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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Folding Laptops

Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 17:56
So I learned that foldable laptops are going to be a thing. Not going to be at ces in januari though.
Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 17:56
As in foldable screen? No thanks, I've seen how broken that Samsung Fold can get!!

Plus, at the price point I pay for laptops, it'll be another decade before I'm happy to buy one!

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Tue, 31 Dec 2019, 04:37
no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
ALL COMPUTERS need a physical 'real' keyboard. It's bad enough having to 'type' with a virtual keyboard on tablets and phones but virtual keyboards on real computers?! NO.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 31 Dec 2019, 07:26
Tactile screens, ala Star Trek, would be awesome.
Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 14:40

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No thanks!!

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Thu, 09 Jan 2020, 02:59
Highlights for ces so far for me were the amd apu's and the new ssd's with up to 7gb p/s writespeeds.

Intel also showed a foldable laptop which looked like a horseshoe