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Socoder -> Film + TV -> ST Picard

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Thu, 16 May 2019, 12:00
The new Star Trek: Picard series has now got an offiical title: Star Trek: Picard - Wow - didn;t see that one coming! - Linkage

Thu, 16 May 2019, 12:00
No complaints so far.. don't fuck it up!!!
Thu, 16 May 2019, 12:03
Oh god, it's going on Amazon??!
fucks sake, now we're splitting up the Star Trek family over different streaming networks?
The fuck!!

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Thu, 16 May 2019, 12:27

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Thu, 23 May 2019, 11:37

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Thu, 23 May 2019, 12:58
Wow, that was so full of nothing at all!
Thu, 23 May 2019, 14:10
It was full of Picard's vineyard from All Good Things!

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Thu, 23 May 2019, 15:00
Yeah, I remember that episode. It was crap.
Thu, 23 May 2019, 15:03
Fri, 24 May 2019, 00:33
Fri, 24 May 2019, 04:30
IMHO All Good Things was a great double ep and a great finale to the series.
Fri, 24 May 2019, 16:09
Each to their own. I didn't like the constant jumping between times. Even though Q was in it (I really enjoy Q, generally).

My fave episode was "Darmok" BTW.
Sat, 20 Jul 2019, 18:06

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Warning Spoilers within!!

Sweet Lord!!!

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Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 00:58
I started watching Discovery yesterday. Kind of not that hyped two eps in. The template series style writing of hollywood writers kind of gotten boring to me. Hoping to get hooked on something in it though.
Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 12:04
Extra spoilery stuff..

> Reveal 🔎

Also, maybe moreso spoilery

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 01:28
Sat, 05 Oct 2019, 17:38

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New trailer, spoilers aplenty..

24th of January!!!

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Thu, 10 Oct 2019, 04:33
Am I not following the trek timeline properly, but wouldn't characters from different shows be completely different ages and therefore be too old/young/not born/dead to be in this?

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Thu, 10 Oct 2019, 04:51
Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager existed in the same timeline, AT the same time.
Crossovers occurred, with Next Gen and DS9 doing oodles of back and forth, and Voyager was docked at DS9 in episode one, and occasionally featured Barkley from NG as a recurring character.

Basically, assume that when TNG started, everything from there until the end of Voyager was .. more or less... in real-time.
Enterprise is obviously not part of the same "timescape", since that's a prequel.

Everyone in the new show should be more or less as much older as Picard is.

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 10 Oct 2019, 05:01
Data shouldn't have aged, but has, but what can you do

CGI? Crash Diet? Max Headroom style mask?

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Thu, 10 Oct 2019, 05:36
Deanna Troi also appeared in Voyager (often with Barkley). There were a couple of Ferengi that appeared in ST:NG and Voyager too, as did Q.

IIRC Geordi and Riker did too, although that might be my brain playing up.
Thu, 10 Oct 2019, 05:53
Rider was in the last Enterprise.
The public consensus is that that episode was utter shit because it destroyed what Enterprise was, making it all into "just another holodeck program"
.. but it wasn't, you thick bunch of idiots.
It was just THAT episode. Just that one.

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Wed, 22 Jan 2020, 13:55
A couple of days to go. Wooohoooooooo!!!

Thursday, CBS, US
Friday, Amazon Prime, UK.
Not sure, elsewhere.

A group of YouTuber's have posted videos about their favourite TNG Picard episodes, calling it Picard Day.
Here's as good a place as any to start.

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Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 02:47
Looking forward to this too, also, remember me?
Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 03:30
Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 17:06
Picard is LAUNCH!!!

Now, unexpectedly at midnight, available to watch on Amazon Prime.

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