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Socoder -> Art and Sound -> Computer Music Magazine

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Mon, 02 May 2022, 05:41
Yeah, this is one of the reasons I'm trying so much to move away from Gadget.
I've spent the better half of a decade with it, now.. (Jan 2014) It's time to move on.
Unless we see a surprise Gadget 3 with oodles of new awesomeness, (and I really hope we do, but .. maan, it's been a while..) I think I'm pretty much done with it.

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Mon, 02 May 2022, 05:52
With that sounddraw.io website and that new dall e 2 coming out. I'm not sure if I should invest too much money in music(arts) anymore. Maybe in a couple of years it wil be easier to just press a button to generate anything i'd spend hours on to create myself.

Ai is really taking of. I just watched this video of a new Roland juno keyboard having ai assisted arpeggio. It adds elements based on how you play it. Before too long. They wil stick a ai mozart in the machines.
Mon, 02 May 2022, 05:54
Meh. Let it happen.

Whether the universe becomes fully AI automated, and all our music, art, tv and video games get magically created by robots, I'll still get a kick out of making things.
That'll never go away.

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Mon, 02 May 2022, 06:15
It would get easier to learn how to do things. Until there's so much good stuff that you just want to explore and experience everything.

I wonder when those code assistants. Like they have with github and those they showcase with openai. Wil get easier for coding language makers to implement in theirs.

Imagine just prompting lines at the editor to do x. And the code just appears out of nothing. "Add a player that can jump and climb ceilings" "add a scrolling tilemap with a Supefrog tileset and generate a map like from Superfrog level 1"

My mum just got a remote control that you can talk to. She's a Boomer and hates technology. But the thing just works. You say "Discovery Channel" and it switches the channel to discovery channel instantly.
Wed, 18 May 2022, 09:32

This month's Computer Music issue is all about AI..

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Wed, 18 May 2022, 10:07
I’m going to retire again!

Yesterday I noticed they made deepmind ai bots that can create their own economy for rts games and such. Samsung made 512gb memory modules for deep learning brains.
Things are going fast.
Wed, 15 Jun 2022, 03:55


Last month's "Next Month" suggested that there's going to be an epic way to solve all of your singing issues!!
"Without a singer" they claimed..

I was really really hopeful that they'd team up with one of those vocal synths, (Emvoice, Vocaloid, etc) and give us a mini-singer as the Synth of the Month.

This month's issue turned up late last night, and ..

I mean, sure it has tons of tips on how to spend hundreds and thousands of pounds on a variety of Software Effects to change the tone of your voice, add nice equalisation, even autotune..
But no synths to speak of.
Flicking through, I don't think they even made mention of Vocaloid, et all, at all.

WTF is that about!?

And the free Synth/effect of the month was a reverb engine.

What a let down.

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Wed, 15 Jun 2022, 04:33
In have seen people just use free accapella's. You are limited to what you can find though.
Wed, 30 Nov 2022, 13:00
I've just got the January 2023 issue.. So, I think that's my year's subscription up, or maybe next month. Can't remember what issue my first issue was, on account of I've subsequently used the PocketMags Plus method to download tons of content from a whole lot of previous issues, too!!!

What are my thoughts.
It's a decent enough mag, and it shows off some nice stuff each month.
The free plugins have been SUCH a hassle to install, requiring hoops to jump through, registration pages that get HAMMERED on release day, and more crazy shit than that.
In all honestly, I think I've probably only kept 3 of the magazine's plugins, and every other plugin I have installed has been gathered from all over the interwebs (see the Plugin thread)

It's a decent read, and has some nice tutorials in it.
I've kept all the drum loops, and separated them all into BPM folders, and backed them up. They've been worth way more than the free plug-ins, IMHO.

I'll likely continue to read the magazine via the Pocketmags Plus subscription, rather than separately subscribing just to this magazine.

It's been an OK journey.. But .. Honestly, it's nowhere near as awesome as when you used to get a CU Amiga magazine with only 2 floppy disks, which somehow included much more content than the multi-gig downloads that this mag gives you!
Not quite as good of a read, either, if I'm honest.

Bring back Amstrad/Amiga magazines!!!

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Thu, 29 Dec 2022, 03:23
The February 2023 issue arrived on the App, and the downloads are as follows.

1. Access to the complete CM Plugin Suite, with about 60 or so plugins.
2. The "9 Best" Plugin collection from the past year. 9 plugins which they deemed the best giveaways over the past 12 or so issues.
The other 3 plugins that aren't included in this 9 best collection are already in the Plugin Suite
3. Over 7Gb of samples.

Essentially, if I hadn't bought every issue of the magazine for the past year, and only bought this ONE SINGLE issue, I'd've more or less managed to get EVERYTHING that's been given away for the entire year.
All for the price of one single issue.

If that's not a complete smegging rip-off, I don't know what is.

Basically : If you're after a ton of plugins and samples, cheap and cheerful-like, you wouldn't go wrong picking up this month's issue.
Feb 2023 : Issue 307

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Sun, 20 Oct 2024, 13:22
Awww, nuts..

Computer Music closing

I know I didn't get the print version, opting for the digital edition instead, but I did at least like flicking through the ePages, reading a few of the articles and stuff.
That's a shame.

Future Music has also vanished, this month.

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