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Socoder -> Off Topic -> HoboBen's GFX Test

Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 02:56
Here's mine..

All I saw was a blue screen. Should I have seen anything else!?

For reference, cheapo-lappy contains an onboard intel bollocks-o-matic.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 02:56
Anyone do me a massive favour? Download the .exe here Linkage tell me what you see then paste the generated stdout.txt here. It seems to work on Nvidia but not Ati

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 03:20
Thanks very much Jay. Very useful.

Seeing the blue screen means OpenGL 3.0 is working properly (which is good!).

However, you were supposed to see things drawn on the blue screen.

So Nvidia works, ATI and Intel don't...

ATI have a shader analyser that didn't find any problems. So it must be how the program uses OpenGL.

I'm going to try using an OpenGL Debug Context but it's a huge pain to set up!

Thanks again.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 05:12
Here is mine.

I got more than a blue-screen, I got random sprites too \o/
Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 06:09
Ooooh, look at Mr fancypants, with his fancy modern gfx card!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 06:51
Thanks Joe! This supports the theory about Nvidia working.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 07:59
It didn't even display a blue screen for me - crashed with an error message on start up. Using AMD M880G ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200.

Error Message states -

"Exception ID:err_gl3w_init:
Location: ../src/window/winapi/namespaced-window.c:795
Within: WndProc
Detail: gl3w could not initialise OpenGL"

It's an old laptop, but it works OK with most things I throw at it.
Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 08:28
Hmmm, thank you for the report Rockford.

That graphics card *should* work but according to this only with a driver version of or later (I think they're up to version 8 now).

I'm guessing you have a slightly older graphics driver which only supports OpenGL 2.1.

If you want you can get the latest driver from AMD here: https://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx

Thanks again

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 10:17
Updated driver and now just get a blue screen, like Jay.

Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 10:30

This has been very helpful. Cheers everyone! I have 6 data points so that'll do me for now.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 14:33
Tested it on my dead-end crapola PC.
Had to force quit it..

Black window, no content..
.zipped stdout.txt!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 06 Aug 2013, 19:52
I get errors when running this application.

Is this a 32bit or a 64bit Application?

Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 11:18
Jay -- did you press "continue" after an error message came up? My fault -- continuing at that point should have recovered by closing the window safely, not leaving the window half opened then drawing to it.

Sorry about the 500MB of OpenGL errors it printed out! I'll also have to add something that kills it if it gets too many!

dna -- 64 bit yes (I have a 32 bit version but I didn't upload it).

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 13:11
I pressed enter, 'cos at that that exact moment, my mouse's battery died!! So, yeah, probably continue. Oopsy!!

.. Which reminds me, I need to charge my batteries for a bit..

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 13:13
Since updating my driver, my browser text is all screwy and I can't roll back I even did a Restore Point before the update and it doesn't go back. Grrrrr....
Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 13:56
Oh dear. Is that with Firefox by any chance?

People with your same hardware fixed it by going to Options > Advanced and unticking "Use hardware acceleration when available". I don't think people know if it's a Firefox bug or an ATI bug.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013, 17:48
I believe I have narrowed down the problem using gDEBugger -- an AMAZING program.

It showed that the textures were loaded properly, and the shaders had compiled without problem.

My program worked if I disabled then re-enabled shaders in the debugger, suggesting that they weren't working properly the first time they were loaded for whatever reason.

I ran the gDEBugger shader validator and it picked up one thing: I was sampling from a 2D texture for the image and a 1D texture for the colour -- an optimisation I used to reduce the data I uploaded to the GPU.

However apparently this is something that you're not supposed to mix together!!!

It might be because I need to bind the texture units before they're set to samplers...

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013, 01:26
Oh dear. Is that with Firefox by any chance?

People with your same hardware fixed it by going to Options > Advanced and unticking "Use hardware acceleration when available". I don't think people know if it's a Firefox bug or an ATI bug.

Yep. And done. And seems to be working properly now. Cheers for that. It was odd though - only the right half of the screen was buggered.

Glad you got your problem sorted too.
Thu, 08 Aug 2013, 10:50
Argh!!! Even with the simplest possible fragment shader that just returns white, nothing shows up -- except if I recompile it in the debugger when it suddenly starts working... No errors, no warnings.


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Sat, 10 Aug 2013, 06:02

Apparently you should use glBindAttribLocation BEFORE you use glLinkProgram. But you use glGetAttribLocation AFTER you link it.

Or something like that. It works!

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Sat, 10 Aug 2013, 12:21
Welcome to the fun with OpenGL.

One of my Java games I built, ran fine on Windows, and would crash the browser on Mac OS. It was a similar problem; bugs in my code which the Windows NVidia and Intel drivers would just ignored.
Sat, 10 Aug 2013, 14:34
"...not compatible with the version of Windows you're running."
Sat, 10 Aug 2013, 14:41
Hmm, that's an odd one. Are you running 32 bit Windows? That might be it.

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Sat, 10 Aug 2013, 17:12
I'm running 64 Bit windows 7 and got a flurry of errors.

Sun, 11 Aug 2013, 13:48
I'm running 32-bit Windows Vista.
Sun, 11 Aug 2013, 14:11
That'll be why then. Thanks anyway!