine it's difficult to keep up with.

I've become a big fan of JaWarlock's unboxing. The guy is so expressive and manic. Definitely ADHD, but brilliant fun. He does ll the bix boxes, including foodstuffs. JaWarlock often states he doesn't know which onth's box he's unboxing, due to the strange delivery system they all seem to have.
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 13:51
I don't think they owe me anything. I was only on a Monthly subscription (eg, thankfully not paying for 12 months in advance!!) and I know for a fact that they only took for 2 of the WhoBlocks, and subsequently only delivered 2. I could probably piss about to check the Gamer blocks, too, but I'm fairly confident that will also be identically up to date, since they were taking the payment, and shipping both boxes at more or less the same time each month.

... But yeah, trying to decide what month's box I'm opening can be tricky sometimes!

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