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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 4

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Wed, 15 Dec 2021, 16:51
Eeeuw, wire-binding. Reminds me of the Amstrad CPC manual that inevitably fell to pieces, and part of the curly wire spiked quite severely into my hand, one time.. BASTARD!!!

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Wed, 15 Dec 2021, 16:54

Day Smoex

Damp Hopping

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Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 10:59
I have not touched my laptop for a month or so. I really miss a keyboard for games. (Hinting at touch control pad on jse games )
Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 11:02
The onscreen controls are indeed extremely naff. I need to fix them, but really CBA right now!!
Maybe for New Year.
(The leftmost of the top-right icons.. the nondescript squiggly cross thing.)

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Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 14:52
Spent most of tonight trying to get the printer to Ruddy print.... Perhaps I should get a new A3 printer first perhaps...

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 16:52
I didn't draw a CoverArt, today.
I would've, but today's game was a remake of a SmileBASIC game I did a month or two ago, so I already had that CoverArt to use.

I did, however, do a ludicrous amount of work to the PixelPainter's GUI, but have inadvertently scaled it so badly that half the GUI now shows up underneath the mini-view, when using an iPad, or an iPhone in Landscape.

I'll have to add extra scaling maths stuffs to it, so it doesn't do that in future.

Honestly, it's been 99% GUI work, today.

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Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 17:01

Day Bderil

(Pingu enbiggin')

Oh, Flap..

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Fri, 17 Dec 2021, 15:00
Today's CoverArt

Did a lot more tweaking to the PixelPainter, today, but nothing really noticeable. Hate it when you have days like that.

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Fri, 17 Dec 2021, 17:02

Day Eligini

Gotta Get a Hat!

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Sat, 18 Dec 2021, 18:40
Massive enhancements to the PixelPainter, today, but .. again, in a vaguely unnoticeable way!
I haven't posted about it, because .. really you can't tell unless you know what to look for.
The results of this aren't as impressive as previous Advent tools (The knitter, the Testcard, etc)


Day Nanete

It's a Speedboat..

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Sat, 18 Dec 2021, 19:09
And a late (and incredibly lazy) entry into the CoverArt, for yesterday. I blame the fact that I had a 4 hour nap, tonight!!

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Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 13:47
Bonus CoverArt from today's SmileBASIC release, Run Kitty Run.

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Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 14:15
And then today's CoverArt for the Speedboat game.

Remind me never to post two games on the same day, again.

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Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 15:34
The proof wasin the pudding and last night was the staff christmas do, which involved me and a owrkmate making a quiz, prizes and then perfoming it on a lil stage in front of everyone. I was nervous about it beforehand but, come the time of the quiz-me-do, it went along really well, we had 5 rounds, Cat or Hat, a Christmas round, a games round and anagrams and a guess the baby round (where we had pics of the staff as babies then everyneo had to guess who was which one)

I wasn't nervous at all when it started which was great, apparently shouting "quiz me do" into the microphone helps

A few people came up to us aftrerwards and said that it went really well, which was great news and I was pretty happy about that for the rest of the night

Again, not traditionally part of the Xmas Creativity challenge but figuring out the questions that would get a good balance between everyone there was worth working on, although I should've sorted out a tie breaker question!!

The prizes went down pretty well also, 1st place chose 3 presents from my prize sack, 2nd 2 prizes, 3rd 1 prizeand a bonus one for best team name.

Gonna do another one next year now, well excited! Will try to find and post some pictures from it

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 17:02
Awesome! Sounds like you had a great night. (And, from the spelling, are still feeling it )

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Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 00:27
Hehe, yup!
Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 03:13
Oops, forgot to do this, last night.

Day Twetny

Time Clash
|edit| Buggered that URL up, didn't I!? Sorry, works now. |edit|

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Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 13:38
Took a day off, creative wise, today.
Here's today's CoverArt... But I drew this a couple of months ago, when I made the SmileBASIC edition, so it doesn't count as Creativity.

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Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 16:32

Day Tony Tetonye

A Smashing Time

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Tue, 21 Dec 2021, 16:13
Today's CoverArt.

Laziness to the Extreme!!

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Wed, 22 Dec 2021, 05:40

Day Twneto

I can see a rainbow..

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Wed, 22 Dec 2021, 11:53
Tried my best to draw a decent rainbow coloured snake, today, but .. MAN, is it hard, with Procreate on iPad..
If there was any kind of gradient fill, would've been easy enough, but .. Nope.
Instead, I drew it in pixels, then used my PixelPainter to upscale it..
.. Still a bit shit.
Bah, humbug.


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Wed, 22 Dec 2021, 16:17

Day Twwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Tinnnnnn

Grab it!

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Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 15:42
Had my Uncle round today. He sat chatting away about how life's been for the past few months.
My phone beeped, and I told him it was from KORG, who had released a new instrument/sample pack for Gadget.

I then spent the next hour or so plotting notes to create a little choon, over in my corner of the room.

"What's that game you're playing?" he eventually asked, because that's what people with computers do. They play games.

"You know that new instrument I told you about earlier? .. I paid for that, and have made this tune using it."
"Oh, ok."

And that was the end of the topic.

.. *sigh*
Is it any wonder I have no faith in all the things I create, when people in the very same room couldn't give a munkies?

Anyhoo, I did that, today, and then followed it up with a CoverArt.

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Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 16:50

Day Four TF

Grab it!

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Fri, 24 Dec 2021, 09:44
As predicted, ended up rather lacking the energy and creative brain to properly take part this year. But I figured it would be a shame not to do *something* this year, and have somewhat recovered my energy now that work is done for the year! So I've spent a fun few hours (finally!) learning how to use JSE and made this little particle thing:

A random field of forces is generated (there's also a commented out gravity well generator if you go poking), which you can edit with your mouse, and the particles get pulled around by them. Almost looks like a blizzard if you squint hard enough.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
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