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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Mini PC-Engine

Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 07:36
Blimey, they're all at it ain't they! Linkage
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 07:36
The PC Engine is an awesome little machine and was definitely the best 8-bit home console at the time - easily beating the MasterSystem and NES in performance. Sadly it didn't get much of a release in Europe.

BTW I owned a PCE, MS and NES. I now only have the PCE.
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 07:47
That is definitely not the most tempting selection of games that I've ever seen...

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 09:46
That's just a small selection apparently - there's going to be 30+. But yeah...

Although TBF - Alien Crush and R-TYPE are absolute classics.
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 09:51
To be honest, I've barely played anything of my NES, SNES, PS1 Minis, and ..

Did I preorder the MegaDrive?
..?!? It's been AGES (SEGA) since it was available to preorder, and I honestly can't remember if I did.

So, yeah, the only reason I'd buy it would be ornamental.
But I have no nostalgic memories of this, so it wouldn't really be warranted.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 09:58
Even though I owned the original tech, I didn't buy into the minis at all. I can play all the games on my lappy under emulation with better control pads and save game (and other) options. But I don't.

I've got Nintendo Online too; I played one NES game briefly when it first came out and that't it.
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 10:12
Yeah. If I have time to be gaming, and not endlessly coding... it's usually BOTW. That bloody game keeps on going!
I expect Animal Crossing might finally beat BOTW as my most played Switch game.

Or Petit Switch..!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 15 Jun 2019, 16:07
I think that 15 years now ago I got that c64 emulation joystick as a present. I maybe used it once or twice. I am not that much of a emulation gamer. I do not game that much modern games either. Most of my steam collection is unplayed. I bought the Witcher 3 a while ago. I have yet to play it.
Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 06:33
The Witcher 3 got more playtime on my PS4 than any other game. TBH, it's got pretty much all the playtime!

I don't think I've even turned on my PS4 since getting my Switch (Day 1). And I don't think I've touched my Switch in 3 months or more.
Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 07:04
I have!!! Coding is the best game EVER!!!
Fri, 21 Jun 2019, 19:51
Alien Crush, Dungeon Explorer and Ninja Spirit are ACES! If they can get Gunhed, Devil's Crush and Galaga '90 in as well I may never need fire up my old TG-16 again!

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.