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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - October 2023

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Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 03:53

Question of the Day : October 1st

If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 03:53
White Rabbit!
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 05:56
Unlimited and unrestricted Wishes.
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 15:29
A big fluffy Rottweiler.
Mon, 02 Oct 2023, 03:55

Question of the Day : October 2nd

What would you serve if you were to make a special dinner for the family?
Mon, 02 Oct 2023, 04:14
Possibly the Barry Lewis Vegan one, though not vegan, and instead using off-the-shelf white sauce and some proper cheese on top.
But it is lovely, even without any meat.
Me and Mum (but mostly mum) made it a few times when my Neice was staying with us. We haven't made it since, though, which is a shame.

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Tue, 03 Oct 2023, 00:01

Question of the Day : October 3rd

What is the most unusual thing you have ever found in your pocket?
Tue, 03 Oct 2023, 00:26
Unexpected fiver? Thats probably the most unusual thing, I reckon.

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Tue, 03 Oct 2023, 09:38
Unusual eh? Errr, geez, it's difficult to pinpoint what is even unusual Probably a keyring sans keys though.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 04 Oct 2023, 00:56

Question of the Day : October 4th

What's one useless skill you'd love to learn?
Wed, 04 Oct 2023, 00:57
It's not necessarily "useless", though I doubt I'd ever put it to good use.
But I've never really learned to play an instrument properly.

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Wed, 04 Oct 2023, 01:23
Contact Juggling ala 'The Labyrinth'
Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 01:04

Question of the Day : October 5th

Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 01:13
Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 02:11
Sorry, it does that sometimes. I usually catch it and retrigger it, but Quantum Leap finished downloading

I'll go retrigger it.

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Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 02:12

Question of the Day : October 5th

Have you ever used a fake ID?
Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 02:17
Nope. Could probably do with something, though. It'd save a lot of hassles.

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Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 05:37
Don't think so, I managed to get away with a lot due to being very tall as a teenager

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 01:51

Question of the Day : October 6th

What are some of the most important trends in retro gaming today?
Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 02:10
I love seeing demakes. modern coders squeezing every ounce out of old retro systems to show exactly what could've been done, back in the day.
Pinball Dreams on the CPC is still fucking amazing.

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Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 05:47
Demakes are fun, yeah!

Having demade Flapadiddle, that was lots of fun to make, and doing a live-demake in a gamejam was also cool, essentially our team made two games, one for modern and I did the gameboy port whilst the main one was being made, good times!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 19:41
Pinball Dreams on the CPC is still fucking amazing.
I had to Ducky that, WOW! That is badass!
Sat, 07 Oct 2023, 03:12

Question of the Day : October 7th

What's the most severe weather you've ever experienced?
Sat, 07 Oct 2023, 03:37
The Windy Wednesday.
Me mum and little baby sister walking through the village. Nipped into Hampsons the Bakery and treated ourselves to two big cream chocolate eclairs. Nom nom..
Mum put the eclairs in their bag in the bottom-tray thing in the pram, and off we went home...


We watched as the two chocolate eclairs flew up and over the street..
.. the paper bag remained in the pram.

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Sat, 07 Oct 2023, 06:04
We don't often get bad weather here in the UK, but the was those 100mph winds a few years ago. Our bins ended up almost in the next street, TV antenna was left dangling on the end of its cable. Plenty of walls and fences gone that sort of thing.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 08 Oct 2023, 03:18

Question of the Day : October 8th

What do your favorite pyjamas look like?
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