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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Mon, 28 May 2018, 05:32

The end of an era.

Noodle Nine

Looks Like...
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like...
A rather bland taste. Either that or my tastebuds are dead...!
I was hoping that final noodle in the box would’ve been exciting, but it isn’t.
Not even the slightly thicker noodles can save this one.

Rating : 0/5 boring and dull.. A sad end to a fun box.

So there we have it.
A trek through Japan, tasting a variety of noodles.

It was ok.
A little lacking in spice, though. But I guess that’s the different themes they do.
Going to have to hope for a Spicy box, next month!!!

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Mon, 28 May 2018, 08:21
Yeah, there's no point in bland, insipid foodstuffs. Give me flavour. Give me spice. Give me excitement. I want to feel that there's a party going off in my mouth and I'm actually invited!

So these boxes are monthly then? Hopefully the next one will be better
Mon, 28 May 2018, 08:49
I subscribed to 6 months worth.. which wasn’t cheap. I don’t like paying in advance for things like this, so hopefully it was worth it, and I don’t end up not getting one, or something..

In the battle for money vs sense vs boredom vs Noodles.... Insanity wins!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 28 May 2018, 11:02
Insanity always wins. It's human nature!
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 07:01
Box Two Begins!!

I spy Pikachu!!

Spoilers : Side One : Side Two

It's arrived on a Tuesday, so I’ll be doing Tuesday and Thursday reviews, for this month..

Noodle One

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

You’re probably thinking "hey, Jay, WTF are those little cats..?"
So was I.
I expected a weird slimy thing, but it was more like a meaty texture. Maybe Tofu or Soya or something? No idea.

As for the overall taste of the noodles, they smelt EXTREMELY fishy, but the taste was more that of the sheer insane amount of pepper that must've been in there.
By the time I got to the slurpy soupy bit, it felt like I was drinking liquid pepper.
Not a complaint, though, as it actually tasted really quite nice, and left only a mild fishy aftertaste.

Rating 5/5! Really enjoyable, with tasty cats!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 09:29
Wow! They look a lot more interesting this time around

Pikachu flavoured? o_O

And Yay! Less fishy than last time
Thu, 14 Jun 2018, 04:33
Noodle Two

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Very oniony.
My Post-op tastebuds aren’t very keen on Onion, and this is the wrong side of the "too oniony" fence, for my liking!!
Also, those noodles are horrible and .. the description says they’re not fried, but they barely taste like they’re fully cooked at all! They have the same chewiness that not quite cooked pasta does.

Additionally the whole thing was very very soupy, and left a whole lot of drinkable onion soup at the end.
Really didn’t enjoy this one.

Rating : 1/5 - At least it was different.. :/

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 14 Jun 2018, 12:58
I approve of the cat girl noodles because cat girl!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 14 Jun 2018, 14:04
Looks a bit dish-watery, but I'd give it a go. I'm not over keen on onions, either, but hey-ho.
Tue, 19 Jun 2018, 03:23
Noodle Three

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Chicken soup with tons of pepper in it.
That’s three rather peppery tasting noodles, so far. Seems to be the theme, this month.
Not so keen on all the cabbage, but otherwise it's a nice enough broth.
Also, the noodles, although thin, are still managing to soak up a lot of the flavour, so extra points for that!

*big gulp of pepper, right at the end of the slurping session*

Rating : 3/5 - Another good noodle, but could’ve done without all the cabbage.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Jun 2018, 03:28
Pepper FTW!!!

Looks OK too
Thu, 21 Jun 2018, 03:55
Noodle Four

Men Chicken??!

Looks Like..

> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like.

Very nutty. Like a hazelnut or walnut or something. Definitely a nutty flavour.
Don’t think much of the weird slimy brain things, though.. kinda a bit too slimy for my liking.
But, yeah, a lovely nutty tasting soup, with somewhat stringy noodles. The noodles are the "don’t soak up any flavour" variety, though.

Rating : 3/5. Nice nuttiness, but not quite enough taste.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 21 Jun 2018, 08:20
OK. Sounds strange.

Was it just the one wonton or were there loads hiding at the bottom?
Thu, 21 Jun 2018, 10:15
There were about 4 of the things. Hard to describe. Imagine a slimy thin-pasta version of ravioli, with a splodge of meat in the middle.
Honestly, it looked more like a little bit of very fatty bacon, than a dumpling.
They were incredibly salty, and really quite tasty, but the slime put me off. Not a fan of slime in my food.
.... *shudders* Frey Bentos.. eeeuw....

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Thu, 21 Jun 2018, 10:52
What's slimy in a Fray Bentos pie? Not had one in about 20 years, so can't remember now, although I'm pretty sure there's a reason I've not had one in about 20 years...
Thu, 21 Jun 2018, 11:37
In between the outer crust and the inner filling is a hideous gooey layer of slime!

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Fri, 22 Jun 2018, 09:54
Niiiiiiiice... :/ Can't say I remember that, but I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday!
Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 04:06
Well.. Guess it's time to eat...

Noodle Five

Nom nom! Pikachu Brains!!

Looks Like..

Pikachu Brains! With happy Pikachu Faces waiting to be eaten.

Tastes Like...
Not entirely unlike a packet of Roast Chicken flavour crisps.
Not much Seafood taste, and a whole lot of chicken taste.

Quite nice..

Mmm.. Pikachu!!

At least it didn't taste like a dead rat..

Rating : 5/5 - Nice and tasty Pikachu Brains!

And, for bonus points, a Free Sticker! Excite!!

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Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 04:43
Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 04:45
^^^^ He just didnt!!!

Thu, 28 Jun 2018, 04:36
Noodle Six

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

Very lemony.
Tasted almost exactly like Nik Nak Scampi and Lemon.
It's nice enough, but my post-op tastebuds are adverse to lemon, so I really didn't enjoy it as much as I should've.

The odd grey splodges were kinda spongy. Not really sure what they were supposed to be, but I certainly wouldn't describe them as Chicken Meatballs!!

Rating : 2/5 - Not too bad, to be honest, but a bit too much lemon for me.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2018, 14:51
I like lemon. Not sure about having it with noodles though, but I'd certainly give it a go.

Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 04:22
Noodle Seven

The actual thing doesn’t look an awful lot like the picture on the paper, but given the other two remaining ones DO look like their paper counterparts, I figured this was probably the right one.

But I was still doubtful, and then I opened it to find...

A Pizza.. !!!

I’m assuming this is the "crispy tempura”

Looks Like...

Tastes Like

Texture wise, the "tempura" kinda melted into the noodle soup, a bit like when you leave chunks of bread in your regular soup, to soak it up, and make the soup a little more filling.
Could probably have done without it being as gloopy as it was, but it was certainly a different experience!
As for the actual flavour, it wasn’t actually all that great. A very feint meatiness, but actually rather bland, if I’m honest.

Rating : 2/5 Was surprising, at least..

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 04:48
That's certainly... different!
Thu, 05 Jul 2018, 04:38
Noodle Eight

Looks Like

Tastes Like

Sweet lord, those are some chunky noodles!!
Smells awfully oniony, and I’m not really sure what the ominous brown sticks are. (I think they’re just bread...)
Tastes quite a bit like Worcestershire Sauce crisps. That kinda weird blend between sweet and tangy. Mmmm.
And VERY flavourful. Out of all of the ZenPop ramen I’ve tried, this is easily the one with the strongest taste.

Rating : 5/5 - Strong taste, thick noodles. What’s not to like?

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Thu, 05 Jul 2018, 08:10
Sounds good
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