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Repetitive Tilemap Randomisation

22nd April 2023

Sometimes a tile map's texture can look awfully repetitive when you have very few art tiles, but there's nice ways to reduce the repetitiveness.
Any decent tile map engine should allow for flipping/mirroring of tiles, and if you can add rotation i*snip*


Swirly Swoopy Baddy Waves

11th February 2022

Warning : Hastily written ''tutorial'' ahead.
I made a nice enemy swirly method yesterday, for a bog-standard Shoot-em-up, and figured others might like to use it.
First off, we'll start with an array.
[jse]Mode 1,2
Dim Baddy(20,20)


Looping Track Generation

17th October 2020

You know what's a pain in the arse?
Generating a looping track, that loops properly, and doesn't break.
Always trying to get the start and end points to join up is SUCH an annoying thing to code.
Yesterday whilst playing Mario Kart Live, I (for *snip*


Expanded Grid Pathfinding

2nd January 2018

I'm sure there's a better name for this, which probably already exists, but this is a method that I've evolved since doing Army of Flags, and it seems to be working well for me and my enemies!
Thought I'd share.
Assuming yo*snip*


Cookie Information

11th June 2017

Obligatory Cookie Warning
SoCoder uses minimal cookies, but some people think it's important to disclose this, so I figured I should explain them properly...
The cookies used are as follows.
A single cookie is used to remember whether you've doc*snip*


Advanced BBCode

18th October 2013

Enhance your post using special BBCode.


Hilbert in Blitz

18th October 2010

Hilbert Curve
Never heard of these before Spinal mentioned them yesterday. They're kinda neat!
Since I'm procrastinating, and trying not to finish my first AGameAWeek game of the year, I figured I'd do it in Blitz.
So here's that..
It's a bit mes*snip*


Jay creates ''Some Game''

14th October 2010

The random creation of a random game.


Quick Floor Tiles

1st September 2010

A super quick method to give your basic floor tiles a little more depth.


A Pong for All Systems

11th May 2010

I've had this idea in mind for AGES, but haven't ever gotten around to it.
Since everyone seems to be in a helpful mood lately, here's your chance to help out with something.
A Pong for All Systems is an effort to make the same game of pong, using *snip*


Quick Grassy Platforms

18th November 2009

A super quick method to give your platforms a little more depth.



29th July 2009

What they are, and how they work.


MidletPascal : Cookie : Tic-Tac-Toe part three

13th May 2009



MidletPascal : Cookie : Tic-Tac-Toe part two

10th May 2009

Made for my Cookie : It's good enough for me


MidletPascal : Cookie : Tic-Tac-Toe part one

10th May 2009

Made for my Cookie : It's good enough for me


MidletPascal : Cookie : Loading Images

10th May 2009

Made for my cookie : It's good enough for me.


MidletPascal Jumpstart

5th May 2009

1. Initially written for an ''LG Cookie KP500'' forum, so very Cookie specific things ahead! (That's my phone!!)
2. Thanks, thanks, and thanks again to Pio for having pointed out MidletPascal.
Less Java = Happier Jay!!
Right, let's all*snip*


Left-Right Slider Puzzle

13th January 2009

A great big explaination of a game!


Half an Hour, Flash/haXe Jumpstart

27th August 2008

Make things in code, that run in flash!


Online Highscores

22nd August 2008

How they work, and how to work them.


Tetris Part Four : Spin and Block

5th January 2008

A rather messy tutorial to help people make decent Tetris games.


Tetris Part Three : Movement

5th January 2008

A rather messy tutorial to help people make decent Tetris games.


Tetris Part Two : Playfield

30th December 2007

A rather messy tutorial to help people make decent Tetris games.


Tetris Part One : Blocks

30th December 2007

A rather messy tutorial to help people make decent Tetris games.


Basic Data Stuff

29th December 2007

Storing data with Data.

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