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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> What are you working on at the moment?

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Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 11:27
Since it's gone a bit quiet, how about something we can all join in on? If you don't need help, aren't helping anyone else, too busy for deep conversation, or whatever other reason you may have for not posting anything, nows your chance.

Simple enough beginnings, as the title says, what projects do you have on at the moment?

My current focus is a Blitz remake and update (to some extent) of a 1983 16k/48k Spectrum classic "Run Baby Run" in which you are chased by cops that follow your exact path and you have to make them crash.

I started it a week ago (having started the graphics years ago when I was playing with JavaSrcipt games!) but I now have it at a stage that is a full recreation ready for menu and options, new levels etc. Very pleased with it. Simple game that plays well enough and came together quickly.

I have others on the go but my dinner is about ready so I'll let someone else speak and come back later

Who's next?

Come rain or shine...
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 11:34
Deciding what to do with a bee!
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 12:05
Well as long as you treat it nicely and don't kill it, I'll be happy...

Come rain or shine...
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 12:46
power mousey

The Chaldean Cat
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 15:06
Just finished building a WebPart for sharepoint that clocks in teachers who were coming late repeatedly. And let me tell you, i had to rip some hair out for it. If anyone's interested in sharepoint services 2.0 development of webparts in .net 1.1 then i'll throw together an article. I've got some time on my hands now to work on something else i suppose, but i'm not too sure as to what at this point, hopefully something will fall into my lap soon enough.

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 15:15
I'm still working on my DS video player, I think I have the video format about right, it plays and skips and stops and everything, I just need to add a file loading thingumy then its done. Also the converter need a front end, that will take some time.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 15:30
I'm working on a UO Emu atm, because I kinda gave up the ruddy WoW protocol. The UO protocol seems easy to work with, is heavily documented (found 3 separate pages so far), and is easy to build over my existing network layer in my server. Once I've gotten that up and running (login + running/movement), I'll start working on my XNA client again, and figuring out how to make it communicate with my server (kinda gave up on that for now).

Edit: The guy with the forklift (Fred, yes? ) asked if we could all join in on something? I am in need of more programmers, possibly artists - I could put up an SVN or something if anyone'd be interested.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 16:17
That's better Nice to see you all here.

What I meant by 'join in' Afro, was simply a thread that could potentially involve everyone. I wasn't thinking about a group project, but if you get a work force out of it then that's good too

I've just started adding a level editor but must have put an If statement in the wrong place because it's ignored an instruction already!

Other projects still in development but nudged to one side just now include:
Bombsquad - As entered in the recent Workshop)
Christmas Maze - When completely down the pan just before Christmas so I've now got 12 months to sort it out!
Top Trumps - Long ago seeded idea that I've recently come back to. Potential for user added card packs
Mini Cars - tiny little 3D race car game. Slow burner because I'm still new to 3D
SwingShot - A hanging, swinging, flying game that I just remembered that I started ages ago...!

Several other games that have been started have yet to resurface so I've left them off the list. Bad coding habit No 3: not finishing projects off!

Oh and of course that Forklift Fred game that is still 100% in my head just waiting for my by coding to be good enough to produce it

Come rain or shine...
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 16:41
In regards to the programming language I'm developing, I have spent this week restructuring the instructions and how the VM works. Now the instructions are efficient because originally I had the operands to an instruction stored after it in a list. This is far slower then storing them together in one integer as it saves on space.

I also want the VM to be more generic. Before I had an instruction for break, return, execute (calling a function) and yield (jumping to a block). Now all those instructions can be created from other more generic instructions that I have added.

Soon I will begin porting it to C# so I can add the hardware accelerated graphics.

I am also building a gesture library for work.
Sat, 26 Jan 2008, 20:06
Working on a strategy game I started late last year; sometime before Doomed Planet took over. More specifically, I'm working on the AI portion and it's driving me insane.

My Twitter
Sun, 27 Jan 2008, 00:53
I'm not really doing much as far as writing games is concerned at the moment... inbetween school, school projects and homework I've just been writing small extensions to my half-baked website.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 27 Jan 2008, 01:58
Fred - you should base the top trumps game on SC coders, each having different strengths and weaknesses, you could use peoples avatars to.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 27 Jan 2008, 05:22
Nice idea, I like that. I've started off with DVDs (since I have loads and there's tangible details that are easy to refer to) Once Run Baby Run is finished I'll get back to it and get a pack editor ready first so that you can all have a go while I 'finish' the game

Come rain or shine...
Sun, 27 Jan 2008, 18:22
I'm still working on my FPS that has prototypes dating back to '05

Taking a break before I start proper work on the physics engine and instead got a decent scriptable GUI going on. It reads files which look a little bit like HTML.

I'm not too proud of the ugly source code behind this one, but I shouldn't have to touch it again because the script files are doing their job.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 05:50
Nice thread, Fred!

Too many projects to name, so I'll just pick one...
Terra Colony (formerly known as Mini Gravity Well) which I'm *still* working on (also during BlitzCoder).
Fly a spaceship across planets, moons, suns, black holes to colonize the Universe.
The final version should also include enemy ships, of which most of the AI is already implemented.
It is still open-source and has had many great influences from BlitzCoder, so it's a partial (5%) community project

|edit| Link to website: Terra Colony
There are more screenshots there as well. |edit|

Actually, I'm working on a 'face' generator to humanize the experience.
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 06:49
This is a nice thread. I am working on a in game menu.

I am doing this in C# and truevision3D.

Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 10:16
I'm back working on my C# game engine, this time using DirectX. Actually, it's a complete rewrite, so there's not much to go back to. I'm tired of the absence of decent .NET game libraries.

My philosophy is that no other functionality (apart from the language, obviously!) should be required to make a full game, including the standard .NET libraries. Of course, my engine uses .NET all the time, but that's all behind the scenes.
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 10:57
Toaster and Teasy, they look really nice. I'd like to see some more screenshots.
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 11:13
I'm working on an update of my Puzzle game, B'lox! - this time for the GP2X F200 handheld.

These screens are from an early WIP

This is the game I wanted to port to DS.

Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 11:21
Rockford, that reminds me of an old game made by Javabean (I think that was his name) back on BlitzCoder. Is that game an inspiration? In any case, it looks great. I like the logo.
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 12:19
Thanks Teasy

I nearly popped my development news into my blog but thought this would be better, especially since I practically never use the blog normally...

Come rain or shine...
Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 15:29
Hmm okay this is the almost complete menu still have a bit of stuff to work out.

This is a door texture i was playing with in crazy bump which is like the best freaking program EVER!

Not textured:


I hope you guys like it. BTW thats a flat surface meaning just a simple box its playing tricks on the eyes.

Mon, 28 Jan 2008, 18:38
Looks cool, Toaster.

For a month or more now I have been busy working on a space-ship based RPG game, called Garbage Invaders. The plan behind it is that you can salvage working parts off other enemy ships to make your ship stronger. If you're capable of destroying a ship without doing too much damage to one of its parts, you can salvage that part completely. Of course, that's only if you can manage that. The game should be quite interesting, and up to the complexity of Diablo II in creating properties for each of your components.

There's more info on my site here. Sorry, no pictures are available yet, but for those of you who have played Warning Forever, the ships you fly will be much like the boss ships in that game.

Vesuvius web game
Tue, 29 Jan 2008, 04:00
power mousey

Gar-bage Invaders.

Your ship is named the Gar Bage and is a cargo and transport ship. Recruited in the time of war and other threats by the Interplanetary Space Marines.
Your duties and responsibilites as a Space Marine
Resource Collector level 1 includes the following:

assist in the defense of the assigned planet, dock,
or Star Base as a back up marine and space fighter pilot.
Your main duty is gather and process resources from planets
and enemy vessels. Oppportnities exist for promotion and salary increases and for much needed trading of items and other resources in the United Planetary Systems.
Vital elements and components include titanium,
zerebium quartz crystals, micro fusion cells, Solar
and Ion sticks,and replicators. As well as more essential materials as basic metal ores, food stuffs, medicines and herbal powders, and water.
Exotic items are not essential but are good for much needed trading with other races and planets. Profit can be made and will be overlooked too. However, research and development technolgies of weapons and defeses, even of artifacts and histories of other cultures and races is much needed too.

You are equipped with a class I transport and cargo vessel.
Specs are classified and for your eyes only. Be sure to read
up further specs and information in your manual.
We are sorry to provide just a Class I ship but we can only allocate enough resources for its manufacture. We expect you..and you will.. upgrade your ship to various level designs as your experience increases and ranking comes to frutition. Level designs and possible ship configurations are supplied in your manual.

Good luck!
And for the United Planetary Systems.

Commander Corps First Class
---------Bill Rose

Tue, 29 Jan 2008, 16:24
Mousey: thanks for the inspired story line, but I've already decided that you'll essentially be a pirate, and do whatever you like. You can interact with various nations / species as you like, sometimes fighting with or for them, sometimes fighting directly against them. I also plan on having a series of organized galaxies with stars, planets and moons, all orbiting each other, which you can guide your ship into orbit around.

But as far as the story line beyond that, I haven't really made any decisions. So I'm open to ideas.

Vesuvius web game
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