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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Re-Roomifying

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Sat, 05 Mar 2022, 08:07
Getting closer.

The desk is more desklike, now.

And the ye-olde corner has been suitably ye-olde'fied.
Was hoping the monitor + keyboard would fit snuggly together on the shelf, but.. Daaaaamn, that monitor goes RIGHT back, doesn't it!!

You might notice a white "side" holding the shelf up. This was the shelf we took off, earlier on. We chopped it in half, and wedged it in the area where the Amstrad monitor would go, so that the shelf had half a chance to hold the bloody thing!
.. Seems stable enough, though I now need to round off that edge. Not sure how easy that is with that kind of wood, though. Does it work at all!?!

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Sat, 05 Mar 2022, 14:06
I did this today...

> Reveal 🔎


"Not sure how easy that is with that kind of wood, though."

I would probably bring it off on a 45 degree angle instead of trying to do a curve, also, put masking tape on where you are going to cut, this will give a cleaner cut as it will stop the white splintering. Then, you can buy strips of that white furniture board edging, there's a couple of options there, you can usually buy normal rolls and stick it on with contact adhesive, or preglued where you put it in place and just run a normal iron across it to stick it. Dont fret if the tape is too wide, it's better it is actually, because you dont have to worry about position when sticking it, just whack it on, and when it has set, carefully trim it back flush with a new stanley knife blade... Voila... Will look lush and a proper jobby!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 05 Mar 2022, 15:06
When are you going to open up the X-Files figures?
Sat, 05 Mar 2022, 16:24

I'm not usually one to keep things in their boxes, and I'm not sure why poor Mulder and Scully are locked away in their plastic prisons. But I bet if I let them out, there'd be some kind of crazy repercussions..

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Sun, 06 Mar 2022, 03:33
I had the entire set back in the UK, didn’t make the trip to Oz like many things. I did prefer the ones in their suits.
Sun, 06 Mar 2022, 16:07

The TV shelf..!?

Still got tons of little figures and trinkets and things to set out, somewhere..
I collect far too much crap!

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Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 05:08

.. more or less organised,..

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Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 05:20
Like the kirby and rocko
Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:15
D'you remember that time I couldn't find a USBA-B cable, so had to order one from Amazon.
D'you remember that time I then tidied up my drawer of cables and found three of them.


> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 16:35
LOL. Always the way!
Sun, 07 May 2023, 09:15
A year later, and those big brown bookcases really darkened the room in that corner.
The drawers were basically inaccessible, due to EPIC DRAWER FAIL, even though the units were less than a decade old.
Nah, time for a change..

Over the past week we've been emptying the units into temporary boxes, have dismantled the units, and today have swapped the bed and desk around.

It's much more open and brighter, now.
Should've done it this way around to begin with.

Of course, the downside to this is that all the things that were on the bookcases are still in the temporary boxes, and we need to decide what the hell we're doing with it all.

Hundreds of DVDs including the complete Stargate boxsets, all the red dwarfs, a bunch of family guy, and all the movies I have..
GameCube, Xbox, Dreamcast, Wii, X360, WiiU, PS3, PS4, Switch, DS and 3DS games..
and the Star Trek Starships? About 80, I think.. all individually bubble wrapped.

> Reveal 🔎

... eek!!!

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Sun, 07 May 2023, 09:30
Maybe if you can manage to make a list and check the prices on ebay? I might give away my old dvd's to a 2nd hand shop. For the old game magazines I have the space.
Sun, 07 May 2023, 09:51
What I really need to do is find a decent DVD ripper on Mac that'll rip the DVDs with commentaries as alt audio tracks.
I used to have one, but that was about a decade ago, and .. well, Mac's not great at running old stuff!

If I rip everything, I can start to downsize the DVD collection a bit.
.. though, actually I also have to upsize the NAS, too. That's getting a bit cramped!

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Sun, 07 May 2023, 10:18
Need to do something with my room at some point, I'm thinking Deadpool themed.
Mon, 08 May 2023, 15:40
Rounded things off with an LED panel ceiling tile.

For decades, Mum's been wanting to gut this bedroom, take out the 70s suspended ceiling and wall panelling that have been here since we moved in, back in 1987.

Today, with everything the way it is, now, it's the first time she's looked at the room and NOT wanted to get rid of either of them.

.. still got boxes those, though..

Also, Mum says you have to ignore the current state of the shelves

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Tue, 09 May 2023, 00:06
With all the energy here. I started placing the insulated floor and the carpet tiles. Yesterday I was able to de close to half of my home. With my mum having recovered after a couple of bad years I have more time to spend at home.

My knees almost could not take it.

The Stanley knife blades seem to go from sharp to not sharp after only a little bit of cutting.
Tue, 09 May 2023, 08:10

Stil need to dress the walls.
Tue, 09 May 2023, 08:19
Oh wow, the lil penguin is still there Jay

That is quite the nice set-up there Pakz

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 09 May 2023, 09:13
Oooh, that's an exercise haven, Pakz!! Awesome!

And yeah, of course the penguin's still there

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Tue, 09 May 2023, 09:30
I see a cross trainer, rowing machine and captains chair there, I'm curious if there's other bits hiding away

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 09 May 2023, 09:32
The hammering of the synthesiser keys would be good exercise.
I'm fairly sure he's mentioned weights lately, too. Or was that someone else?
But yeah, those are all great if you can combine them into a regime.

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Tue, 09 May 2023, 13:06
I also have a curl bar and various weights and dumbbells. Some minor other exercise bits. My mum has given me most of the exercise machines what is there.

The keyboard there is the old one I got in 2001. Korg x5. I have a yamaha modx and korg kronos stored away.
Tue, 09 May 2023, 14:38
Cool I just have an ol cross trainer and some weights at home myself but I'm tending to frequent the gym a bit more this month which has been good so far, tiring though!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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