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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> Five Words - Thoughts

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 03:49
imho the 5 words game is one of those that could be HUGE if it got the 'wordle' treatment (basic, only that game on a web page, web style gfx instead of hand drawn etc.)

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 03:49
Intentionally so! I couldn't figure out how to "Post your result" to twitter without it spoiling the answer.

You can Play the Shoebox edition of Five Words here.
This is the version I created prior to this thread.

You can also Play the new Foldapuz-Play edition of Five Words here.
This is the version of the game that was created after Spinal's suggestion above.

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 04:02
I have played the last 3 days Daily challenge and it was fun and somewhat easy, which is good for me.
Initially found the random challenge to be tough but now I find it manageable. Cases where more than 5 word combinations are possible, the challenge gets a bit tricky as some the combination have to be rejected to get all 5 right.
Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 05:42
I was thinking less 'Jayenkai' (sorry) and more straigt forward, imagine this cut+paste job....

Have each letter clickable instead of click-drag.

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 05:48
A complete overhaul to make a more simplistic game?
Sounds alright.
I should probably also add this to Foldapuz, too. It'd work well in there. Haven't added a Foldapuz game in quite a while!

What I was referring to was how, when you share a wordle to twitter it goes...


Which is lovely, because it shows your gameplay without spoiling the result.

This game can't really do that. If you share the layout, you've ruined the puzzle for others.
Without that functionality, I'm not sure there's much point in writing a self-contained engine, if you aren't going to be able to share it.
The reason Wordle burst into popularity is that sharing ability.

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 06:01
I assume the orientation of the words has about a million possible layouts? Why not randomize the layout each page load, but keep the word list the same. Then any sort of screenshot wouldn't give anything away as other people would be unlikely to get the same grid?

Or maybe just do a heat map, showing how many times the player tapped each tile and thus how many tries it took to complete, but as with the above idea, no clues as to the real layout of the words?

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 06:04
But then it isn't the same identical puzzle for everyone.
.. Though.. Does that matter?

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 06:11
OK, cogs are coggling.
Simpler and boxy and "iOS" like.
Interactive (unlike Foldapuz) but I can at least make use of a lot of the puzzle generators from Foldapuz.
And I am already making a list of which of those many games will work interactively!!

A big share button at the end of every complete puzzle. .. But each game would need a rethink as to how to share it.

Options to play either Daily or Random.

Main issue I can see right now is the layout for each game. Like some of the word games would need an onscreen keyboard and such.
Maybe just avoid those types of games.

I'm thinking this might be a nice thing to build up during the Advent of Creativity..

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 06:21
Mum's currently trying to get to grips with the game. She's struggling!!!
Definitely need to add a few easier puzzles into the mix.
Oh god, what have you started, Spinal!!??!?

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Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 07:09
Here is my idea for the sharing of daily challenge

- The users might find the 5 words in different order.
- Give a color coding for the different letter weights (M, P, C - 3) (A I N O - 1) this color coding changes every day so one day 3 might be red but next day it might be green etc.
- Replace the letters with the colors when the user finishes all 5 words. Each user will have different row columns (5x5) of different patterns based on the order in which they solved the words.
- Display the time taken to solve all 5 words
- Display the daily streak of the user. If user has solved 10 continuous days then 10 is the streak
Fri, 11 Nov 2022, 08:17
Isn't a game, doesn't work, completely random layout, nothing to see here!!
Just testing layouts and whatnot.

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Sat, 12 Nov 2022, 05:01
Right, here's the plan for this, so far. Let me know if you think this is a good idea or not.

1. Engine should hopefully allow for a lot of grid-based games. Word games, Logic puzzles, etc.. Essentially the types of games that worked well in Foldapuz.

2. The engine knows how to rescale the "Grid Area" and "Leftover Space" well enough that I can use the leftover area to hold spare tiles, or words played, or whatever else might come up.

3. I'll make the frontend of the engine so that it essentially hides all the other games, unless the player wants to find them. In Shoebox, if you go to a game URL, the big "BACK" button on the top left is kinda obvious. Instead, I'll simply use the Hamburger menu button, and from there the player can choose to head back to an "Other Games" menu.

4. I'll likely finish off Five Words and get that up and running, but for other games I think I'll use the Advent of Creativity time to build the rest of the collection up. I'm hopeful that my previous Foldapuz work will help, here.

5. Scoring is still a bit of a bugger.. I'm thinking a stamp on a calendar might work well, but as soon as you include other games.. .. That's gonna get real messy, real soon!

Oh, and great big fucking Share button!!

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Mon, 14 Nov 2022, 01:59
All of the above sound like it'd work nicely

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Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 07:05
OK, SpikeVent is uploaded and ready to go. No more worries. Time to focus on this!

Current test now has a menu.
Menu needs scrolling, in case you're playing on something with a really quirky resolution, but otherwise pops you into the available different not-yet-made games.

I'm going to add LocalStorage to save every game's progress, as you play, (Like Shoebox does) so you can hop in and out of the various games.

I also need to add a "New Game" button somewhere that then asks "Daily or Random"
.. Is Daily or Random a good choice?
I can't think of better wordage for that option..
And where to put it?
Suggestions welcome.

Anyhoo, level layouts are working, as are the random words, so .. All is pretty much ready for me to start trying to make some nice games over Advent! Just need to add some Gameplay and things will be golden!

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Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 10:42
DAILY would by my choice, what is meant by "where to put it"? My suggestion would be online somehere

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Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 11:41
Each puzzle will have a Daily or a Random puzzle.
Daily being that one where you go "Hey, I got x points in today's Daily FiveWords"
Random is option 2 where you can play a random puzzle whenever you'd like, for practice and shitz.

By "Where to put it" I mean that if the Hamburger menu lets your pick a game, but defaults to Daily, where do you say "I've played today's daily, let me play a random puzzle"
I mean, I *could* make it "You can only play a random puzzle once you've completed the Daily puzzle", but then if you're stuck and can't complete the daily, you won't get to play any random puzzles.
... Or maybe that oughta be the point..?

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Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 12:45
Wordle doesn't have a random option, and that was crazy popular for a while....

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Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 13:02
No free-play?!??,
Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 13:32
1 puzzle per day, thats it.
Tue, 29 Nov 2022, 13:40
Thu, 01 Dec 2022, 09:20
Today's progress.
Five Words is pretty much playable, now, and locks itself with a time, once you've completed today's puzzle.
There's a [Share] button, but for the purpose of testing, that'll reset the game. (For sanity, I've temporarily renamed it to Reset!)

Loading and saving oughta work as expected, and you can leave and come back later.
... Though.. Time will continue in realtime, so be sure to wind your watch.

Should fit on every screen imaginable.
If it doesn't, let me know!!

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Thu, 01 Dec 2022, 11:01
What do you have to do? How do you play?

I linked/chained one five letter word and it had a line through it. I linked another and it didn't. Was one not correct? Which one? Are all words five letters? Are all letters used?

OK. I got all five. Nice.
Thu, 01 Dec 2022, 11:47
LOL, yeah!
I'll have to add a big ? Button somewhere, I reckon.

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Thu, 01 Dec 2022, 14:04
Is todays one a real puzzle? I can only find two words.... Perhaps I should travel back in time 30 years al tell myself to pay attention in school...

got it

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Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 03:35
Todays one is a bit easy, 38 seconds.
Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 03:58
The dictionary doesn't know the word "Leaps"
... Fuxake.
Gotta fix that.

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