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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Oh Noes!!!!!!

Wed, 11 Apr 2007, 16:13
Is it just my screwy IE or when you PM does your PM end up on the bottom of your last...?!?!?!?!?!?

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 12:27
power mousey

no, my PMs are LIFO.
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 12:36
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 12:40
power mousey

sorry, I thought you knew.

Last In First Out.

when I send a PM...my most recent(my last) it
will be on top when I access the PMs or check them
or any replies and the most recent will be on top for the first out. Though, I can click n choose which one
to read first.
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 13:12
No I mean like take for example if you posted again now (before this) your text would appear at the end of your last. That's what it did.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 14:35
The way PM's are shown and work (as it appears to me) is exactly the same as with topics, except that their only accesible between two people (except Jay and God of course). So they should look and feel exactly the same.
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 15:39
No... it's a bug...

for example, I was PMing and my last PM was a couple days ago and it would have been like this:

blah blah blibber blabber

and my next one,

Blabber blibber

didn't make a new comment and my last one became this:

blah blah blibber blabberBlabber blibber

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 17:47
That's the Multi-Post Spam protection in action.

If ThisPostTime<LastPostTime+'about a minute or so' and ThisPostUser=LastPostUser then Dump ThisPost inside LastPost

Stops comment sections getting filled up with spam.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 18:03
Oh.... oops ok.
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 18:03
testing 123

|edit| why did it not do it I posted immediately after the last one...? I confused |edit|

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 18:05
This is "Forum Posts".
The spam protect thing happens on "Comment Posts"
(Should probably happen here, too, but I figured it'd get a little too annoying for general use.)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 12 Apr 2007, 18:19
ohh.... ok... so confusing I will never understand HTPL

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )