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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Recipes!!!

Mon, 06 Jul 2009, 15:52
Shove your best cheap-ass lazy coder recipes here!!!

Cheap-ass chicken with rice!

1. Cheap-ass Quick Savoury Rice
2. Some sort of breaded frozen chicken, preferably garlic related!

Cook 'em!
Serve 'em!
Eat 'em!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Jul 2009, 16:28
Bread recipe!

2 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp sugar
2 cups hot-ish water
5 cups bread flour (give or take)
2 tsp (TSP!! not tbsp) salt

Step 1:

Dissolve sugar into water, add yeast, then oil. Mix gently. Let sit for ten minutes until bubbly.

Step 2:

Add salt; stir until dissolved. Add flour as needed and kneed until texture of ear lobe. Yes, ear lobe. At this point, optionally add some good quality honey (I recommend this). Place towel over bowl. Let rise until size roughly doubles, or 50 minutes have past - which ever comes first.

Step 3:

This recipe makes no more than two loaves, depending on the size of your bread pan. Divide dough and punch into pans. Yeah, punch it. Good bread isn't made with love - it's made with hate. Let re-rise until above the pan.

Step 4:

Pre-heat oven to 350F. Bake 25 minutes. Serve with cheap-ass chicken and rice.

|edit| Ok, so it's not actually a lazy recipe, but it's pretty cheap, and you'd have to be a fool not to enjoy homemade bread. |edit|

My Twitter
Mon, 06 Jul 2009, 18:53
Pizza recipe
1. Cheap* frozen pizza from the nearby supermarket.

1. Into oven for ten minutes.
2. Yummy!

* Used to be cheap, at least. Either I'm getting paranoid or they raise the price every time they see me buying one.
Mon, 06 Jul 2009, 20:41
Evil Roy Ferguso
Pizza Ramen Soup
(My girlfriend's invention.)

Ramen noodles
Tomato soup
Spices that go well in tomato soup (onion, garlic, basil, oregano, paprika, etc.)
Pizza toppings (cheese, black olives, etc.)

1. Cook noodles, but discard flavoring packet or use it for something else.
2. Cook tomato soup. Spice to taste. (Overdoing it a little is probably good, since the noodles will soften the taste.)
3. Add noodles.
4. Add pizza toppings.

Evil Roy's Mom's Delicious Stir-Fry Sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • White pepper
  • Some red wine vinegar if you're feeling ritzy
  • Mix stuff together until it seems okay

Stir Fry

Vegetables and meat I guess? Marinade them in the stir-fry sauce for about 24 hours first.

Heat wok or skillet on medium heat until it is hot. Pour in enough oil to lightly cover the surface of the pan. Pour in stuff about a handful at a time and stir it around until it doesn't look like it will give you food poisoning. Remove from wok before it turns black and tastes bad. Make somebody else do the dishes (this step is vital), or own a dishwasher.
Mon, 06 Jul 2009, 20:53
Das Egg Brätten

  • Eggs (3-4)
  • 1 Bratwurst or other kind of sausage
  • Green Pepper

  • Procedure
  • Remove the skin on the sausage, and cut it into pieces
  • Chop up some of the pepper
  • Throw it all into a pan, brown the meat
  • Either scramble the eggs and throw them in, or just crack them into the pan and scramble it up there
  • When it's cooked, eat it. Hot sauce makes it awesomer

  • -=-=-
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    Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 04:04
    1. Pasta
    2. Bacon
    3. Eggs
    4. Parmesan if available
    5. Butter, butter, butter and cream, cream, cream!

    • Start boiling the pasta
    • Chop the bacon and fry it
    • Mix the bacon and the pasta, add an egg or two
    • Add lots and lots and lots of butter and cream

    Everyone should know this recipe!

    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 05:49
    Eggy Bread


    Whisk 2 eggs in a bowl, and add a dash of milk (Approx 1/4 of a standard size coffee cup)

    Cut 2 slices of bread into quarters and give them a good dip int the mixture.

    put them into a frying pan with a shallow amount of cooking oil, and turn frequently until golden brown.

    Add salt, pepper and brown sauce to taste.

    Now, grab a knife and fork, and MUNCH IT !
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 07:26
    Broiled (?!) eggs

    Take 5 eggs. Remove the outer shell (crack 'em!) and add them into a pot. Add 3 - 5 tablespoons of milk. Leave on the oven to broil for about... 3 - 5 minutes.
    Add a bit of salt for extra taste.

    Goes well with blanko's bread!

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 08:55
    Chick-peas from a can

    1) Open a can of Chick Peas
    2) Drain the liquid
    3) Grab a spoon
    4) Nom nom nom

    It's got plenty of protein, too.

    blog | work | code | more code
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 09:21
    Pot Noodle-from a pot

    1) Buy one
    2) Open the lid
    3) Boil the kettle
    4) Follow the instructions
    5) Grab a fork, and MUNCH-IT (The Pot Noodle, not the fork ! )
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 14:20
    Smoke on the oyster, fire on a pringle

    1 tin of smoked oysters
    1 bottle of your favorite hot sauce
    1 can of pringles, any flavor

    Put oyster on top of pringle, add hot sauce, enjoy.
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 14:20
    Meal for one

    1. Grab 1x frozen lump of food, bee it a battered fish, breaded chicken, some sort of weird breaded mushroom fake-burger.

    2. Grab one hand full of frozen chips (yes its an English recipe)

    3. Place both on a baking tray and throw in the oven for about 25mins on gas 7.

    4. Once cooked, tip onto a plate and eat.

    Healthy(ish) snack for one

    1. Take one packet of uncle bens microwave rice, open it, microwave for 3mins on full power.

    2. Season to taste.

    3. Eat it.

    Optional extra

    1. Grab one can of fizzy drink from the fridge/cupboard and drink it.

    Check out my excellent homepage!
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 15:44
    Sounds like a plan to me spinal
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 15:47
    Fast Food

    1) Grab a Banana
    2) Peel it
    3) MUNCH IT !
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 16:30
    While talking about bananas...

    Hot chocolate banana thingy!
    1. Banana
    2. Chocolate
    3. Tin foil

    1. Cut a scar in the banana, leaving the peel on.
    2. Place bits of chocolate in the banana.
    3. Wrap tin foil around the banana.
    4. Place it on a grill or over a fire until the chocolate melts.

    Delicious campfire recipe. Reminds me of the campfire feature here on SoCoder.
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 16:31
    While talking about bananas...

    Hot chocolate banana thingy!
    1. Banana
    2. Chocolate
    3. Leaf metal

    1. Cut a scar in the banana, leaving the peel on.
    2. Place bits of chocolate in the banana.
    3. Wrap leaf metal around the banana.
    4. Place it on a grill or over a fire until the chocolate melts.

    Delicious campfire recipe. Reminds me of the campfire feature here on SoCoder.

    Leaf Metal ?... Do you mean Alluminium Foil ?

    |edit| Or Tin Foil, as us Brits say ! |edit|
    Tue, 07 Jul 2009, 16:50
    Oh, well I had to look that one up in a dictionary. These online ones aren't good enough Of course I meant tin foil.
    Thu, 09 Jul 2009, 13:20
    I thought I would show you all of my recipes. I put these on the web for everyone to enjoy. My Mom and my Grandmother used these when I was a youngster. Enjoy!!


    Are You Rapture Ready?
    Thu, 09 Jul 2009, 13:59
    Get a couple of pans, turn the heat on and throw random stuff in. That's the only recipe I follow.
    Fri, 10 Jul 2009, 08:29
    JL235 Get a couple of pans, turn the heat on and throw random stuff in. That's the only recipe I follow.

    Down south UK, that's known as "Iffit Stew". "If It"'s there, it goes in the pot