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Socoder -> Sony Gaming -> PlayStation VR

Thu, 13 Oct 2016, 11:03
Sony VR's out, today. Enjoy, anyone who dares! I won't be attempting it. £800 to be sick doesn't seem like a good deal!!

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Thu, 13 Oct 2016, 11:03
Probably not sensible - especially when you can be sick for free by walking to the shop, huh?
Thu, 13 Oct 2016, 11:15
Yeah, Actual Reality is bad enough!

Kinda pisses me off. I would SO love to be part of this VR Rebirth.

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Thu, 13 Oct 2016, 11:30
I remember, when I had just started high school, I was taken to the school bogs by a bunch of 5th years and given a swirly... Yes, they flushed my head down the shitter. I wonder how long it takes for someone to do a simulated swirly on Sony VR!
Thu, 13 Oct 2016, 22:58
Buying a PS4 with immersive VR for just over 700 quid, I'm a frayed knot! I'd rather go for a walk in Reality, now that my wobbly knee ain't so wobbly anymore.

Once a Sony VR system is available for £250 ish second hand, I might entertain the idea then. Until then, I'll settle for my old X360.

Happy coding!
Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 11:45
I'm sticking with my kindle!

Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 12:10
Helen want's one, seems a bit expensive to me, but then, when you've seen the oculus go from a $100 hobby diy odity to an $800 commercial product... (poundsign)300 really isn't /that/ bad.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 13:37
"That'll be £350 for the PSVR please Meester, but I'm afraid the camera is extra. So are the Move controllers. And the games. Yes, I know it's more than twice the price of a PS4 (with all the gubbins). But it's twice as good! Look, it's got two lens thingies and it keeps your head warm and it makes you look like a twat..."
Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 13:59
Yeah, if I were to get one, it's £250 for a low-end PS4, £350 for the VR, £50'ish for the camera, 2 Move controllers for £60 and that's before the games.

That's INSANE!!!!

In all honesty. I probably would've if not for my motion sickness.
This is the VR dream we've all had for decades, and even if it does cost a fucking fortune, I would absolutely love to be onboard.

But, no.
I can't.

God damnit..

To all those who do, though, enjoy it for me!!

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Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 14:02
Well, that probably wont happen then.
Fri, 14 Oct 2016, 14:05
I was contemplating this a few weeks ago, whilst making my PS4 vs XBone decision.
I could feel myself thinking "Hmmm.. If I bought the PS4 now, then by Xmas..."

One of the reasons I eventually opted for XBone.

Less risk of insane overspending!!

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Tue, 26 Oct 2021, 17:35
Looking at this thread, I'm glad I jumped onto the VR party later in the cycle. I'm delighted with my set-up for VR now, spent an hour virtually racing around Interlagos tonight in an Aston Martin Vantage, sat in my lil rig, with force feeback wheel and pedals all working nicely. Sure, the resolution on the PS VR (v2) is a bit low at times but, if I pretend it's like when I have my glasses off, it's completely fine

The force feedback is done really niecly, sure it's nothing like it would be in a real race but it's the best simulation I've ever experienced

Really hoping there'll be more VR integration in Gran Tursimo 7 when that comes out, thankfully for both PS4 and PS5 come March 22nd.

I think my total spend for the set-up, PS4 pro included, came to around £750

PS4 Pro : £280
PSVR v2 : £150
Logitech G29: £270
Racing seat: £40

and I guess GT Sport cost £11.99, close enough!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 27 Oct 2021, 03:23
I do wish the wheels would drop in price, I've tried VR racing and it's good, if using a virtual wheel (ie grabbing the wheel and turning it), I cant stand using a thumbstick for it though.
Wed, 27 Oct 2021, 17:25
Aye, the Logitech G29 is rather nice, probably on the cheaper end of the force feedback wheels I've seen recommended.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 28 Oct 2021, 00:51
Interested to know your thoughts on comfort regarding the v2, Ry. I had the v1 back in 2017 and the rubber bit on the nose wouldn't half irritate my face. I enjoyed my time with it but still thought it was a bit gimmicky and ended up selling it 6 months later. Only now am I taking VR seriously with the Quest 2.
Thu, 28 Oct 2021, 01:49
So far I've not had any irritation with the v2, have happily used it for hour long sessions without any issue. The rubber flappy bits are still there but it could just be my nose

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!