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Tue, 05 Dec 2017, 14:25
I just got my joypad delivered. With your test only the round circle in the center does not register. I have a "Tracer Shogun Usb" The mapping seems not to make complete sense also. It is a playstation style joypad.

The sensitivity does work which I did not seem to see working on a online website joypad test. Glad to see this joypad has this feature.
Wed, 06 Dec 2017, 20:12

... Windows only, but finally doing something!!

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Thu, 07 Dec 2017, 04:22
Oh wow, winsock is still going!

Last itme I played with that it was 2005!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 07 Dec 2017, 05:28
Just attempted the Linux version, and after about an hour of converting many different commands to many different incredibly similar yet ever so slightly different commands (capitalisation is a bitch, here!) I finally got the Linux edition to return the Apache headers and web context.
Unfortunately it's all being output in a slightly different way, so the code I wrote to sift through the data isn't working anymore.
Going to have to add oodles more gubbins to keep it all operational.

.. But, it *kinda* works on Linux, and that's a good start!

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Thu, 07 Dec 2017, 05:34
Nice to know, wooo, net gaming
Thu, 07 Dec 2017, 05:46
Nah, just for the odd scoreboard!! Far too lazy to do proper net’y gaming!

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Thu, 07 Dec 2017, 11:51


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Fri, 08 Dec 2017, 13:40
Roadblocks all around me!!!

On the MacOS side, I'm having severe issues trying to get the bloomin' thing to compile via Terminal. I might give up trying to do it that way, and instead attempt to make an XCode Project to compile from.
Driving me bonkers, so it is!!

Meanwhile, the framework's button code looks like it needs a complete and total rewrite/rethink, as I need to now include redefinable keys/buttons for everything. I'm going to have to have a good think about how to do that sort of thing, whilst keeping it as simplistic as possible.

Been a long day full of stop/starts, really, and haven't actually got anywhere with anything!

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Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 05:39
Confounded Controller Configuration Craziness...

I'm at a crossroads.
If I integrate controller options into the "Framework", I need to also account for the possibility of controller config in the main Engine.. But then the Engine will be reliant on the Framework being there, and be overly complicated to try to work without it.
It's really hard trying to plan for this sort of thing, whilst trying to keep things as freeform as I possibly can.

I've spent most of the past 24 hours trying to decide on the best method for controllers, but I'm still not any closer to figuring it out.
Bah, humbug..

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Sat, 16 Dec 2017, 03:53

Currently midway through the "redefine keys" stuff, and although it's "nearly" working, it's not quite functioning properly for Joypad, in that hitting the "Primary" button insta-defines the key as that button.. need to add a delay or something..

But otherwise, all seems good to go.
I next need to figure out how I’m going to handle the analogue thumbsticks..

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Sat, 16 Dec 2017, 10:26

Much more functional, now, and also saves properly, too!
Still no thumbsticks, though.
Where the hell are they going to go!?!?

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Mon, 01 Jan 2018, 14:26

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Been a while since I've coded enough to make a video!
Got most of the menu system working neatly, today, including the pause menu, which was previously completely unusable!

The Options menu is also "nearly" done, but needs mouse-scrolling, too.
Otherwise, all is nice and menu'y!

Now, where do I display the highscores... Hmmm..

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Sun, 07 Jan 2018, 14:11
Been working on loads of little Framework stuff, the past few days, and am starting to cross off a lot of things from the Checklist.
But .. The checklist is still big!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 15:45

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(Probably best to ignore the HUGE number of compiler warnings on the left of XCode!!)

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Tue, 09 Jan 2018, 02:50

We have lift off!
Thu, 11 Jan 2018, 03:34
"Right," said Jay, "I need to get Android compiles working."
So Jay opened up VirtualBox, logged into his Ubuntu64 setup, ready to get Android compiles working. "Now, let's have a read online, and see what the general consensus is."

Jay spent the next 78 hours reading hundreds of websites. None of the websites agreed with each other, and every single one of them was full of conflicting information. Even at the most basic level, they all assumed you installed the SDK in slightly different ways. It was complete and utter chaos.

Jay held his head in his hands, and cried.

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Thu, 11 Jan 2018, 11:45
So this was something I did end of last year. If you have questions feel free to ask me.

Yes, Android development is a pain in the arse, google have changed everything (including native library/stl compatibility) between versions of the NDK and SDK.

I recommend going with the newest stuff (which will be the latest SDK) - and using Gradle for builds. This will do most of the work for you. It will also allow you to open the project in android studio and debug java + c++ code.

We use CMake for our C++ builds, which the Android SDK has support for (You can point your gradle file to a CMakeLists.txt file and it will do the rest) But there is also some non-cmake c++ support.
Thu, 11 Jan 2018, 16:04

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Fri, 12 Jan 2018, 13:39

Today's "big task".. Buffer stuff.
Introducing : Draw Tile to Buffer.

No recolouring, no scaling, no rotation, no alpha (other than 0 = don't draw), no flipped tiles..

But.. I can draw about 100 tiles to a buffer per frame, and then draw that single tilemap/buffer as if it's any other sort of image.
I reckon that's enough for now.

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Mon, 15 Jan 2018, 13:37

Instant improvements from the previous edition.

1. All the sprites are now 32x32, so everything *should* end up looking a little better... Although, as you can tell, little to no polish has yet been added.
2. The background, although not yet done, will be drawable on a single tilemap sheet, so that should run a little smoother.

.. And that's it, because there's no game coded or level generator or anything else. That's pretty much everything, right there!!

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Mon, 15 Jan 2018, 16:47
Yayy more flapadiddle!
Fri, 19 Jan 2018, 13:16

I *think* that should work...!
Scrambling the test text of
I need to double check 1,2,3.. ! that this is outputting the same text!*!* that the ORIGNnaalilnanianal ver5!i()n is also Outbutputputting.!!-=-=[l;.,Quaaa!

Both appear to be outputting the same string.
I will, of course, need to double/triple check all of that, but it seems mostly workable...

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Sun, 21 Jan 2018, 07:58

Scoreboard update.
I can now functionally send the scoreboard data to the scoreboard .php and receive the scoreboard listings back again. The old scoreboard script is still working nicely at it's end, so it was a case of figuring out a way to grab the data at the game's end.

All is now golden!!

Next I need to add some kind of Name Entry thing, and then get the framework to automatically send and receive the scores as necessary.

Been a long hard slog to get this all working, and the server-switch midway caused a bunch of errors that I had to code around. Mostly that this server's Apache sends a slightly different output format than the previous one!!
Bah, humbug!!!

I've now made things a little more foolproof, so hopefully it should work without me needing to fixup all my games, every time I change servers!

... Or at least, I hope so, anyway..

In the end, I tweaked the server's script ever so slightly to place a marker at the start and end of the data. It only happens for games > 549, so old Monkey-based games won't be hit by the tweaks.
Otherwise, everything's exactly how it used to be on the php side, and everything should (!) be happy together.

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Tue, 23 Jan 2018, 15:24

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Tue, 23 Jan 2018, 16:33
It's looking good!
Sat, 27 Jan 2018, 03:30

Done a lot of Framework tweaks, this week, so figured I'd better log into my VirtualBox edition of Ubuntu to check everything still runs OK when copied over to there.
.. Except.. Um..
Something not quite right, there!
I've left it doing updates in the hope that that solves the odd corruption.

> Reveal 🔎

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