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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 05:06
Noodle Six

Looks Like...
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like..

The curry wasn't particularly spicy, and there wasn't a whole lot of flavour in there.
It also has a curious leftover grittiness, which appears to be clinging onto my tongue.

Noodles themselves were ok, though. They're the "thinner Pot Noodle" variety.

Rating : 1/5 - Not the best.

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Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 06:32
When the "hidden stars of this dish" are diced potatoes, it really doesn't say much for the rest...
Wed, 28 Nov 2018, 04:12
Noodle Seven

Looks Like

Tastes Like

..smelt ok, until I added the sauce sachet.
Fuck knows what flavour that was, but it was thick, brown and gooey!
Smells horrible.. can't describe it.

Also, the noodles are kinda weirdly rubbery. I'm not sure if the "elastic band" vibes are down to how rubbery they are, or the taste of that horrible sauce!!

Rating : 0/5.. nah...!

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Wed, 28 Nov 2018, 06:05
Meanwhile, the missing October box finally shows up.

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Wed, 28 Nov 2018, 11:39
Oodles more noodles. Yay!
Thu, 29 Nov 2018, 06:32
I may have to take a trip to the local asian food stores andjust get a bunch of random ones this weekend should the weather be all nice 'n' stuff of course!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 30 Nov 2018, 04:14
Noodle Eight

Looks Like

Tastes Like

I'm enjoying them, but the flavour I just can't place. It's like a mix between Worcester Sauce and Vinegar!! Really odd tasting, but nice.

The noodles are the waterproof variety, but after draining and adding in all the flavour afterwards, the flavouring has clung to the noodles. As such, they're really quite tasty.

Rating : 5/5

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Fri, 30 Nov 2018, 09:10
Sounds nice
Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 05:57
October starts here!!

Cheat sheet - Page One - Page Two

Noodle One

Looks Like...

Apologies for all the sideways photos, today. iPhone's sensor seems to be acting up.. hmmm...
Assume the noodles look the same, the correct way round!

Tastes Like...

A very light, crisp, garden type veg, salady taste to this one. Not at all like the previous "vegetable soup" ones, and instead tastes like I'm eating a warm noodle-enhanced salad!
The noodles are quite thin, and stringy, but have certainly soaked in the flavour.

Rating : 5/5 - Really tasty!

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Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 08:57
Extra veggies are always good with noodles.
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 04:32
Noodle Two

Looks Like

Tastes Like

If Monday's was a fresh field full of wonderfully crisp spring salad vegetables, then today's is the rotting carcass of a long dead animal, lying at the side of a road, for the better half of a year.

Rating : 0/5 - Bleurgh!!!

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 07:18
Sounds delish!
Sat, 08 Dec 2018, 05:59
Noodle Three

I double checked the box contents, and this is the only one with "squiggly square, circular thing, arrow thing, circular thing" in its name, so I'm fairly sure this is the right one, but..

Looks Like..

Tastes Like

There's seaweed in there, and it smells very fishy.
My guess is, same brand, different flavour, because I certainly wouldn't call it a chicken broth!!

Tastes quite like Prawn Cocktail. I think I've said that before.
... my knowledge of seafood tastes is somewhat limited to either tuna, fish fingers or prawn cocktail crisps!!

Rating : 3/5 - To be honest, I'm probably enjoying it more than I would've the Chicken Broth!!

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Tue, 11 Dec 2018, 06:01
Noodle Four

Looks Like

Tastes Like

Quite a nice meaty flavour. Hardly what I'd call Chicken, though, and the little chicken meatballs taste horrible!! Does Japan have wildly different chickens to us?
The egg pieces are tummy, which for someone who dislikes eggs, is a plus point.
The noodles are thin, but are soaking up the flavour.

Rating : 4/5 - OK, except for those weird chicken meatballs.

.. do chicken have meatballs??

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Thu, 13 Dec 2018, 04:09
Tiny Baby Noodle Five

Looks Like

Baby's First PotNoodle

Tastes Like

Alright I guess. Not the best curry noodle so far, but certainly not the worst.
Just, nowhere near enough of it.
Might need to tuck into some Tuna Butties, later!

Rating : 2/5 - Middling taste. Bottoming size!!

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Fri, 14 Dec 2018, 04:40
Noodle EXTRA

As part of the Big Xmas Shop, I added a couple of these on the list.

Thought I might as well add my thoughts, here!

Looks Like

Very watery, and those rice noodles are curiously transparent and worryingly slimy looking.

Also, the container feels like it's about to melt!! Very thin plastic..

Tastes Like

Not the greatest tasting broth. It is indeed very watery, and the flavour isn't exactly what I'd describe as "beefy". More kinda like that odd PlayDoh-esque taste..
They do have quite a kick, but only about five minutes later!

The noodles themselves are exceedingly tasteless, haven't done any soaking, and are indeed very slimy.

Rating : 1/5 - Nah...

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Sat, 15 Dec 2018, 05:41
Noodle Six

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Very buttery.
But not real butter. More like that fake butter you get in microwave popcorn.
Very greasy. A little too greasy, perhaps?
Can't really taste much of anything more than the buttery. It's not an unpleasant taste, but it's extremely overriding.

The noodles are quite tough and chewy. Not my favourite type.

Rating : 2/5 - Nice enough, but I need to go and brush my teeth for about half an hour to get rid of all the oily residue that's now all over the inside of my mouth!

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Sat, 15 Dec 2018, 07:20
Sounds pretty gross tbh. I've never, ever, ever felt that these ever neeeded butter at all, let alone mooore.

I'm not a butter/marg lover though (or anything creamy, including cream). I never add butter to sandwiches etc. I just use sauces and relishes instead.

Mon, 17 Dec 2018, 05:46
Noodle Seven

Naked when open!

Looks Like

Tastes like...

Normally when you do these "Strained" noodles, the sauce is very oily to help the noodles stay noodley. This sauce wasn't as oily, and the noodles have formed into what can only be described as a giant brain!!
They're quite spicy, but not very flavourful. A vague Worcester Sauce vibe, but mostly just spice.

Rating : 3/5 - not bad, but I prefer noodles to giant brains.

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Mon, 17 Dec 2018, 15:45
Thu, 20 Dec 2018, 04:52
Noodle Eight - The last of October's selection

Looks Like

Tastes Like...

Hard to describe. A very smokey taste, and an almost tobacco like smell.
If these were Nicorette Noodles, they'd be spot on!
The oil packet was at least nice and oily, so the post-strained noodles haven't become brain like!!

Rating : 5/5 - a good noodle to end on!

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Thu, 20 Dec 2018, 06:04
Sounds lovely
Sun, 23 Dec 2018, 05:53
More Noodles

We're now onto the November box.
Cheat sheet - Side One - Side Two

Looks Like

Tastes Like

Such a strange smell. Very reminiscent of Salt and Vinegar crisps, but with a little beef mixed in!
Taste isn't actually that powerful, and it's mostly in the smell.
They're quite bland, if I'm honest. Either that or my tastebuds are dead!!
Very stringy Noodles, but the standard Pot Noodle variety. Just thinner.

Rating : 4/5 - not much to complain about, but could've done with more flavour.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2018, 08:42
Reading the description, it sounds like they basically chucked EVERY kind of food in a pot!
Thu, 27 Dec 2018, 05:30
November Noodle Two

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Rather beefy. A bit like a drink of Oxo! Big pieces of pork for extra flavour, but otherwise quite a bland beefy taste to it.
Not much of a spice in there. I was looking forward to something spicy.
Stringy Noodles, but they do indeed soak up a lot of the flavour. They're kinda slimy, though, as a result.

Rating : 3/5 - neither exciting or dull. Just somewhere inbetween.

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Thu, 27 Dec 2018, 08:35
These noodles really go to show that no matter how exciting or unusual they sound, they always have the power to disappoint. Shame
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