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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Broken Eyes!

Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 01:26
£130 glasses. If they get much worse, I have to order special lenses, which they worked out at over £300... fuckitynubbins!!!

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Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 01:26
You know, if you have a standard prescription, On my shops last day we were selling 10 pairs for 50p. You could have sat on and left as many on the bus as you liked

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 05:14
Nah, I’ve had terrible short sightedness since I was a kid. Too much staring at a monitor. I'm not complaining, but fuck!!!

The general "on the rack" cheapo glasses are for close reading, not for distance.
Not sure why!!

Post-op, my eyes have also started to drift slightly, which the optician assumes is to do with the added blind spot in my right eye. To give you an idea of how bad the blind spot is, if i close my left eye, and look at the center of the screen, my right eye can't visualise the Start button on Windows. It just can't "see" it, and it‘s all a big blurry smush.
The two eyes are trying to rebalance things, but it's causing a cross-eye effect, instead.

As a result, not only do the lenses need to be chunky to begin with, but there’s also the added extra chunkiness to tilt the lenses, to reduce the cross eye..
I’m not quite at “coke bottle” thickness, but I’m definitely starting to get close to that, and that’s when the price ramps up..

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Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 05:59
Yet another post where I want to reply somehow but don't know what to say. I know you're not looking for sympathy, but it makes my "my toe doesn't bend as good as it used to because I was stupid enough run over my foot it a pedestrian stacker (type of fork lift) a decade ago" sound like a whiny child.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 06:54
Feel free to post about that. We're still getting oodles of visitors for your foot-blob!!

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Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 07:27
I just got some new glasses too, Im long sighted +4.5 Left and +4.75 Right, previous glasses where the most expensive I've ever had at £180 but the worst pieces of junk too. Boots never adjusted them right and I ended up looking through the top of the lens no tht ecentre, I only noticed a month ago even though I got them in 2016!

I can see a lot better now! and I went to specsavers, got thinned out anti reflective coating on my normal glasses and a free pair of thick as a milk bottle sunglasses!

the whole thing is a nightmare
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 07:34
Have you ever considered conact lenses Jay?

I have really poor eyesight and contacts work brilliantly for about 14 hours (then my eyes get really sore and tired). They are a kerfuffle to get in and take out, but it only takes a 10-5 secondss once you're used to them.

Having said that, once I ran out of contacts I stopped using them. Much easier just to grab a pair of glasses.

Go to ASDA or Tesco - you pay one price for glasses, no matter what the prescription and often get a second pair for free or 2 for less than £150.
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 07:54
I'm not sure I could do contacts. .. The whole "contact" part.. eeeuuww!!! No thanks!

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Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 07:59
It's really not that "eeeuuww!"

Admittedly it is very fiddly at first, but it's pretty easy after a while and you really do forget you're wearing them very quickly.
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 08:23
My eye sight is not perfect but I do not need glasses. I do have a little bit of problems with reading text on long distances.

I have seen 2 meteors fall down this month. They seemed pretty close above my city. They fell at precisely the same spot but falling from different angles at different dates at almost the same time. So I think I am good!
Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 08:48
Not saying it's aliens, but... Aliens. Gotta be.
Wed, 01 Aug 2018, 05:12
New glasses have arrived.
Will now have to spend the next week and a half learning how to walk, again!

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Wed, 01 Aug 2018, 08:17
LOL. Yeah, know that feeling! Been there. Done that. Got the bruises to prove it