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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Misc

Created : 02 August 2008

Something better than just water?

It looks like the red planet may be packing more than just water.. Who knows.



Saturday, 02 August 2008, 20:37

Saturday, 02 August 2008, 21:22
First off, is this a reliable news website?

Second off, why in thee hell does someone like George W. Bush get to find out about it first? I mean, I know he's our president, but if a huge scientific breakthrough isn't threatening national security, why does it have to be filtered through him? Not to mention he's a moron.
Saturday, 02 August 2008, 21:55
It was the Bush Administration’s Presidential Science Advisor they talked to...

If they had spoken to Bush first, there would probably be a few hundred nuclear warheads headed for Mars, just in case.
Sunday, 03 August 2008, 05:13
The way I see it... These missions are paid for by the public taxes, so the public should be the first to know, not that bellend AKA George W Bush. There must be a strong reason for his middle name being shortened to "W" .
Sunday, 03 August 2008, 05:36
When i first saw this, i though "not another sports drink!!", but hey, i was wrong, its interesting.

If NASA went straight to the white house with this news and is keeping its mouth shut to the rest of the worl it must be big. But I can't think of a single thing that would shock the world, even if they turned round and said "the camra was panning accross the landscape and a little green (grey?)man waved at us", i don't think it would impact us in any way. Most of the world (even some of the religious peopoe) can happily agree that it is impossible for us to be the only inhabited planet in the univers, even in our galaxy there likely thousands of planets with life on them.

Hobo - if you're impliing that bush only needs the slighted excuse for a war, then... i agree.... insects on mars! nuke 'em..
excuse for a lolcat i think...

Sunday, 03 August 2008, 11:57
I can understand it going straight to the government. As much as the people hate it, its why we have the government.

If they found life, it would stir stuff up a bit.

Maybe they found remains of what was once life?
Sunday, 03 August 2008, 12:39
A martian skeleton would be cool.
Sunday, 03 August 2008, 15:06
MY girlfriend suggests they found a peice of a previous lander (faild?) and NASA area all "OMFG!! We foundz teh Marz tech!!!"
Sunday, 03 August 2008, 15:28
Nah...a chunk of metal would have already been seen by the cameras when it landed weeks ago. It's just a lander, so it can't move around.
Monday, 04 August 2008, 06:18
From the Phoenix Twitter:

"Reports claiming there was a White House briefing are also untrue and incorrect."

Aw well...
Monday, 04 August 2008, 06:22
No martians..
Monday, 04 August 2008, 07:23
Jayenkai Awwww...
No martians..

C'mon... I thought everybody had realised by now, that all of the Martians moved to Earth centuries ago.

Think back to your school days... Can you seriously say that most of the school teachers, came from planet Earth ?. We had some seriously wierd looking teachers, at the school that I attended.
Monday, 04 August 2008, 07:52
*gets "Eve of the War" in his head...*
Monday, 04 August 2008, 23:30
Turns out it was Perchlorate, whatever that is.

I have no clue, so here's some Reddit Comments