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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Server Outage - Sept 2017

Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 04:18
508 - Resource Limit Reached? .. No idea. Waiting on feedback from ZEN Hosting.

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Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 04:18
ZEN's reply

Thank you for contacting Zen Support, We had noticed some issues on your server which had already been raised, it looks like your site is now back online, however we will continue to monitor your server, but the issue is still open on our side so we will continue to monitor the server.

From the wording, I don't think it's anything I did!! (I hope!)
Shared Hosting = less "power" to figure this sort of thing out, myself. That's kinda frustrating.

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Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 05:15
See for me, when I read stuff like that, I automatically see "god knows what happened there, fingers crossed eh"!

But that's the cynical twat in me!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 05:24
After all the work I've been putting into the sites, both this and AGameAWeek, it's alarming when I see things like this happen, mostly because I'm silently cursing myself and hoping it's not something that I've fucked up!!

Spent the past hour or so digging through all the logs I can gain access to, to see if I can spot anything alarming in there.

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Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 06:41
I cant think that socoder is resource greedy in and area. I don't think there are millions of visitors or mega downloads or stupid in optimised sure resource...

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 02:06
Took me a while to do it, but after all this gubbins yesterday, and looking at the raw stats, I decided it best to switch on the .htaccess based Spider rejection stuff.

...just like Rychan said I should, ages ago!!

The difference is..
> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 24 Sep 2017, 06:43
Bot removal seems to be going well.

Odd "dot" there, in the middle of the night, but my stats are suggesting that was Google doing a daily scan.

Of all the bots that have been quashed, one still remains as a huge number in my stats.
Semrush is (even when blocked by the htaccess file!) still grabbing mountains of links a day.
Yesterday's stats are suggesting it picked up 3,852 links, even after having been blocked.. Grrr.

An absolutely abhorrent little bot that doesn't appear to do anything useful whatsoever.

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Sun, 24 Sep 2017, 15:32
Yay! Glad my lil tip helped you out somehow
Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:08
Remember I work for Zen, if you need more info drop me a line, also that is some terrible English from someone! time to get the clue bat out!
Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:23
Ta. If anything "REALLY" bad happens, I might call on you, but the email-based support seems nice and fast, and so far nothing "too" serious has happened!

Luckily since everything's now my code (eg, no more WordPress) backing everything up is a cinch. No leftover oddities here there and everywhere, and missing website menus and other crap that comes from having to move a Wordpress blog. God damn, that was a nightmare!!

So, if it comes to the point where we need a dedicated server again, (which I don't honestly think we currently do!) it can very easily be transferred across.
All it golden!

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