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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Energy situation

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Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 10:44
66 per kwh per october first from my energy provider. Gas wil go up a lot too. 2.33 euro per cubic meter.

I think this wil stick til the end of the winter.

I got a energy grand from the city today for being a low income household. Stil, i'm not sure if I wil turn up the heat now when I'm at home.
Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 11:47
Grants that we just give straight to the energy companies aren't any more helpful than the government simply handing the money straight to the companies themselves.
They really oughta be investing in solar.
Give everyone a solar setup for their house!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 13:52
There have been solar energy schemes in place since the early 2010's problem with them is, we're in Britain XD

I'd be expecting serious investment into nuclear power if their nature is truly environmentally benign, but yknow, NIMBYs and nuclear has a bad public rep.

Last time I looked, again back in the days for a client, it cost roughly £2500 on average for a solar setup for a home, this is according to them however and I'm going on 10 year old information.

You can always try things out on a way smaller scale with lol solar panels on eBay, etc from roughly £30. I might give that a go myself to see what bang per buck toy can get. I mean, if it even just charges my phone up then that's kinda cool.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 14:10
The last I looked into it, it was estimated at about £1,600 for our house, when the gvmt were indeed doing grants in our area. But since we have a North-South facing roof, the grant wasn't allowed. Which, kinda sucks, if I'm honest.
Sure, we might not be able to get a ton of power from our roof, but.. We don't exactly USE a ton, either, and if we can generate at least a bit.. doesn't every little bit help?
Shouldn't we be at least TRYING instead of simply giving up at every corner?

Probably would help if the cost was much lower.
Maybe I should buy a bunch of solar calculators and strap them across the roof?

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 23 Sep 2022, 01:46
Dang, that does suck.

Gonna pick one of these lil ones off eBay to see how well it works, as a test,at least it has a usb attachment on it so no wiring!


Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 23 Sep 2022, 04:01
What's annoying about solar (other than the increasing cost of panels) is that the amount you earn for the energy you feed back to suppliers hasn't increased, despite the fact that they then sell it for a fortune.

My parents have solar panels and they don't get any extra income for spare units, despite the price of energy rocketing.

I almost pulled the trigger on panels a few years ago. Can't afford to now.
Mon, 26 Sep 2022, 03:08
So, looks like I've found what looks to be another solution for youtubes, etc in a small power usage form, my old remix mini!


Hooked it up yesterday and it does do youtube and other sites video playback pretty well, just at 360 / 480p which is absolutely fine by me, 7W compared to 75W of PS4 pro makes it a bit of a no-brainer. Will keep the pi zero2w for retro gaming as it's all set-up for that and is similarly not very power hungry.

Cancelled my PS Plus subscription as well, I haven't seen any games from their monthly line-ups that I'm interested in for months now and I don't really play online against peeps.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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