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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Wed, 10 Apr 2019, 16:20
Eh? Repeats?

Eh? Repeats?
Wed, 10 Apr 2019, 16:46
Shhh.. you didn't see that!!!!

(Must've been a Tape Error)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 11 Apr 2019, 01:05
OK. I won't mention it!
Sat, 20 Apr 2019, 05:18
Crikey, that's a good week I've gone without noodles!!

Let's eat!!

March/April - Noodle Two

Looks Like...

Soup with a burger in it..?

Tastes Like...

The weird meat circle tasted exactly like previous meaty circles. They do enjoy putting large circular blobs in their noodles, don't they!?
The broth is quite oniony. Nice and creamy, though. A good "soup"!!

The noodles themselves seemed to swell up quite a bit in the water, but were still quite chewy and actually rather tasteless. Not a fan of these ones, if I'm honest.

Rating : 2/5 - Had better.. certainly not worthy of the Gold packaging!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 20 Apr 2019, 12:18
Did you want noodles with your soup, sir?

Tue, 23 Apr 2019, 04:22
March/April Noodle Three

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

The little packet of "Rich Deliciousness" smelt exactly like the feint smell you get from freshly grown cress!!
Mixed in with the vinegary smell of the broth, it ended up smelling kind rubbery.
Not the best taste, if I'm honest.
The noodles were also kinda bland, and not tough at all. They weren't quite SuperNoodle bad, but they were somewhere halfway between a Pot Noodle and those dreaded gooey splotches of slime that Batchelor call noodles.

Rating : 1/5 - A rather unpleasant aftertaste..

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 24 Apr 2019, 01:21
The description doesn't sound too pleasant; therefore I wasn't expecting a great review rating. Yep. What I expected TBH.
Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 03:17
Woke up peckish...
.. only one thing to do!,

March/April Noodle Four!

It's not midnight!!

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Mmm.. fishy..
Big chunky splotches of .. whatever the hell. And all horribly ...eeeuww...

And slimy noodles, too.
All in all, not an enjoyable breakfast.

Rating 1/5 - I'd rather have a bowl of CocoPops..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 09:40
Shrimp? Seaweed? GTFO. Bleurghh!!
Wed, 01 May 2019, 04:43
March April Noodle Five

Looks slightly different to the image on the sheet. May be a different flavour. Who knows!!

Looks Like..

Nice thick chunky noodles, there!!
Little splotches of egg and all the meaty bits do at least sound like the description above, so.. I'm going to assume it's the correct flavour!

Tastes Like...

Ok, I guess. The broth was a bit watery, but the meaty chunks were really big and chunky and chewy and lovely.
The noodles were a little watery, too. Maybe I put too much water in, but I did fill to the fill level, so that ain't my fault!!

Rating : 4/5 - Alright, but kinda bland and unexciting in the same way that a Beef and Tomato Pot Noodle is.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 01 May 2019, 13:53
Sounds ok.

I think they've just updated the packaging - the kanji writing is the same - just horizotal, not vertical.
Wed, 01 May 2019, 15:47
I guess so..
I got as far as the third character, and noticed the "s were ..like.. WAY far away from the position they are in the other version. Figured that was more than enough to change the character, but,. Guess not! I'm no Japanese reader!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 May 2019, 06:12
March April Noodle Six

Looks Like..

Tastes Like..

There's a gorgeous wood-smoked aroma coming from them!
The spices are definitely strong with this one. Quite a kick, right from the start.
Flavourwise, just a whole lot of spices all mushed together.
The noodles are nice and thick, and everything's pretty much spot on.

Rating : 5/5 - definitely a new favourite!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 05 May 2019, 15:36
Sounds like my cup of noodles!
Wed, 15 May 2019, 05:31
End of March/April

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

It's really quite flavourful, lots of spices, and a great kick to it, too.
Couldn't tell you what it tasted of, mind. Just that it was very nice!
Even Mum enjoyed the smell of it. (She hasn't been liking the smells of a lot of these!)

Rating : 5/5 - Haven't a clue what it was, but it was gorgeous!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 15 May 2019, 12:54
Sounds lovely and probably just my cup of tea. Right up my street. That.


I don't know if I mentioned it, but my wife got me a load of Japenese "goodies" for Christmas 2018. Due to being really ill at the time I never ate any of them. Some are sweets, some are savouries, some are fishy (there's definitely some octopus and squid in there) and all are in cartoonish type wrappings with full on Japanese texts. No instructions or details as to what any are, other than what's on the packet.

I plan to start opening them from tomorrow. I will photograph and rate my discoveries (in a new forum). I aim to do one a day, so that's a week or so worth of me being violently ill. Probably.
Wed, 15 May 2019, 13:00
In a new forum??! Don't leave!!! *cries*
Wed, 15 May 2019, 18:46
I meant thread. I'm working nights, so braindead!
Wed, 15 May 2019, 19:05
Poor Rockford..

I'm sure all the sugary goodness will give you the boost you need

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 15 May 2019, 21:06
There's more savoury than sweetness by the look of things. And squid. And octopus. I'm sooo looking forward to these, knowing my love of all things fishy. Not!
Sun, 19 May 2019, 05:13
Is this the final box?
I can't remember..
A next-box hasn't turned up, so it may very well be.

April/May 2019

(CBA doing a group shot)

Cheat Sheet Side One - Side Two

Noodle One

Looks Like..

Mum : "Eeuw, that smells horrible... Don't eat that!"

Tastes Like..

The little black sardines are .. chewy.. and .. eeeeeuwww!!
.. Unless those were mushroom?
Either way, eeeuuuwww!!

The rest of it wasn't too bad, though. A nice aftertaste, which is unusual for something so fishy.
The noodles were all kinda scraggly and in little bits, though, rather than larger stringy noodles.

Rating : 3/5 - Had better.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 19 May 2019, 07:10
Fish, mushrooms and pork? What a dosgustingly odd combo. Bleurgh!!

@Jay: Can you add a vomit smiley? It'll come in handy with all these ramen and Japanese foodstuffs!
Sun, 19 May 2019, 08:20

Damn, that was NOT an easy task! Think I might rewrite the way I do smilies..
Actually, could probably also do with upping the res of the smilies, in general.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 19 May 2019, 12:19
Looks OK

Mr Bucket. Love it! Obvious pun intended!
Sat, 25 May 2019, 05:09
April/May Noodle Two

Looks Like...

Drowned Noodles. Might've added too much water!

Tastes Like...

IIRC, previous "golden bowl" noodles have been that nice Golden Vegetable Soup soup, but this one's much more meaty.
The soup is really nice and has a slight Oxo taste to it, but is also remarkably oily. .. like kinda a bit too sickly, kinda oily..
The noodles are slipping off the fork as I try to spin them around to pick them up!!
They're also kinda chewy. Not tasteless, though. They've done a lot of soakage, but they're still kinda touch and chewy.

Rating : 4/5 - Could do with a bit less oil!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 25 May 2019, 05:41
Sounds OK. Other than the oil!
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