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Socoder -> On Topic -> Rescue PlayMyCode

Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 01:43
I'm not sure where DD's gone.
I know he said he was doing a degree, but surely that doesn't require him to completely vanish from the internet!?
No Tweets, no blogs, and rarely even a visit here.

His brother Seb (who's still pretty active on Twitter) has suggested that he's no longer part of the PMC Dev-Team, and that it's not his problem..

It does make me wonder what exactly's happening in DD's life..
Is he alright!?
What on earth's going on!?
A report would be nice!!

Anyway, the forum is empty, the new games are dying, and the whole thing feels like it's falling to pieces.
I thought it'd be nice to put together some sort of Rescue Plan.
A while ago, I considered bringing back Wednesday Workshop, and focusing it on PMC.
I'm still thinking that might be a good idea.

Would anyone else be up for something like that?

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 02:23
It just so happens that I started writing a game on PMC the other day. I mean, I've made various attempts in the past, but kinda abandoned them... this one I hope to see through.

But yeah, I've also noticed that it feels like it's dying, which would be very sad. Some kind of WW-esque coding challenge could be interesting.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 02:41
Additionally, according to GitHub, I don't think PMC development is quite dead yet, just that Joe is busy. Last commit to SkyBrush was 17 days ago, with quite a bit of activity preceding that. github.com/PlayMyCode

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 02:56
The last I heard anything from DD, he was focusing on a complete transformation of the underlying Quby stuff. I think he was aiming for a more compiled version or something.. (can't remember.. been a while!!)
So, yeah, I can imagine he's tweaking the code quite a lot, but from what I remember, it was a HUGE task.

It'd be like me attempting a complete redo of Socoder.
.. I've attempted it half-a-dozen times, but on each attempt I've got about 1/4 way through and gone "What the fuck is the point of this!? The site's already working!!", then pretty much ignored the issue.
The site still works.. It "could" be better, but at least I've not completely fucked it up.

I kinda get the feeling the DD might be stuck in that same sort of scenario. He knows it could be better, and wants to bulk things up, but without having a whole lot of time, it's simply a case of tweaking bits here and there.. and .. the job's far too big for that sort of stuff.

.. of course, I might be talking bollocks, and for all I know he's secretly hiding some sort of super-massive-megaton upgrade. I hope that's the case

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 05:49
As long as he's OK, that's all that really matters.

We all walk away from things that we once enjoyed or thought would be easy or a good idea. Sometimes you just have to move on to other things.

Life often gets in the way of the things we want to do too.
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 06:08
I'd totally be up for another WW, but I can't say I'd be likely to code it in Quby. Nothing against the language or Joe, but I am in love with JavaScript too deeply for me to relearn another language.

Still, though, I WOULD appreciate another WW (even if nobody bothered to make any entries). That'd certainly help with my game programming skills, which are disappointingly lacking.
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 07:54
Currently digging through the sourcecode, to figure out how I used to add Workshops every week..
... fuck, did I actually used to do that by manually logging into the database, every week!!!?

... damn!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 07:56
Aaah, no.. Found it.. *phew* That's not as bad as I thought!

.. could probably do with a redux, though.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 16:11
Over the last year I have been *MEGA* busy, with pretty much no time to work on anything non-uni based. Before then, there were issues between me and Seb working on PMC, and that slowed down development. Some things were great, but many not so great, so we ended up parting ways. That held up a lot of time working on PMC.

When I have worked though, it's been on the on going Quby compiler, which is pretty close to being compliant with the current Quby code. Once it's done, things like modules, and a lot of syntax extras (many of which are in already), can start to be added.

It's also been working on SkyBrush, as that needed some love and polish. Most of that is done, but I have something I wanna build in now.

My plan was actually to get back into PMC over the current holiday. I have a load of things half backed in, like tutorials, gamepad for iOS usage, and other factors.

tl;dr; not enough time, and projects taking too long : (

Ultimately though, it would be awesome to get more help on PMC. That doesn't have to be just coding, but other things, like writing tutorials, API documentation, examples, and just general 'stuff' that goes hand in hand with a project like this.
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 16:20
Yeah, pretty much as expected. A case of the large task being too large, and the smaller tasks falling by the wayside.
Poor DD.
Maybe you should hire an intern!

I started that "computing with Greenie" thing a while back, but 4 parts in it wasn't really going anywhere, and I kinda blasted through it way too quickly.. I'm not cut out for writing tutorials!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 16:23
Something I've also been thinking of doing for a while, is that I might also start streaming development on Twitch. I've streamed playing a couple of games occasionally, and I've wanted to try with coding too.

If I start, then people could happily drop in whilst I'm coding, or just ask about stuff one on one.

I just need to first think up a way to prevent me accidentally opening the DB settings file by accident.
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 16:32
Odd you should mention that, as it's also a discussion that's just appeared over on the Google Plus Monkey Development Community Thingythang.
I can't imagine myself watching another person code.
Don't get me wrong, I OBVIOUSLY love coding! But.. Watching someone else coding?
... How is that interesting?!

I dunno..
I have enough problems trying to feign enough interest to see my own projects through to the other side!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 16:37
I just need to first think up a way to prevent me accidentally opening the DB settings file by accident.

This, along with the fact that I'm not very good at programming, is what prevents me from streaming my programming sessions

I'd love to help you with whatever I can help you with, but I don't know exactly how helpful I can be. I think the big thing for me is that I'm not comfortable in the dev environment. I'd write more Quby code if I could do it in Sublime Text and have it auto-upload to the site; maybe I should start working on a Sublime Text syntax highlighter for Quby.

edit @Jayenkai: I actually really enjoy watching people code (especially if it's a language I like; i.e. anything that's not .NET or Obj-C). It's soothing and very exciting when you're watching things like game jam livestreams.
Wed, 24 Jul 2013, 04:34
Ok, challenge one is posted.
If it proves popular, I'll see about integrating it, properly, into Socoder.. But for now, I'll be lazy and just use Tumblr to keep track of it al!!


''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 09:54
Still haven't found time to make a start on this, but I will

Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 11:22
Started a few days ago, will finish mine off later.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 31 Jul 2013, 02:20
Shroomy entered the PMC1 with a mighty fine looking swirly thing which wouldn't go amiss as some sort of "Accomplishment!!!" display thing.

Extra points for the nice tilt thing he got going on the text, btw!

The next challenge is "Fruity".. Do something with fruit!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 03 Aug 2013, 11:22
I have a stream setup now. So if you are bored enough to watch someone programming, I will be streaming over the next few hours on Twitch, whilst working on PMC.

I was hoping to use Google+, since everyone has a Google account, and live streams to YouTube too. However the quality is poor, very poor.

Mon, 05 Aug 2013, 12:07
Ok, managed to scrape a bit of time together, but cheated a bit - done a scroller and fruit


Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 07:23
Week Three is a "Just A Minute" challenge, where you need to create a game that lasts for just a minute.
How much awesome can you cram into just a minute?

Only one way to find out!!

PMCWorkshop -3- Just A Minute


When I started this, I thought a nice testbed would be 3 weeks. If this "New Workshop" doesn't pick up, I probably won't bother to carry it on much longer.
.. To be fair, I might still carry on up to Week 10, just to give it a thorough play with.

We'll see.

.. Still don't think it's worth the hassle of integrating it into SoCoder, yet, though! Too lazy to do that!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 08 Aug 2013, 13:52
I won't have time to do this weeks entry and I'm off on hols next week! Will definitely try to do something when I get back though - it's about time I put another game on there

Thu, 08 Aug 2013, 14:31
Have a good trip. Where're you off to?
Fri, 16 Aug 2013, 01:46
Was nowhere special -camping in the New Forest with the kids. Just nice to get away from home/work/internet for a few days

Sat, 07 Sep 2013, 15:38
Ok, here's a quick game I knocked up over the last week in what spare time I have! It's only a prototype so is pretty rough around the edges, but it works


Mouse to move the turrets. Left mouse to fire. Right mouse for shields. Good luck!
Sat, 07 Sep 2013, 18:00
Nice and shiny and sparkly!!!