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Socoder -> Console Coding -> SmileBASIC Switch - Sale

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Fri, 20 May 2022, 06:38

SmileBASIC Switch - Sale

SmileBASIC is having a 3rd birthday sale, and is currently only £9.99 on the Switch eShop for the next week or so.

Even if you don't have the time/energy to code, you could at least play 146 great little AGameAWeek games, and hundreds (thousands!?) of other games made by people who can code better looking games than I ever could dream of!!

The interface has a giant catalogue of downloadables, and you can search by date uploaded, most downloaded, recent highlights, and filter by game type and such.

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Fri, 20 May 2022, 06:42
I was looking at the switch. But after reading how underpowered it was for 3d games. I decided to go for a more potent iphone.

Iphone has few good games. But I rarely ever get excited about new or older games. Jse is my new iphone toy
Fri, 20 May 2022, 08:38
Question the first....

What is a 'server ticket' and why would I need one?

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Fri, 20 May 2022, 09:08
I can't remember if the £10 edition comes with your first server ticket or not.
Each server ticket gives you 10 extra upload slots on the server. You can use them as you'd like. Upload a finished game to a slot, publish it as a game, let people download it.
You can either upload a updated version to the same slot, or delete something and reclaim the slot.
10 should usually be plenty .. it's not for me, and I'm up to my arm in insane numbers of slots, but for everyone else one ticket oughta do.

When you buy your first server ticket it also unlocks unlimited downloads. Prior to that your limited to one a day or something like that.
.. again, I can't remember if this version comes with your first ticket.
But if you want to download all my games, you'll probably want that, too, or it'll take you half a year, one each day!

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Fri, 20 May 2022, 09:14
Went for the version with the ticket (£12.49), but had some gold sitting on my account, so got it for £7.76

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Fri, 20 May 2022, 09:41

Next step, find a USB keyboard, and get that hooked up.. it's SO much easier!!!

Also, AGameAWeek Linkage
(Click icons for gifs)

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Fri, 17 Jun 2022, 09:18
This is kinda hard to navigate without a keyboard. I seem to keep just going around in circles

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Fri, 17 Jun 2022, 09:23
Yeah, definitely better with a keyboard
Thu, 23 Jun 2022, 03:24
OK, little stand came for the switch, Now I can pretend I'm going to find the time to have a go at this

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 07:47
Jay, do I remember you blogging your progrss using this? Even with a keyboard, mouse I'm fintind navigation a pain.

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 08:16
F12 = main menu, F9 = audio selection, F10 = image editor.
From the main menu, right middle is the project handler, where you can create new projects, or duplicate them (eg, if you make a project called template, you can copy that every week instead of starting from scratch each time!)

Once you've made a project, go to the bottom right of the main menu, and you can use F4 to toggle between Direct Moce and.. um.. code mode!? I think.. not sure what it's called.

In Direct Mode, type Project "MyProject" to go into that project, then Load "Main.prg" to load that program into the code editor. You can then F4 to toggle to that, and ... that be your code box!

F5 run/stop's the code.
Ctrl+S saves the code.
F1 brings up the help for the currently selected keyword.

^ these should come natural to all Blitz'ers!

Everything else oughta be easy enough.
.. I think.

Just, if you're coding, then also hopping to the project list and playing games, then hopping back to your code... be absolutely sure that you reload your code, first...
I've tripped up a couple of times with it having loaded another thing in, and have hit Ctrl+S without thinking!

(Note, all FCommands May require the FN button to be held, depending on your keyboard.. mine does!!)

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 08:18
I wrote this back at the start of my SmileBASIC journey, when I was still using the Japanese only edition!!!
I've learned an awful lot since then..
I should probably write a newer version..

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 08:24
Right now I'm suffering "file not found" on my only file!

F10 into tile editor, draw some doodles, save as "sprites".
go back into main.prg, use

get "file not found" screen.


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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 08:56
Colourful Manual
Reference Manual

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 09:00
Wow, is there no way at all to transfer a project to a PC? It's a bit of a struggle to find any *actual* helpful guids online, so transfering existing project to read on the PC would be super helpful, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 09:04
What happens in SmileBASIC stays in SmileBASIC!
Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 10:47
Something on the screeeeeeeeennnnn!!!!!!!

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Tue, 05 Jul 2022, 12:36
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 02:23
It seems that every time i search for something relating smilebasic gfx, like a way to draw on my pc and trasfer to the switch, I see a different version of the sprite editor represented.

Also, Is there a way to transfer images to smilebasic?

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 02:48
Load up the image on your laptop, zoom in, open the editor on the Switch, then simply copy the pixels, one by one!!
.. I know that's not ideal, but 150 games on, I've decided to just keep going in that way.
It's one of those "I'm sure it's doable, but by the time I've figured it out, I could've written another game." things.

At one point I was going to try to do it with the IR camera, but stupid me didn't realise at the time that the IR camera can't see a monitor's display.. Derp!!
If you want to grab an arduino with an LED attached, you could makeshift a program on either side... The arduino flashing a pattern of binary LED flashes, and the Switch's IR camera picking up the flashes.

So, um... Yeah, just plot, it's easier!!

If you're doing 16x16 pixel sprites, you can grab my el'cheapo editor, which makes it piss easy to plot sprites.
L&R trigger to move through sprite numbers, dpad and A to plot, kinda functional palette.
It's very very basic, but it does the job. .. for me at least.

JNK_Spriter's Download Code : 4K4QQF3N4
JNK_Spriter's Blog Post

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:02
Current progress = shuffle the deck and make sure there are no Jack cards in the spare 4 to the side.
Also using inbuilt font.

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:05
Need some cards? Linkage
(There's also an official card pack somewhere, but I can't remember where that was!!)

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Sat, 09 Jul 2022, 02:10
Can't figure out how to copy assets between projects

|edit| got it, you select the file the 'Run' to select the destination. !!!!

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Sat, 09 Jul 2022, 02:34
In direct mode, switch to a different project with Project "whatever".
You can then loadg "img",3 and load"code.prg",2
Then switch back to your project and saveg "image-from-project",3 and save "code-from-project.prg",2

Also in the code editor, you can use.. I think it's Ctrl+1/2/3, to flip between different loaded .prg files.

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Sat, 09 Jul 2022, 12:29
OH, theres an interesting idea. Can smilebasic use a keyboard an an ingame input device? If so, it would be simple(er) to have an arduino emulate a keyboard and 'type in' code/gfx being read from an sd card or something.

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Sat, 09 Jul 2022, 12:34
If you can make the arduino emulate a keyboard, then.. ... no need for extras, use it as a keyboard, and auto-type!

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