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Tue, 06 Feb 2018, 15:46
Your work pc sucks!!!

Yes... yes... it does It's a great piece of shit which is great for testing games! FYI BlitzMax and Monkey1/2 games run fine on it...

Does it still feel wrong?

Yeah the controls are spongey...
Tue, 06 Feb 2018, 16:29
I imagine if I bothered to code Threading into the Framework, it’d appear much smoother.
Hmm.. might look into that, tomorrow.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 07 Feb 2018, 18:49
One feature I would like is a shortcut key for quick restart of the game. Currently if I want to restart a game, I need to pause, quit game and start the game again. Another feature that would be good is to hide the mouse cursor in the game. I miss these 2 features more when I play Flappadiddle.
Sun, 11 Feb 2018, 11:53

Beta 2

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  • Not everything has been fixed, yet, but an awful lot of background stuff's been tweaked since last week's release, so you should find it's a little smoother than it was.

    There's now 3 graphical "worlds" to play in, and the game's getting ready for me to add more and more.
    I'd've added more, but with all the background stuff I had to do, I didn't really get the time.
    Hopefully I can spend a bit more time working on the actual game, this week, instead of having to fix up bits of the framework.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 11 Feb 2018, 18:50
    In all 3 worlds the music starts and within 2 seconds stops. Other sounds are heard throughout the game but not the music. I don't see any error messages in the game console window as well.
    The 2 new worlds looks great.
    Sun, 11 Feb 2018, 19:39
    As the levels go higher in the game I encounter very difficult placements of the platforms. For example in the below screenshot a single tile is not enough to access the platform and come out without losing any lives.
    Sun, 11 Feb 2018, 22:09
    Evil Roy Ferguso
    Mac version initially didn't run here -- libglfw.3.dylib was missing. `brew install glfw3` fixed that issue, but the game hung shortly thereafter and I had to force close it. I'm running High Sierra on one of those newfangled touchbar Macs.

    I tried the Windows version in wine and it ran just fine. Locked at 60FPS, no obvious problems.
    Sun, 11 Feb 2018, 23:55
    Windows version seems to run OK here. Still that freeze up on launch, but I think that might be due to that black window that pops up next to the main one.
    Mon, 12 Feb 2018, 01:02
    Alrighty! Bugs to fix!!!

    Music Stop. This might be due to the rewrite I did to ensure the music does stop when I ask it to, not once the buffer's run dry. I’ll look into it. Should be easy enough to fix, I hope!

    The spike placements have been rejigged a lot, this week, in the hopes that the different worlds have a slightly different feel. But I’ve noticed a few odd paths myself. I expect the "digger" isn’t quite digging a big enough hole. This should be easy enough to fix, but trying to do it without making the game "too" easy, is the tricky part!

    Evil Roy / Mac
    I really need to add a readme for the extra install requirements!
    I wonder if I can include glfw with the app? That seems like it might be doable...? Hmm.. I’ll look into that.
    Meanwhile, I’ve noticed it locks up if I switch windows and back. I really need to look into what's causing that. It might be that MacOS is requesting some sort of "resume" function, and I’m not handling it.. hmm..

    And Steve.. your issue is one of two problems.
    I might make a little test app specially for you to try out!!

    Maybe later.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 13 Feb 2018, 13:44
    Time's not on my side, this week.

    Anyhoo, Steve, if you'd like to run this..

    Steve's Benchmark

    Start a "game", and it'll do a little benchmark.
    Once it's over, it'll quit back to the menu, you can close the game and copy+paste the freshly made debuglog.txt here.

    I'm *pretty* sure that the only peak will be "Test 8", but it'll be interesting to see what shows up.

    Thanks for testing!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 14 Feb 2018, 11:33

    Birdy Selection Screen!!!
    That first empty screen suddenly has a purpose, to get a feel for your selected bird.

    .. Almost like I planned to do that!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 16 Feb 2018, 07:05

    Fileseeking (fseek in a binary file) doesn’t seem to be seeking to the right spot.
    Been trying to fix my save files, all blinkin' day!!

    ... might give up and buy a 3D Printer!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 20 Feb 2018, 08:41

    Menu system!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 25 Feb 2018, 06:15
    Nearly ready to release the "Finished unless broke" edition of Flappadiddle.
    Switched on the online scores, yesterday, only to realise I hadn't finished coding the bloody things, so ended up spending about 4 hours doing that. .. That wasn't as easy a task as I was hoping for!

    Today I've finished off the level generator, added the last few danger elements, plonked in a different ALChoon for each of the 6 worlds, ensured the unlocking works properly, and am now about to run through the entire game to be certain it's beatable.

    Lastly, I need to figure out the MacOS save issue. Mac's Sandbox is locking me out, so I need to figure out exactly where it wants me to save, and exactly how I'm supposed to do that. Bloody MacOS!!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 25 Feb 2018, 11:46
    Woo, worlds, yay!
    Sun, 25 Feb 2018, 12:04
    Awesome work Jay
    Sun, 25 Feb 2018, 12:44
    Until I can figure out how to do MacOS savefiles with the Sandbox mode enabled, I’ve opted to turn it off!
    Seems to be happy with that, but will require stress testing.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 03 Apr 2018, 03:03

    Gordon Bennett!!
    I knew, going in, that this wasn't going to be easy, but..

    It's taken about a day and half to get it to the point where it'll compile without "too" much whinging.
    Of course, the thing won't actually run in the emulator, and cries blue murder about memory issues. I imagine all my crazy oversized arrays might be something to do with that.
    But it's a first step on a long road to possibly maybe getting things running.

    .. Perhaps..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 03 Apr 2018, 08:38
    3DS Spike Dislike?
    Tue, 03 Apr 2018, 08:55
    If successful, 3DS any fucking game in my new Framework!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 04 Apr 2018, 04:48

    View on YouTube

    Progress has been made!!
    This is the framework running on the 3DS emulator.
    Of course, no file access or sound or graphics or buttons or anything are actually functioning, yet, but this is a good start.

    .. I hope!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 04 Apr 2018, 13:31
    I’m now about 75% confident that the engine is loading .png image data into the mid-buffer, from the RomFS. Quick debugging of numbers seems to be showing the right kinds of values, and then my Framework is chopping the images up, adding transparency where there's magenta, and so on.
    Next I need to load that information into the video ram, and that will be tomorrow's big task.

    Today's been some of the toughest coding I’ve done since starting the Framework, but I’m finally up to the point where I can open a project's build.bat file, hit 3 for 3DS, and have it compile that particular game for 3DS without too much additional tweaking. (Namely the icon, game title, etc)

    ...or at least, it'll manage to compile and run without crashing.. none of the images display, audio doesn’t work at all, and I’ve not coded the input. So it's not very "working", but it is at least a huge improvement on yesterday.

    But, yeah, I’ve made a lot of progress, today, and I’m quite happy with how it's gone.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 06 Apr 2018, 13:44

    Totally crashes!!!

    .. But then it crashes in the Emulator, too, so I'm not too worried about that, yet.

    I have to say, setting up 3DS Homebrew was a RIGHT fucking pain in the arse. Considering I bought a flashcart specifically for that purpose, I was expecting it to be "put rom on cart, pop into 3DS, run!"
    Was it fuck..
    I've just spent the best part of 3 hours going through step after step after step to get that working.
    And that's just for the homebrew!
    I've now got the homebrew launcher running on the device, so have put away the R4 card for future fuckups. For now I'm happy that the system will launch my .3dsx files, assuming I get them to actually work properly.
    Or at least, I think it will.

    Another step on the road to madness!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 06 Apr 2018, 17:20
    Well, it's at least a start.
    Fri, 06 Apr 2018, 17:38
    Mon, 09 Apr 2018, 19:42

    Another step to a working 3DS game!!
    This is the first time I’ve had ClearColor working on the bloody thing.
    Spent about two sodding days trying to figure out why the blue screen would appear on the emu, but not the 3DS itself.
    Apparently if you don’t actually draw anything, at all, the whole damn thing crashes and you need to reboot the 3DS.

    The fix? Draw a "nothing", and it baffles it enough to work!

    Tomorrow, trying to actually draw something!!

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