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Socoder -> Off Topic -> AGAWFrame

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Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 07:54

The triangle is critically triangular!

So I’d geometric shapes are novelty working, but still broken.
Had to put the lappy on charge, so will be continuing it later.
Next step : Getting the (hopefully) loaded textures to be added to the polygons!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 12 Apr 2018, 13:23


(Note : Also works on the hardware!)

Sprites Ahoy!
But, that's only currently one single spritesheet.
Next I need to figure out how to load and switch between multiple spritesheets, and then .. with any luck.. the main menu of my framework won't look like this anymore!!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 13 Apr 2018, 00:56

Fri, 13 Apr 2018, 03:07
Struggling, this morning.

I've now got multiple textures loading into memory (for test purposes, a font and a bloke!) but no matter how hard I try, I can't quite figure out how to flip between the two, mid-frame.
I can draw a frame full of text, or a frame full of sprites, but if I try to change mid-frame, I end up with a garbled mess, whereby both sprites are drawn atop each other.

Really struggling to figure this one out!
Made a post about it, over at GBATemp, but .. Hmm.. :\

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 13 Apr 2018, 12:34

OK, ignoring the "switch texture" issue, I'm continuing to use "Immediate" draw calls, instead. Works alright for the meantime, I think.. Maybe..!

I've no idea what's up with the font, by the way. Works fine on the template test, but in the actual framework it's all smushed up. Might need to look into how I'm drawing the font, again.

Tweaks that were required for the above.
1. Copy the few "#ifdef ThreeDS" references over to main.cpp so that it could load the correct .h's and deal with OS specific quitting and things.
2. Had to tweak the scaling, slightly, as it was hardcoded to assume 32x32 sprites, when the DS ones are scaled down to 8x8.
3. Copy the newest version of Build.bat across.
4. Run the Build.bat, hit 3.

Running!!! ... In the emulator. Not on the hardware, though, but that's hopefully just down to an easily fixable bit of badly managed memory.

Fixes to come.
1. Buffer images aren't working.
2. Sprite rotation isn't working.
3. Primitive Drawing isn't working.
4. Sound isn't working.

But.. Yowie! Lots IS working, and that's awesome!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 14 Apr 2018, 05:49

View on YouTube

Please ignore the sound of mum hammering together a set of shelves.
... also, please ignore the sound of the washing machine kicking off it's full spin!!

...... also, please ignore the fact that the game's really hard to play one handed, like that!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 14 Apr 2018, 06:07

Please ignore the sound of mum hammering together a set of shelves.

Mum is AWESOME!!! \o/

also, please ignore the sound of the washing machine kicking off it's full spin!!

Soon as you pressed record, you tee'd it up... Thats how it works!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 06:46

Damndest thing..

Even though my maths code is exactly the same, any rotated sprites on the 3DS are coming out -90 degrees off!!
How bizarre..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 13:40

View on YouTube

Mmmm, shooty shooty bang bang!

... Except without any audio. I need to start looking into that, I reckon.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 13:46
Soup herb
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 14:21
I want that game!
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 14:33
It's already available for Win/Mac/Linux!

That, Flappadiddle Doo, Roland Eats a Biscuit and Slithering Waters are also now currently playable in a basic form on the 3DS! \o/yeay\o/

Sound is the next thing to add, but first I really need to get working on the next game, because it's been WEEKS since I did.

Tonight, I've started Micro Clampett!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 15:53
Cheers Jay. I'm liking what I see so far, although I do need some serious practice.
Tue, 17 Apr 2018, 16:50
Be sure to head into options and Enter Your Name!
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 03:47
Your Framework is, quite simply, amazing!
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 04:20
Indeed. When can we get our hands on it?
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 04:28
I’m in two minds whether to or not. It's become incredibly JayCode!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 04:36
TBF though, we'd only need the functions, which wouldn't need to be looked at 99.9% of the time. Please don't make me use SDL!!!
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 05:03
I've still got to work out ALL the audio on the 3DS side of things, first.
Going to be a bastard to do that, as .. for whatever reason.. the emulator's refusing to play any audio, so it's going to be a case of coding blind (*deaf!), then copying it over to the hardware, crossing my fingers, and seeing if it's worked!!

.. Yeah, not fun.. :\

That's nice, though!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 05:09
Have you tried a different EMU?

TBH Sound is a bastard on all formats though - wrong format and/or frequency or size and the sound/music either plays - correctly or not, or doesn't play at all for no obvious reason.
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 05:13
I don't think there IS a different 3DS Emu!! Or at least, I can't find one, anyway.
It's Citra or nothing..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 08:41
Update on audio.

I've successfully managed to load the .wav data into memory.
Or at least, I've managed to load a couple of the .wavs, the two menu blips.
As soon as it then tries to load the jingle, it goes "OH FUCK!! THIS IS HUGE!!!" and dies on its arse due to memory issues.


This might be a fairly significant stumbling block..

More thinking is required, methinks..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 13:26
.. Really struggling with the audio.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 14:32
Put it down and have a play on something. Come bak to it fresh. If all else fails, ask on 3DS dev forums.
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 15:16
Shutdown mode activated!
Currently watching a bunch of Defunctland videos...

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Apr 2018, 04:40
OK, let's see if we can figure out why "Logo.png" isn't working on the 3DS.

Let's try outputting the error code.
OK, now let's open the lodepng.cpp file, and see if we can find what's generating error 83!



There are 81 instances of the number 83 in the script.
Every single fucking error code that I can find in the entire fucking script is the same god damned "83"... That doesn't help me AT ALL!!!!

God damnit!!!

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