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Deleting account

27th February 2022

Yes please, just anoymoize the user, but close the account. You may keep code snippets, etc.


Deleting account

26th February 2022

Hello there
How do you delete / close the account?
With thanks


Programming for the OUYA?

23rd June 2013

Thanks for this. I think YoYoGames and Corona might also do this, but the info seems just related to the controller rather than exporting to the OUYA.
Monkey's development sounds cool; I bought it months ago but never really did anything with it. I'll t*snip*


Programming for the OUYA?

22nd June 2013

I understand that to make games for OUYA you pretty much need Unity all the way, but this is out of my league in terms of cost.
I'm wondering about if it is possible to make your game in another system, Monkey or whatever, and then export the game for OUY*snip*


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

2nd August 2012

MMO is not on my radar right now. I would need a server, PHP code, database, all that jazz -- also some way to limit people's actions. Other games do this using grinding, using energy or man hours or some other mechanic.
I actually hate grinding games, a*snip*


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

31st July 2012

I'm just going to leave it for now. Code everything else and work it out later.


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

31st July 2012

I agree. A board game route would make it very confusing, esp on a mobile device.
The idea is, you can pick a team, pick what to do with it.
The closest I can find is:
Gangsters:Organized Crime (Linkage)
However, there are no guards; and every chara*snip*


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

31st July 2012

This is still a tad too complex. Perhaps there is another route?
Perhaps even getting rid of guards altogether?
I'm going to look and see how board games do it.
I'm sure I will get there.


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

31st July 2012

I think, to make it easier,
Parent goon has attributes, ie,
Business, Firearms, Intimidation, XP, things like that.
The goon's crew (children) and racket guards should share these attributes,
Atk, Def, XP
You can add guards to a racket, but only if yo*snip*


Help in solving design/theory ideas in my game

30th July 2012

Hi all.
It must have been months, if not years since I've posted here.
Way back when I did start on a Blitz Basic game, but I never actually completed it but moved into iPhone stuff.
I've spent a lot of time on a game I am building, but I'm hitting a pr*snip*


BlitzMax for Desktop app development

5th June 2011

Oh okay, it was just a thought. I'll concentrate on getting my iOS app done first then worry about desktop apps.


BlitzMax for Desktop app development

5th June 2011

Its been yonks since I've been to Socoder, I'm hoping (once I get my artwork back) to finally get my first iOS game (a noir-based mafia game based off my prototype work detailed in my blog on socoder) out soon.
Anyway, the topic at hand is whether BlitzMa*snip*


Anyone seen this yet ?

24th September 2010

I've been looking at Phonegap and Appcelerator Titanium (both use HTML5/CSS3 in different ways) as alternatives; but the problem with both of these is that they really don't lend themselves to games unless you've got a PHd in JavaScript or something.


Gamercamp at Birmingham City University

22nd September 2010

I have some further information. For more detailed info you should contact them directly.
The course runs Monday to Friday 9-5 from 8th November to 3rd December.
The first week is a training week, Weeks 2-4 are production weeks
The course is based at Th*snip*


Gamercamp at Birmingham City University

21st September 2010

I've sent them a list of questions as it is something I'm interested in too; especially as it would be a) cheaper than a master's degree and b) more vocational.
But you never know with these things. I'll post back when I have further details.


Gamercamp at Birmingham City University

21st September 2010

Next month I am going to be meeting with representatives of Teeside University to see how far they are in their development of a Master's degree programme/module for iphone/mobile gaming.
However, until then I was recently informed of the Game camp at Bir*snip*


Jayenkai's Arcade Slots

8th September 2010

Oh thanks for that. Yeah, I understand your frustrations with the language/syntax, etc; I've been trying to get myself an internship or a job, or something, anything to get a handle on the language, but to no avail.


Jayenkai's Arcade Slots

8th September 2010

Hi Jayenkai,
Its been a while since I last posted, mainly because I've been looking for a job; but also because I'm still learning iphone development and its much harder than I originally planned.
I recently saw your blog post on (Linkage) regar*snip*


Anyone started iphone game development?

27th July 2010

I have some interesting news!
I've done a lot of research with regards to Universities/Colleges that offer iphone/android (and/or other) platform development, unfortuently not many do. Most of which is documented on my blog.
But; I have recently fou*snip*


PHP Frameworks

27th July 2010

I've used CodeIgniter the most in my projects, it's very good; but bewarned it does not have Modules (ie: stand-alone grouping of project code) out of the box, it does not have an Auth layer out of the box.
I was working on a modular CMS for my former emp*snip*


Color schemes by name

30th June 2010

That'll do. Thanks.


Color schemes by name

30th June 2010

I'm after a library or a list of color schemes by name rather than doing Color R,G,B.
On this page: (Linkage)
It has some examples, but I couldn't get it to work; also I'm wanting to keep it Object Orientated rather than just a list of constants.
I am *snip*


Anyone started iphone game development?

15th June 2010

For the past 2-3 months I've been trying to get into iphone development, went on a course in Leeds, bought loads of books and even signed up to online video tutorials (ie: xcelme.com); but I still feel very frustrated with my pace as there is so much to le*snip*


Help with Image encryption

19th March 2010

There are quite a few Blitz as "packages" programmes. I have not tried them all, but a few of them are actually very good and do not include any viewable assets.


Whats the name of this arcade game?

14th February 2010

Yes, it was super thunder blade! Thanks

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