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Socoder -> Music -> ALChoons : Turbulent

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Wed, 04 Jan 2023, 07:24

ALChoons 2023

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Couldn't think of how to animate this one, so swirly goop it is!

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|update| Damnit.. One of the lines of the lyrics has vanished.. When did that happen!?! Fuxake.. I'm not fixing that!! |update|

|update| 2 : Nope. It's there.. must've been covered up by the YouTube title bar or something. Grrr!! |update|

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Wed, 04 Jan 2023, 07:34
I like that
Wed, 11 Jan 2023, 07:57

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No animation again. Space and starfields and stuff..

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Tue, 17 Jan 2023, 18:28

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Trying to lip-sync this was absolutely bloody nightmare.
And the result is absolutely bloody awful.

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Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 17:11

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Gawd, what a pain in the arse this one was to make.. Twice..

Dancing singers removed for sanity.

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Wed, 01 Feb 2023, 13:37

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No time, this week.
Rapidly splodged together Choon.
Hastily made video.
No time, this week...

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Tue, 07 Feb 2023, 19:19

I just noticed this repo above. It should turn any song into a sample collection. Useful if you lost the original file.
Wed, 08 Feb 2023, 02:36
No need for that.
I've got decades worth of backups for all the ALChoons!

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Wed, 08 Feb 2023, 13:28

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Wasn't in the mood to make anything any fancier than this video, today.
It'll do!!

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 02:42

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Nice new visual doohickey added to the VidGen!

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 02:56
What do you use to make these videos? Like the cake video? They are all so varied.

Love em btw.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 03:01
Depends on what I'm in the mood for, really!!

Some of them are GotoJSE generated (and I usually remember to add the code when I do that)
Sometimes I draw little pictures (eg the cake one) where I use Procreate on the iPad, draw a couple of images then stitch them together afterwards.
This week's was done using VidGen, where I frequently forget that my original plan was to keep adding tons of visualisers to that.. Hmm..
Occasionally, I give up completely, and just throw together some of Apple Motion's own visual guff..

Apple Motion is what I use to pop all the pieces together, and add the onscreen lyrics.

If you click through to the youtube page (assuming I remembered to do it), it'll list all the tools I used for that track.

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 06:20
ah - I'll check YouTube out direct. I had been watching them in the thread here directly.

I like the cake one. I have used a cartoon anim app on windows before, name escapes me now as they keep changing the name and licensing for it, and wondered what you were using.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 08:03
I've never really got along with animation tools, to be honest. It might be nice for me to try, one day, but..
... old dog new tricks, etc..

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Wed, 22 Feb 2023, 08:18

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Lazy man's video, this week. Really should've animated something. Spent too much time farting about with AI Art. Why can't the AI Art make my music videos!?!?

If anyone wants to make the wonderful animation that I have in my head, involving all the little woodland creatures, and the little hedgehog's lovely house, and the cameo by Cool Spot, then go ahead!!

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Wed, 01 Mar 2023, 13:28

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What do you do when you've spent FAR too long farting about with Stable Diffusion all week, and desperately need to cobble together an ALChoon at the very last minute..!?!


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Wed, 08 Mar 2023, 05:18

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Wed, 15 Mar 2023, 16:22

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After spending about 730 hours on JMTrackr this week, doing an ALChoon was far down deep at the bottom of the list of things I could be arsed to do.
Never the less, here's one of those, and incredibly bland video to go with it.

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Wed, 22 Mar 2023, 12:46

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Done fairly quickly, but I think it turned out ok.
I am SO disorganised, right now!!!!

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Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 17:32

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Nom nom nom!

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Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 15:22

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More fluffy nebula. .. I really need to stop using that as a lazy video method!!

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Wed, 12 Apr 2023, 12:25

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Tried to wrangle Stable Diffusion to draw some nice consistent artwork for this one, but every image was a completely different looking Ogre, from mundane Shrek clones, to whatever the hell this thing is!!

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Ended up doing my usual GotoJSE based animation stuff. ( https://GotoJSE.com/8hl6dQ52.BAS )

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Tue, 18 Apr 2023, 07:34

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Last week.. on Mastodon...

Wrote a song about an ogre, this week, and now have to try and make a silly little video for it...
Gawd, some weeks, I swear..
The music flows, the words come to life, then I have to bloody well draw it all, and I am NOT good at drawing, let alone animating.

.. Next week's song's going to be about an inanimate pin that sits in a pin cushion on a shelf in a dark room, and doesn't move, and it sits there, and nothing happens, and it's static and motionless.

I was joking, of course, but the idea stuck with me, like a pin stuck in a pincushion..

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Wed, 26 Apr 2023, 13:35

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When you can't think of a good word for Q, make one up!!

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Top Tip : If you want to speed up the Unicorn in the above code, do it in the code, then re-record the screen capture.
Do NOT think to yourself "Maybe I should just tell the Apple Motion video editor to speed up the footage so that it matches."

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Thu, 27 Apr 2023, 04:56
Been rejigging the jukebox. It's .. themed .. I guess..

You can Turbulent Pin in the Jukebox, here, then click around the albums and the tracks.
Things scroll better, now, so they don't haphazardly jump about whilst you're browsing... .. as much..!

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Tue, 02 May 2023, 13:24

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The happy little robot

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