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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> 2022 Resolutions/Plans

Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 07:06

2022 Resolutions/Plans

Looking Back

Well, 2021 went all sorts of tits up, didn't it!?!

As I continued to sit on my big fat arse all year, my big fat arse continued to expand into territories never before seen.
Thank goodness I have a lot of elasticated sweatpants, and no longer bother to wear the tight skinny jeans I once did.

My plan of exercising more went much better, however, once I got a VR headset.. Ironic given how I'd been avoiding it due to motion issues this whole sodding time.
I've lost about half a stone, which isn't "brilliant", but I certainly feel a lot more healthier than I did before buying the thing.
Playing through a whole "Album" in Beat Saber each night, followed by the same in Synth Riders, is really helping my upper body to get some kind of movement back. But, definitely turn off Obstacles, because having to dodge, by rapidly moving my head, is one thing I cannot do..
At all!!

Plans for 2022


I think I'd like to experiment with WebXR, to try and make some kind of VR "thing" in the browser, but it means having to fart about with extensions so I can test things on the desktop. It's not ideal, but it sure beats having to upload to a server, pop on the headset, refresh the thing, test it, take off the headset, tweak a line of code, rinse-repeat.
No idea what, and given my lack of .. um... any 3D skills whatsoever.. I don't expect it to go very well at all.

I already know that GotoJSE wouldn't be ideal for this situation. It runs quite slowly on the Quest.


I need to get out more.
More outdoor walks.
More movement.
It's absolutely pissing it down, though, right now. Probably not today!


More coding, more games, more music. The usual.

What are your plans for the year ahead?!
Anything big?!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 08:58
I'll play too:-

Looking back...

Start of the year, boring as hell... Middle of the year, same... End of the year... Diving trip to Malta, went to see World Of Hans Zimmer in Clemond-Ferrand which was excellent, then finally, a long knees up weekend in Belfast with a few mates [But then shattered for 3 days afterwards... Honestly, I dont know how I managed to do it regular, it kills me now]


I dont do them now... Got tired of kidding meself, good intentions, but no intention!

Next year...

Not wait till the back end of the year to go somewhere nice, thinking May I'd go to Genoa for diving, then somewhere nice and warm to do my rescue diving course in the summer, and finally the back end of the year, I have a ticket for a John Williams concert in Lyon, so hopefully will get there too.

Continue to work on house, I've been on/off redoing it up, completely, been a bit of a chew, time and energy again the main problem, but I'd like to have a least the bulk done... Upstairs is finished, dining room and living room is like a cross between New Yankee Workshop and BnQ!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 16:07
2020 - Planned and booked a walking holiday, cottage and dogs. Cancelled.
2021 - Planned and booked a walking holiday, cottage and dogs. Cancelled.
2022 - Planned and booked a walking holiday, cottage and dogs. Can...t be sure what's happening yet.

So basically the last two years I've been working, walking the dogs along the same boring routes, walking around oin Animal Crossing and generally done feck all else for me. I hope to break that cycle next year. I've got shit load of vids, books and games (playing and coding) to catch up on. Maybe next year...
Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 16:47

I can't imagine what the past couple of years must've been like for you, and the hundreds of thousands/millions of people that have literally been holding this country together through the pandemic.
I can't thank you all enough.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 16:55

I can't imagine what the past couple of years must've been like for you, and the hundreds of thousands/millions of people that have literally been holding this country together through the pandemic.
I can't thank you all enough.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 19:31
My NYR is to not make anymore NYRs, I might actually get something done then.
Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 04:26
2021 ehh, kinda more of the same, although I did acquire 2 more lovelies along with a great lil VR set-up towards the end of the year. Did eventually get back into the gym thank flip so, that's good, gonna continue it into next year, although, I think 4 girls in my humble abode might be enough. just ordering some new parts for NES cartridges again, publishers still haven't got back to me regarding Flap Happy so, I'm not giving up on them but yeah, gonna try and burn some Carts off of my own.

Not exactly a resolution but next year I'd like to keep on the fitness train, keep enjoying the waifu laifu and get some more games finished off.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 11:16
Bro hugs for rockford!!

Never one to really do resolutions. But, this year I have one. Want to reread the major works of Dickens.
Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 12:51


For me this last year has just been 2020 part 2 in a lot of ways...

Work-wise I got made leader of my team at the end of 2020, and so 2021 has been dominated by trying to figure out how on earth to do that. At this point it feels like I've mostly got the hang of it, but the big downside has been that I have very little time for coding at work any more! I'd thought that might leave me with more energy for coding in my free time, but instead it's proven to be even more of a drain on my energy than before, so I've not done much besides occasional poking away at the odd thing.

Also moved house last year, having found out in 2020 that we'd need to move out of our old place. So that was a whole bunch of stress. But we got through it, and the new place is nicer in many ways, so I'm happy with that overall.

What with the pandemic, there's not been much on out of the house - I used to go visit uni friends for various activities fairly regularly, but none of that has happened for a while. Regular online games have at least filled in some of that gap, but I'm glad to have at least been able to visit them a few times in person this year when we've been confident it's been safe to do so.

All in all, 2021 has been a bit of a holding pattern, and stressful at times, but still not a bad year for me by any stretch. I'm definitely very lucky that that's the worst I have to say for it!


Being on holiday for a couple of weeks has given plenty of time for decompressing and thinking about the year ahead. I've never really properly committed to any new years resolutions, but I think this year the one thing I want to do is make better use of the time I'm not at work. A big part of that is figuring out (somehow!) how to make day-to-day work less stressful, so I have more energy outside of it, but I also know that I've never been great at motivating myself in my free time, so I'll see if I can make some kind of improvement there as well.

Will I succeed at that, or have given up entirely come the end of January? Only time will tell!

Regular in-person activities with old uni friends had some plans to resume in the new year, and in theory are still going ahead, but I guess we'll see what the pandemic has to say about that. Certainly I've very much learnt by now not to pin my hopes on anything!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 02 Jan 2022, 06:35
2021 - I planned to lose weight, and lost 3st 1lb in total. Big win for me!

2022 - Much of the same, lose weight. However, there is some big changed coming up. I'm moving jobs for the first time in 5 years, which will be a big change. Going to focus on being my best at that, whilst also juggling my copious amounts of hobbies in my downtime.
Sun, 02 Jan 2022, 10:07
Good luck with the new job.
Wed, 05 Jan 2022, 10:22
Cheers, Jay
Thu, 06 Jan 2022, 09:32
I have bought a couple of dozen study books in the last couple of months in the previous year. This year I wil probably buy some more and wil spend a good amount of time reading these.

I hope to do a hundred remixes/original songs, but this might be less in order to increase the quality with the (new)knowledge of the audio/music engineering books.
I started a new game project and now bought a handful of game/level/architecture/design books and maybe learn to get it into a more finished state.

I might buy more study books on marketing and such.

More pixel art practise and pixel art for actual games. Sports and healthy eating!
Thu, 06 Jan 2022, 09:41
I look (listen?) forward to more music from you.
Good luck!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 15:44
I’m trying to get my driver’s license sorted. I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to code the server for Project Dollhouse.
That would mean the client is finished as far as logging in (I haven’t even gotten to the gameplay part. You know, it’s funny, in the world of MMO development, everyone keeps saying that the client is just a dumb graphical terminal - if I’d spent as much time building servers as I did trying to get the client working I’d have finished three of them by now, I’m sure!
I’m also working on two books, one of which I’m hoping will publish this year.
I’m also trying to get my deadlift to 170 kg (which is about 27 stones), and if everything goes according to plan it should be at 190 by the end of the year (about 30 stones)

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 16:18
Oh and Jay, if you’re trying to lose weight, I know quite a lot about the science of behind that stuff since I am at the gym pretty much every day now.
What’s going to be quite nice to hear is that it’s when you’re at your biggest that it’s easier. The bigger you are, the more food you can consume and still be in a calorie deficit. And you don’t need a huge calorie deficit to lose weight (unless you want to do it rapidly, which isn’t recommended for most people).
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you weigh a 1000lbs. That means you can consume, if you’re of an average height, 3-4 Big Mac meals a day (assuming you switch to Diet Coke) and still be in a calorie deficit!!
This is especially true if you’re not immobile, because the bigger you are, the more energy you expend on just moving around. So the same goes for movement as for food - the bigger you are, the less you have to move to expend energy.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 16:27
Eating isn't the problem. It's lack of exercise. The VR body-movement is helping. Had to buy new boxers, this week, as the old ones had stretched so much, they're not unstretching back again as I lose weight

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 16:37
Well, it could be the lack of exercise. But the thing is that it’s a lot harder to track the amount of energy you’re expending by exercising than it is to track the energy you get from consumption.
So if you want to be scientific about it, I’d focus mainly on staying in a caloric deficit (albeit a small, manageable one - IE one that won’t leave you starving).
Also, eating Big Macs all day (as per my example) isn’t going to do wonders for your cholesterol levels, but honestly the best diet is the one you can stick to. And you should worry about your cholesterol levels later, for now, focus on losing weight.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 16:55
Gawd, it winds me up when people don't listen. I DO NOT have an eating problem. Unless you count the whole "not eating a breakfast, barely eating much of a dinner, and only really eating a decent tea then a snack supper." thing..
Then, yes, I don't eat enough. Frankly, with all the coding I do, I barely ever give myself time (and/or remember!) to eat properly. This is a bad baaaaad habit, and is most definitely an eating problem, but not in a weight gain way.

I used to be borderline underweight at 7 stone. Always 7, since as long as I can remember. After 2012, and my lack of movement, it's gone up and up and up..

The eating hasn't changed, if anything it's gotten less, as I have much less ability to "nip to the shops for a snack". (And/or, come home from work with a loaf of bread, a packet of fish-fingers, and stuff the whole sodding lot of them.)

It's the lack of movement. Trust me, it's the lack of movement.
And the fact that the VR exercise has already helped, even though I can only manage about 30 mins a day, shows just how much I needed to get off my big fat arse.

.. even if I can't stand up to do VR, due to balance issues, and so am indeed still sat on my big fat arse.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 16:56
Turns out this week has been mainly photography of the girls and cooking.

Made some sweet onion bhaji burgers from scratch last night, some spicy veggie stew on monday, convinced the kids to help out make some chicken chow mein over the weekend also!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 17:01
No onion for me, please!! The Stew sounds nice, though.

We bought some Mayflower Curry Sauce Mix, this week. It's up to our local English Chippy standard, but isn't quite our favourite Chinese Chippy standard. (£1 from Iceland. B&Ms apparently have it, too.)
I miss having a nice Chinese. Ours closed some time in Oct/Nov last year. Apparently they moved to Manchester.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 07 Jan 2022, 17:01
I wasn’t saying it wasn’t due to lack of exercise, Jay! Just that it’s a lot harder to track energy expenditure than energy consumption if you want to be scientific about it (the latter of which I presumed, as this is a coding forum after all)

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!