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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Not Today...

Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 04:51
Can't seem to get started, this morning. I'm in that ’’close the browser... ... open the browser’’ loop.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 04:51
Same. Meant to be working... can't be arsed.
Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 05:13
You can do my coding for me if you like, got side tracked trying to add music.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 05:39
I've had a nap.. today's really not going anywhere!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 06:16
I generally don't work Saturdays, then catch up on Sunday. Reason being, our courier doesn't collect on Sundays. So If I get all the orders done over the weekend, the courier can take them Monday, rather than me doing the weekend orders on Monday and them not being collected until Tuesday.

It's a ballache sometimes, like today. But it's all about cash in the bank this time of year.
Sun, 11 Dec 2016, 07:16
I spend the entire night learning about and trying to get a recursive backtracking maze thing working. Went to bed at around 6. Up at around 14:00.

Dreamt about stack lists the whole time. Learned that stack.top gets the first value of a stack. Rather pleased i am.

No ideas of what to do with the remainder of the day. Soccer in a few hours time.
Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 18:49
Jay. Listen

Insert a delay(1) before you crash
Tue, 13 Dec 2016, 05:51
I just had a twelve hour sleep.. I think that's probably plenty of Delay!!

''Load, Next List!''