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Socoder -> On Topic -> AGameAWeek 2023

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 05:05


High Hoops

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Hop along the hoops as far as you can. The one-button controls might be tricky to get to grips with, so be sure not to overshoot the hoops.

You can Play this game in GotoJSE.

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Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 04:32
That looks great, but I can't help but think that it would be better in a "Thrust" style environment where gravity is at play, constantly pulling you in a certain direction (gravity direction could change between levels). You'd perhaps need to use thrust, which depletes your fuel. Pushing you to get the fuel pods scattered around the level.

Maybe for the next GAW.

|edit| Oops. That was in response to the Geometry game, not the current one. Which was on the next page, which I didn't see.
Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 05:32
It's in GotoJSE, and the code's all there...

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Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 08:44
Too busy working on something more... physical.
Mon, 27 Feb 2023, 03:27


Island Inferno

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Ted Bob's holiday has been ruined by another bloomin' volcano, and now the floor's full of lava.
See how far you can get, before his ultimate demise.

You can Play Island Inferno in the Browsercade.

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Mon, 06 Mar 2023, 06:07


Jostling Journey

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A quick game, this week.. It's been... ugh..

Guide the bugs towards their favourite disco tracks!
You can Play this game in GotoJSE.

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Sun, 12 Mar 2023, 09:08


Karate Knight

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The Karate Knight has sworn to protect the grass from the evils of the butterflies.
Help defend the lands by using your jumping skills to power up your Karate Powers.

You can Punch and Kick the Butterflies in the browsercade.

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Sun, 12 Mar 2023, 11:29
That's really fun
Sat, 25 Mar 2023, 05:39


Leo Luminated

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Leo needs to light up the target, for reasons that aren't quite 100% determined.
Also, for odd videogame reasons, he can only light up the target if he also lights up all five mirrors. What a bizarre rule.
Anyhoo, do that, and don't blow yourself up.

You can Play the game in JSE! Hurray!

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Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 09:41


Marblinko Machine

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Drop your balls, and score!

It's a Pachinko game, but I needed an M.M. title this week, so it became Marblinko Machine. I did consider just calling it Marble Machine, but that felt more like it should be a rolling sort of thing, than a drop/bounce one.

You can Play the game here.

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Sat, 01 Apr 2023, 13:11


Naughty Nabber

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> Reveal 🔎

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Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 08:12


Orion Overdrive

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Run through the track as fast as you can, without blowing yourself up by smashing against the walls too much.
Your score is time-based, so the quicker you get to the goal, the better, but any damage will subtract from your score.

Get racin'!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 12:17
Have you ever done a Gauntlet clone? I am just looking at a c64 conversion of it.
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 12:25
Do the Alien Deathmatch games count as that? Perhaps more specifically Space Station A6-100? I know they're not dungeons, nor do they have magic, bows & arrows, etc. but they are top down mazes with swarms of enemies...
That counts, right?
They're just, in space!!


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Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 12:32
Thats it !

Wish the enemies were not so small though

Sat, 22 Apr 2023, 09:51


Painted Pathways

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The Goosies are Loosie!!!
Try to paint the paths without splashing paint on any geese.

Code ahoy
> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 29 Apr 2023, 05:55


Quiver Quash

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Shoot down the crazy robot birds. They're not real birds, it's ok!
This is based on one of the minigames from Kane, but you could probably have guessed that!

> Reveal 🔎

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Fri, 05 May 2023, 09:04


Rollin' Rubber

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Brum Brum!?!

Please do give this game a go, and let me know if the thing runs well on your system or not.
I'm drawing about 400 chunky lines, every frame, as well as all the scaled sprites.
Might not be stable on anything other than a high-end system!!!

You can Play Rollin' Rubber in the Browsercade

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Sun, 21 May 2023, 13:44


Turtle Trek

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Guide the turtle as per the user's suggestions.
.. Very tricky!!!
You can Play the game in JSE

Note : I tried to figure out how to get this to work in the FiveWords engine, but couldn't quite figure it out, especially given the "only a timer" scoring method.
Any thoughts!?

Oh, and also, I for to post last weeks, so..


Sea Serpent

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Hungry Hungry Sea Serpent!!!
You can also play this at GotoJSE.. ... I'm making a lot of quick games in there, especially since Zelda showed up!

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Sun, 21 May 2023, 16:01

I spent some time on my mining rpg game. I used the Bing Image creator to make some icons. Had to resize these and clean them up. This workflow seems to work for me.

I need to figure if I can use the javascript scale command to resize the top bar a bit based on the height of the screen.
Sun, 28 May 2023, 14:41


Unhindered Umbrella

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Can Platdude grab all the stars?
There is always hope!

You can Play this game in JSE! .. Because Zelda's still gobbling up all my time, so quick JSE games it is!!!

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Sun, 04 Jun 2023, 04:42


Violent Volcano

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OMG! A Volcano!!!
Michael Fernie (AGameAWeek commenter) suggested V should be about a Volcano, so this is the mini micro tiny game that I could manage to fit into the ever decreasing timescale that I seem to have for doing AGameAWeek's!

You can Play this game in JSE! .. Because, man, I thought Zelda was eating my time, and now I've got No Man's Sky munching away, too..

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