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Socoder -> Sony Gaming -> So did anyone buy a PS3?

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Thu, 15 Feb 2007, 16:50
Several people here have a Wii, and on Amazon.co.uk it was sold out in 7 minutes. The PS3 came available for pre-order earlier, and that has taken around 12 hours to sell out. You can also still find units from the launch in the US in many stores.

So did anyone actually buy one?
Thu, 15 Feb 2007, 16:57
Nope. Why get that when there is something cheaper, and so much more fun?

My Twitter
Thu, 15 Feb 2007, 17:11
no PS3 for me, but i am still waiting to get a Wii, i should have had one by now but i dont know what happend...

Stuff... Yeah...
Thu, 15 Feb 2007, 23:59
power mousey
No PS3 and No Wii for me.
PS3 console too expensive for me.
Wii is just about right...price wise.

Yet, the games for both consoles are too expensive for me. Will stick to my PC. And programming, playing computer games, watching DVD movies, and net browsing and surfing.

Thank you.
and cheers.

Fri, 16 Feb 2007, 00:15
I did not get a PS3, or a Wii like power mousey. I am fine with my PS2 for the moment. If, in about 3 years time, the price has dropped to something crazy like £50, I might get it, but for the moment, no. If I had to choose at the moment, I would go for the PSP.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 16 Feb 2007, 00:31
power mousey

me too, shroom.

or maybe a PS2.
Fri, 02 Mar 2007, 12:28
The PS3 is still only on pre-order, yet lots of shops have started to lower the price already, down to almost £400!

Their's also an interesting story on UK Resistance about a Toys R Us manager forcing his staff to put in fake orders for PS3's, so the shop doesn't look bad.
Sun, 06 May 2007, 12:30
Well, I got a PS3. I must say it's by far the best console I've ever bought in a long time. It's stable, it got good hardware, interesting games to come, free online play, I can play most of the PS2 games (God of War anyone ^^) and should I get a HD TV in the future, then BluRay will be my DVD successor for shure.

Edit: got a Wii and 360 as well. But Wii was boring except for Wii Sports and 360 pissed me off with all those extra stuff you need to buy ($70+ for a WiFi connector? Are they mad or something?!?). Plus I didn't want to pay for onlineplay that is not MMO and XNA is not the revolutionary game API that many thought it would be.
Sun, 06 May 2007, 12:49
I'm waiting for the price to go down. Wayyy down. I was disappointed with the DS's games so I'm not completely sure I'm going to get a Wii anyway.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Sun, 06 May 2007, 12:52
Well, my DS light was a present from my girlfriend and I could play Tetris DS all night long. Otherwise I would've sold it already.
Sun, 06 May 2007, 12:58
Stable? Seriously, how are other consoles unstable?

Looks nice and for once Sony's machine is the most powerful. But I would expect full PS2 backwards compatibility like the rest of the world (I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't just us). I'd like to note that the Wii has full GameCube backwards compatibility. But mainly, it's too expensive.

I wouldn't be surprised if you also started to get what happened on the Saturn. The PS3 is meant to be difficult to program for, on the Saturn this lead to some truly amazing looking games (like Nights) and lots of shit looking games.

But my biggest problem is the price.

I also agree with you about the Wii. It's an amazing machine, but it needs more then Wii Sports, Zelda, the news and Everybody Votes.
Sun, 06 May 2007, 13:04
My xbox 360 broke 3 times and showed me the red ring of death. It's the most unstable console I've ever seen. Wii has "rebooted" a couple of time as well when I was right in the game (Zelda, Red Steel, Wii Sports).
Sun, 06 May 2007, 14:53
One slight Wii complaint.. If you've got bittorrent downloading your week's Dr Who, the bandwidth's all sucked up, and Wii Channel switching becomes painfully slow!
I might try switching off Wii Connect 24 next time I'm doing it!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 06 May 2007, 15:12
power mousey

well....soon, maybe in another week or two
I'll be getting a big gift, allowance, or even a
a slice portion of an inheritance from my
Uncle Sam.

Federal tax refund.

I could buy and afford at least one of these consoles
and a few games and still have some money left over
and shove it in for savings in the bank.
Yet, I'm saving it up for the XGS 2 myself.

console cheers
power mousey
Fri, 11 May 2007, 07:13

They tried to do PS3 ROX! with Wii boxes, but unfortunately they were sold out so they couldn't get any.

I'm happy with my XBOX (the old one with XBMC on it), PS2 (playing Final Fantasy XII right now.. wooo!), and our Wii which all the family enjoys.

The PS3 can go and get bent - the arrogance of putting in Blu-Ray and trying to push their format at the expense of the consumer never fails to astound me.

I don't want a bluray player - DVD format is still in it's infancy and is infinitely superior to VHS - I'm sure as hell bluray doesn't give such a leap in quality as moving from video to dvd.

Fri, 11 May 2007, 07:16
Well, BluRay has its good sides. The PS3 is a quiet game machine while the 360 is loud as hell That's why I prefered the PS3 and got one.
Fri, 11 May 2007, 08:52
I've seen that picture before on UK Resistance.

I didn't find the XBox 360 loud, but it might be louder then the PS3. But is that really a good reason to buy one console over another? If it is, I'm sure with the money you'd save with buying an XBox 360 over the PS3, you could custom sound proof the machine, and have change left over.
Fri, 11 May 2007, 11:22
@DiablosDevil: It was not the only reason. Other reasons:

- PS3 got WLAN build in, 360 WLAN is an additional 70 Euro (around 80-90 dollar)

- the wireless controller of the 360 needs either batteries or rechargable batteries (or the 360 recharge pack) where the PS3 controller only needs to be connected to the PS3 via USB to recharge

- the tilt function of the PS3 pad is actually really nice. You can see this at fl0w and I'm hoping the best for warhawk. I was never a fan of rumble though. I don't even want to imagine a Motorstorm with rumble (nightmare O.o)

- the online gaming works and is free of charge. I don't need all the fancy XBL stuff and I don't want to pay for only playing some FPS online

- in USA the BluRay is already ahead of the HD-DVD. I would also moan if the HD DVD was set as the definitve successor to the DVD but it seems BluRay will make it in the long run. So the BluRay drive is actually a very nice addition

- most important: the exclusive games. And I'm not talking about FF or MGS here. I'm talking about games like God Of War. I wasn't impressed by Gears of War at all, the same goes for the other 360 exclusive titles (I wasn't impressed by any of the Rare games, Perfect Dark Zero was really bad). And I don't like the Halo games
Fri, 11 May 2007, 12:24
dude, just buy a premium 360. it is only a hundred bucks more and comes with all the extra stuff like wifi and wireless controllers.

also you forget that the PS3's online support is shitty at best and they hardly use any of the disc space on a blu-ray disc. that can be put on a normal DVD easily and that no game developer can use that much space for a game simply because it would take too long to make that much media and code before the developers go bust.

also the PS3 has been loosing a lot of exclusives, it is hard to develop for, has an inferior memory system, a weaker graphics card than the 360 and has very bad documentation compared to nintendo and microsoft

also the SIXAXIS controller(stupid name btw) has no rumble, rumble is not that important but people are expecting it now and that it can't point like the wiimote and is over sensitive.

then the PS3 has had some heating issues, far greater than the 36o's where

i like green haired girls...
Fri, 11 May 2007, 12:33
power mousey

Sebe....er I mean now f4ktor

you need and saving up cash for Cobra.
And you bought a PS3. ouch!!

hmmmmmmm....perhaps that could be one of the reasons
why you need to save up money for Cobra.

I'm sure you will have fun with your PS3.
As for me...the prices of some consoles is a factor.
But, really its the prices of the console games

I'll be going back and play to finish Might and Magic 6
on the PC. I also saw the price of StarCraft Battlechest
for under 20 bucks at the Wally-Mart.

power mousey
Fri, 11 May 2007, 12:39
I got all 3 consoles, only kept the PS3.

The 360 premium does NOT have WLAN! In fact all of the 360 aspects were based on my 360 PREMIUM experiences.

The PS3 online support is everything else but shitty. It's lag-free (at least Motorstorm and Resistance are), the downloadable games are great (fl0w is by far the best low cost game I've ever played) and I got a free Casino Royale BluRay because I registered my PS3 online.
Most if not all current PS3 games already take up much more space than a DVD could offer.
There are exclusive games the PS3 will never lose. Most games are multiplatform anyway. The PS2 was hard to develop as well, did it influence the gamedevelopment that much? No, because if you're a developer and you want to release your game on as many platforms as possible then you simply go for it! Making games != easy. Of course Microsoft got the best devtools, they are actually a software developer. If you say SIXAXIS is a stupid name, then you must be real SONY hater. Don't want to offend you but it's just too obvious. And for heating issues: do a google search on PS3 and heating issues and do the same for the 360. Just my story: I had to send my 360 4 times to Microsoft (red ring of death). My PS3 runs from day one, never had a freeze or some other issue. It's a quiet, stable and powerful console. Yes, it's expensive. But don't tell that much nonsense because you can't afford one. 360 at it's core is a good and nice gaming machine with good games. Wii is a nice machine without good games. I've chosen the PS3 and I'm happy with it. The best console I've bought since the SNES (and I was a long time Playstation hater, I didn't even have a PS or PS2; I only play the PS2 games on the PS3).
Fri, 11 May 2007, 12:51
power mousey


you used to have a Super Nes...Super Nintendo.
I did too...along with a Sega Genesis as well.

Back to back and play by play gaming
on both consoles. On the Sega Genesis....
one of my favorite games was Valos.
I would play that all the time.

but hey, if I do indeed save up for a
next supposed gen console....the one that
offers games and/or ports to such games
as Hellgate London and Fallout 3. Then thats the
console I probably will buy.
But I hope Hellgate London, Fallout 3 and even Titan Quest
are ported over to the PS2. Then I'll just buy the PS2.

power mousey
Fri, 11 May 2007, 12:59
I don't think these games will be ported to consoles

Btw: Blizzard will announce a new game Mai 19th =) Starcraft ftw!

By the way: I bought the PS3 when it came out and back then I didn't know that Cobra was released =) Plus I now found someone who will buy my Cheetah3D license so I got the money for Cobra (well, kinda ^^).
Fri, 11 May 2007, 13:02
Although I partly disagree. Yes the space on a blue-ray disc will not entirely be used, but I don't see that as a problem. Especially when you bring into account the slow speed of the blue-ray drive, in comparison, to standard dvd drives. For example, I believe it's Ridge Racer 7 which will put 5gb of data onto your hard disk because the drive is too slow.

However F4ktor, you cannot say the lack of certain extras is a reason against the 360. For £200 less then a PS3 on Play.com, you can buy an XBox 360 and a rechargeable battery pack (which I'd rather have then one in-built, because the rechargeable batteries will die). I dunno about wifi (I don't own or plan to own a 360 any time soon), I couldn't see an adapter, but if there is one the £200 will cover it. If not, that's 5 full price XBox 360 games (or more then 10 if you shop around). That's a BIG difference, and the Wii is even cheaper (and includes Wifi).

For you, it's fortunate you don't like rumble, but like it or not it is standard now, as is console backwards compatibility as started by the PS2. I take advantage of this on both the PS2 and the Wii, which makes me very disappointed with Sony's decisions to remove full compatibility from the PS3.

But the real reason Sony didn't include a rumble pack should also be noted, as this shows it was not any form of design decision. Sony infringed on Immersion's patents with the Dual Shock and were forced to pay $91 million. Microsoft, who also infringed on these patents, has since been licensed the technology which is why it is included it in the XBox 360.

The Wii remote's rumble was developed by Nintendo, which is why it's shit. But at least it's there along with backwards compatibility.

The PS3 is difficult to develop for, which may cause lots of bad looking games from developers who don't have the expertise, time or money to develop games to the high standard the PS3 can achieve. This is a shame, because the PS3 is the most powerful of the three machines, both graphically and especially with the cell processor (the tiny percentage of PS3's running Folding@Home easily out perform their PC and Mac equivalents, but this is after PS3 optimization to take advantage of the cell processor).

I can really see in the next 5 years, both the best and worst looking games coming from the PS3. Like how it was with the Saturn.

|edit| The PS2, like the PS1, was not hard to develop for. This is why their are so many PS2 and especially PS1 games. They both just had many features missing (many I'd say were crucial, but unlike the PS3 it did keep the costs down helping it's survival). For example the PS1 could not perform floating calculations. |edit|
Fri, 11 May 2007, 13:10
power mousey

thank you, f4ktor.

I'll have to check into that new Starcraft.

I do like RPGs such as Might and Magic series and the Fallout series but I like more of these action and isometric RPGs.
M ade popular with such games as Diablo 1,2 and the StarCraft series. Also a few others such as Restricted Area, Metal Knights, Sacred, and especially Divine Divinity.
I also like Dungeon Siege too.

Fri, 11 May 2007, 13:27
Also, I do not see the blue-ray succeeding as a choice for home entertainment. People are willing to listen and watch music and video at lower quality then 10 years ago (mp3 instead of cd and video cassettes have better quality then most YouTube videos). DVD offers high quality video, and everyone has a dvd player, so why do they need to switch? The majority of people do not notice, or care, about the difference. Instead they care about ease of use and price.

This is also coming from the same company who developed BetaMax and UMD. Saying that, BetaMax was successful as a high quality format for professional use, which is where I see Blue-Ray succeeding. With a minority of people who do care about the increased capacity. Even then, holographic discs offer a maximum of 3.9tb, which at an expected $120 dollars each, gives you far more space per dollar then Blue-Ray or HD-DVD.

|edit| The Holographic Reader Card which is out soon in Japan (if not already) holds 30gb, is the size of a credit card and has a write speed 3 times faster then the Blue-Ray. Probably uses much less power too, as its drives have far less moving parts then for different disc formats (DVD, CD, etc). |edit|
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