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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Gifts for Teens

Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 04:18
What on earth do I get a 16yo male who I don't know for secret santa at work? Is there a cool generic 16yo gift I can get for aroun £10?

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 04:18
Two tins of beans. One with Xmas wrapping paper, and the other in brown paper with "Emergency Brexit Rations" written on it.

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 04:46
A Pocket knife?(utility/swiss knife?)
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 05:12
Not sure how well that'd go down. You'd have to know that A) the guy would appreciate such a gift, B) the guy wouldn't go on a drunken Xmas rampage and start stabbing everyone

Something to kickstart a spiralling world of insanity. Buy him a little arduino/RPi kit!

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 07:17
A shaving kit? Zit popper? Energy drinks? A shell suit? Some manners?
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 07:31
Some nice toiletries are always appreciated. Dove Men do a nice travel bag with a few things in!

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 08:24
toiletries sounds plausible. If I don't think of something in time, it'll be a currys gift card.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 11:45
Emergency Questions

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