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Sat, 27 Jan 2018, 05:28

Mac seems to be getting closer.
I'm still having a really odd thing happen, where the game runs file if executed from XCode, but if I try to run the .exe on its own, it appears to lose access to all the files in the data folder.
That's a bit weird...
Must be a "rights" issue or something.
Not sure..

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Sun, 28 Jan 2018, 12:32
Sunk WAY too much time into the folder stuff, this weekend, but it's finally paid off.
Now when I compile on the Mac, it becomes one of those "Everything under a single icon" App doohickeys.
It's "almost" perfect, but I now need to look in to how I'm supposed to save highscores and things.
I've noticed a Read-Only flag in the App Bundle description, so I'm guessing it's something in there
Will have to have a good read up on that, tomorrow.

I also need to look into how icons are done. Shouldn't be too hard, I imagine, but god only knows how many sizes of icons Apple will want from me!!

But, now, finally, I can run build.bat on the PC, hit "M" for Mac, and have it generate a fully ready "AGAWGame" folder and .xcodeproj file.
Then it's a simple case of dragging that over to the Mac, opening the xcodeproj file, and hitting Build.

The result is a single "AGAWGame" Mac app.

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Sun, 28 Jan 2018, 14:12
Excellent stuffage
Fri, 02 Feb 2018, 05:52

I've now got my icon generator to create a Windows.ico file! Wowie!
It contains a whole bunch of different sized icons, too.


I then tried to create a Icon_Mac.iconset, and although Finder is displaying it as such (Hit Space in finder to see that the folder's an IconSet) , and I can copy that over to the XCode project... It isn't actually adding it to the bundle, during compiling.
Will have to faff about with that, later, once I'm in front of the Mac. It's slow and awkward trying to do fiddly things like that, using only Remote Desktop!!

Next up, trying to figure out how to do icons in Linux. I expect this will be the one that causes me to go completely insane.

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Sat, 03 Feb 2018, 07:01

Generic Eggs!
Grab the eggs to double, triple or .. um.. fiveybobs.. the points you earn.
Got the pickup and bonus mechanics working, but haven't yet added nice smooth "follow" mechanic for the eggs, so you can tell how many you've currently got.
Once I've added flame-bars and other dangers into the mix, the eggs will be smashable by those, so bonuses will be based on how well you protect yourself and your little eggs.

... So, yeah, gotta do that, now!

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Sat, 03 Feb 2018, 09:25
For Linux icons you may just be able to get away with a dot desktop file

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 03 Feb 2018, 10:07
Yeah, I'm learning.. bit by bit!!

I’ve also been told that 64bit exes are the way to go in Linux, that the tests don’t run in Alpine, and that there’s no audio in some other distribs...
Bloody Linux, ffs!!!!

In the meantime...

View on YouTube

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Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 09:53

My Windows window has getted a Icon!!!

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Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 15:22
Just released the first proper test edition of Flappadiddle Doo.
It's available from here if you'd like to give it a go, on either Windows, MacOS or Linux.

I think I need a sleep, after all that.
Been a busy busy day!

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Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 16:13
\o/ Will do!
Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 16:23
Works fine over here on Win 7

I see the htibox detection has been improved somewhat also which is cool, nice intro stage too!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 18:32
I'm not getting any audio on that one Jay.
Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 18:35
It's kind of weird, first I had sound on my PC and now I'm not getting any since running the game. Gonna try re-starting the PC and retry.
Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 20:41
Had a quick go of Fladppadiddle Doo (great name) (FlappadiddleDoo_Test_One_Blog_20180204) running on my work's PC.

Whilst loading, the animation was juddery. The sound and music played okay. The controls were a spongey and didnt respond that quickly, sometimes it felt like the game wasnt running at full FPS...
Sun, 04 Feb 2018, 22:28
Works here. No problems.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 00:10
Works lovely here...

I even chucked the Linux version through a Debian 9 VM... Smooth as silk!

Top job that mind!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 00:28
Plays fine on my home PC... really like it Jay!
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 02:12
Works wonderfully in my windows 8 laptop. Will try it in Ubuntu 64 bit later in the day. Controls are the way I feel they were.
One little glitch that I found is that I started the game in windowed mode and then while flying I pressed f11 to go full screen then in full screen I found the bird stuck beneath the starting point.

Meanwhile something was odd with my internet connection yesterday. Whole day I couldn't access socoder or agaw site. I was able to access twitter, youtube and other sites though.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 02:16
Works great on my Win10 lappy.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 03:34
False alarm Jay, it was my end at fault. Restated the PC and all is good.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 03:36
Slight freeze on the logo when it first launches, but all works fine otherwise.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 06:11
Thanks to all for testing.

Rychan I see the hitbox detection has been improved somewhat also which is cool

A little more forgiving, this time. The original game was a little "too" mean when it came to bird vs flame hits!

Rychan nice intro stage too!

I might add a few little platforms on that screen.
It's purpose is so you can flap around and get used to the physics a little, on the off chance that (for some reason) the physics might change slightly.

steve_ancell I'm not getting any audio on that one Jay.
first I had sound on my PC and now I'm not getting any since running the game.
False alarm Jay, it was my end at fault. Restated the PC and all is good.

Fuck, panic!!!
OK, I'll assume all is golden until someone else brings it up, then I'll start to freak out about a potential issue!

therevillsgames Had a quick go of Flappadiddle Doo (great name)

Yeah, the game had to "sound" like a sequel, without specifically being a sequel, as it would be appearing on systems that the previous edition hadn't. (eg, the Mac and Linux versions)
I'm quite happy with the name

steve_ancell Slight freeze on the logo when it first launches

therevillsgames Whilst loading, the animation was juddery.

Yeah, not a whole lot I can do, there, other than daring to bother to code a proper Threaded version of the loader, and when I last looked into threading, it was a bloomin' horrorshow, with every system needing its own version.
Lazy Jay took control, so stuttering it is!!

therevillsgames The controls were a spongey and didnt respond that quickly, sometimes it felt like the game wasnt running at full FPS...

... WAS the game running at full FPS?! F1 (or at the bottom of the options screen) to find out!
Also, let me know if it works better windowed or fullscreen (F11)

therevillsgames Plays fine on my home PC... really like it Jay!

Would love to hear more about the slower system, though. I've tried to add nice "delta" timing to the game, but if it doesn't feel right, that's gotta be fixed!

Pakz Works here. No problems.

Dabz Works lovely here...
I even chucked the Linux version through a Debian 9 VM... Smooth as silk!

rockford Works great on my Win10 lappy.


rskgames One little glitch that I found is that I started the game in windowed mode and then while flying I pressed f11 to go full screen then in full screen I found the bird stuck beneath the starting point.

Yeah, I've noticed that happen a couple of times, myself. I've not yet added any "Bump me up if I'm inside a floor" code, which is really bloomin' easy to add, but I kinda rushed yesterday's release.
Also, if you resize the window during gameplay, you'll notice the Bonus Eggs/Trail don't quite reallign properly, which could potentially cause issues if you're mid-game when doing that.

..I wasn't supposed to be releasing it until later tonight, but I was having so much fun with the game that I was doing that "Tweak the code for 10 second, playtest for half an hour" thing!! Figured I'd better quit playing and compile the bloomin' thing!

Gameplay issues aren't really what I'm worried about with Test#1.
Test#1 is just about whether it actually runs on all the targets, and I'm fairly happy that most people have been able to run it smoothly.
All in all, I'd say this is a good test!

Now, iOS and Android..

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Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 18:36
Works well in Ubuntu 64 bit laptop as well.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 18:59

Now to get Android and iOS working.
.... eek!

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Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 19:10
On my work PC again, first level runs around 12-15FPS for both update and render in Windows mode... full screen runs at 15-16FPS.
Mon, 05 Feb 2018, 19:28
Your work pc sucks!!!

Does it still feel wrong?
I probably shouldn’t worry about targeting 12fps, but if I’m going to do this, I might as well go crazy!!

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