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Socoder -> Art and Sound -> A New Korg Gadget!

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Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 11:29
I had missed the release. I bought it just for the sake of supporting Korg. There are luckily a couple of instruments there that I wil probably use.
Thu, 26 May 2022, 21:22
And Korg released yet another Module sound pack. This time 30 samples for 10 bucks. I'm not buying them anymore.
Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 00:31
Korg updated Gadget to 3.0

(Someone mentioned there have been a huge increase in new preset instruments 6000+)


View on YouTube

View on YouTube

Its gadgets can now be used elsewhere too. Improved workflow. 2 new gadgets. (Rythm)Guitar and sampler. Both each at $10. genre selection. New ifx.

Installing atm. I was coincidentally using Gadget yesterday.

(Below Logic pro on iPad with a part of the Korg list shown - it scrolls down)

Not every gadget can be used outside. Darwin, which is the m1 rompler synth seems not present. Any gadget with the old ios music tech is stil unsupported on apple by Korg.

Gadget for Mac should now allow its gadgets to be used in other daws too. Though now checked by me. (Payed upgrade!)

On a sidenote. It is rumored iPad pro could double in price this march when the new ones arrive. 1500$ for the starting 128gb model. This since they added the deluxe Oled screens. Not sure if the budget ipads wil double in price after that too.

Some screens of changes I think I noticed. Three icons for switching into different screens.

Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 02:49
Oh dear. That'll be another thing to do, today!!!

Ok, I'll have a fiddle,later. Still have to post this week's ALChoon, first..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 04:55
Had a fiddle, and honestly, I'm really not impressed!
This is definitely not the leap that 1 to 2 was, and some of the UI decisions seem incredibly none-iOS friendly.
The knobs in a lot of places still don't let you tap and enter values. If you use any of the knobs for anything, it's easier to reload the preset and re-tweak the knob than it is to try to reset the knob yourself. There's no "0.00" reset.. you either have to glide 100% perfectly, or give up trying.

Folders do, at least, now work in the project menu. Thank god for that single bloody improvement.
.. but with hundreds of tracks to go through, that's not exactly a fun day of organising, ahead.

Oh, and there's still no pitch-glide that I can see.

And the app itself doesn't support external AU plugins.

All in all, really not impressed, and thank god I switched to Ableton.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 07:10
There is a 'new from genre' option in the file menu. It allows one to create a template with pre made patterns. It is not really main stream or high quality music. But it can be used as a sort of dj tool before loading it in.

My santa ana video has had almost 110 views since this morning. I put a link there to my site for some traffic funneling
Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 02:23
My Santa Ana Rhythm Guitar Video has had 430 views in around 24 hours. My most watched video in the last 356 days. Seems Korg Gadget has had some kind of revival.

The aubiobus forum linked to the video causing quite some traffic.

I'm to busy with health homework to dive into exploring Gadget some more. There is a cool new search screen in the gadget selection window. Every instruments that Korg Gadget has is sorted and searchable there. Quickly playable from a sample play button. It shows which you bought and did not. No way to know precisely know what to buy to get it.
Percussion is not that well handled. Just showing and playing the entire kit in one go. So you can not search for clap or snare or hihat.

Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 03:26
Hurray for views! \o/yeay\o/

I did spot the instrument search panel, but at the time I was severely disappointed that the thing still wouldn't pick up all those AudioKit AU retro synth apps that I've bought.
Not being able to use any of those was the main reason I inevitably switched from Gadget.
That and their insistence on only ever releasing Sample-Packs for Module, started to really wind me up.
With Gadget it's "Korg or nothing", and there's a limit to just how much one company can do.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 03:51
The iPhone version also has limitations. Not all gadgets work there. It does have a visual eq now, which is nice. But for more options I switch to different daws. I think for iPhone Cubasis is the best allrounder. Now it can use a lot of those korg gadgets too.

On iPad I now do the final mixing and detailing work with Logic Pro.

I was cleaning up storage yesterday. I had to delete a hundred audio books that it downloaded without me knowing. Now Korg Module has every instrument installed and space to spare.
Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 06:50

View on YouTube

This is the first proper choon I've made in KorgGadget for a good year or two, and .. Man, they've broken a few things in this update, huh?

My workflow used to be to create a sort of scratchpad at the bottom of the pattern list, then a blank pattern at the top, and copy+paste things up to it..
Next I would duplicate the bottom of the music, and copy+paste more into it from the scratchpad at the bottom.
No matter what I tried, today, I don't think I can duplicate patterns, any more, except for the bottom-most pattern.
... Which is my scratchpad, not the bottom of my choon.


I did eventually find this option, though.
Instead of a simple single-tap duplicate button, you now have to hit "Select", then select the pattern, then click duplicate.

The thing has gone from a simple one-step process to being 2 or 3 steps.
Copy+pasting individual blocks, too, has now become stupidly complicated like this. Click copy, then select where to paste, then click a further paste button.

Really not liking these changes.
But I'm not a Gadget user, any more, so... whatever.. not my problem. :/

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 08:31
That santa ana there sounds good! The bass in the song I like too. Kind of reminds me of Amiga

I was looking at thew new ifx eq screens just yet. And I think I might try and use some of the gadgets in Logic this evening.
Mon, 01 Apr 2024, 02:28
Korg has updated the Korg M1 app to now also run as a AUv3 and on iPhone. Bit late, but the M1 is a bread and butter synth.

They have a new piano instrument pack for Gadget too.
Mon, 01 Apr 2024, 02:44
No good having all those AU's stuck on the iPad, when the only DAW I use on the iPad is Gadget.
What needs to happen is that Gadget needs to work with other AU's. THEN Gadget would be powerful once more.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Apr 2024, 02:55
I stil pay for Logic Pro every month. But not doing any music at all. Being able to use the m1 in this does seem fun now. The Korg Module AUv3 was my favorite until now.

Were the Korg Gadget not usable in any daw on the Mac? Though not sure what they cost.
Mon, 01 Apr 2024, 03:56
Yeah, I'd have to pay for them all again on Mac.
I spent SO much on Gadget, over the years, it seems kinda ludicrous to have to buy it all again.
They can piss right off.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Apr 2024, 05:20
The new iPads were postponed until may. Not sure if I should get one right away. I think it might cost 1500 euro's for the 256gb model now. No way I can get a 16gb ram model. These are above 2000 euro's.

So expensive. Coding on a iPad is a bit cumbersome too.

No macbook for me.
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