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Socoder -> Console Coding -> SmileBASIC Switch - Sale

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Sat, 18 Feb 2023, 09:18
I can't think of a quick fix for that, other than maybe flicking through the font and flagging anything that's obviously at the wrong offset. I think most characters should be ok, but gqpy would probably look wonky, as would a few bits of punctuation.
I wouldn't think "too many" are that bad.

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Sat, 18 Feb 2023, 10:51
Got that sorted, done a very horrible print function...

I also noticed how poor the colour representation is on my cheap hdmi capture thingy is, this video is done on the switch and the colours look much cleaner, even after the compression.

View on YouTube

Just need to thnk about some sort of number explosion thingy on the cards.

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Sat, 18 Feb 2023, 11:18
Looking great!!
Sun, 19 Feb 2023, 13:06
Dammit, now that I have added the joker/wildcard rules to the logic, the level can actually be completed.

Now I just need to make the game know that

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Sun, 19 Feb 2023, 13:33
Congrats on getting it that far. I know it's been a pain getting all the bits sent over, but it definitely looks like the time and effort has been worth it.

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Sun, 19 Feb 2023, 13:51
Thanks Jay! Once it's finished I figure out how to send you a copy.

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Sun, 19 Feb 2023, 14:17
I look forward to it!
Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 06:40
hmmm, I can't seem to find any info on using background graphics. I want to add a background image as, well an image.
Do I *have* to use sprites for everything?


Found it. problem solved.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 06:57
To make the background graphics image..

GTarget 1
Draw stuff to that
GTarget 0

Creates the image on "Buffer 1", then jumps back to the main buffer for the rest of drawing..

(You can update/alter Buffer 1 at any point, by the way)

Then, at the top of your main loop, use GCopy to grab the contents of Buffer 1 and draw it onto Buffer 0.
So, say you wanted to make a repeating striped image with a few stars, a bit like TetrisDX on the GBC, and have that scroll endlessly whilst ingame..
You'd draw the stars and stripes onto Buffer 1 at the start of the game, then in your main loop, copy 4 copies of it over to Buffer 0 and scroll the offset that you copy them to, so you get a nice wrapping looping scrolling texture thing.

GCopy copies to the current target.
GCOPY SourceBuffer,FromX1,FromY1,FromX2,FromY2, ToX,ToY, DrawingMethod (I tend to use #G_NORMAL when doing backgrounds.)

It's in the Graphics commands list.

|edit| I typed too slowly, today! |edit|

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 07:11
Still needs a little 'Make it look good' work done, but its getting there.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 14:40
hmmmm.... I can see that something is wrong here.... but what?

Blitz3D = Nice dithery gradient

SmileBasic = White

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 16:03
There's a separate GCOLOR, rather than COLOR.
Or, alternatively, you can use GPSet X,Y,RGB()

(Sorry, been Trek'in')

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Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 02:50
AS simple as that eh? dammit.

A quick SAVEG later and I have a nicer background.

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Wed, 01 Mar 2023, 02:03
The new layout is looking good I think.

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Wed, 01 Mar 2023, 02:35
Lovely! The giant numbers look great.
Thu, 06 Apr 2023, 09:51
The titlescreen still needs a little work, I'm crap at this part.

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Thu, 06 Apr 2023, 10:19
That's awesome!
Thu, 13 Apr 2023, 08:12
Spam Alert!

View on YouTube

Mixing two of my projects together... Am I allowed to put it in both threads? We'll soon find out if Jay deletes one of them!

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Thu, 13 Apr 2023, 08:17
Awesome stuff!
Fri, 16 Jun 2023, 11:53
hmmm, my switch is starting to fail I think. I get random freezes, makes no difference if its a cart game or a downloaded one.

My current aim is to make the (+) menu do something. From what I can tell, the only option for trapping the 'exit program' error is using a GOTO. That might not work as well as a gosub..... or might it....

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Fri, 16 Jun 2023, 12:03
I wouldn't bother trying. SmileBASIC lets you get away with just a few seconds, but not much more, before it exits back to the main interface. (Iirc, last I checked, might be wrong)

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Sun, 18 Jun 2023, 03:46
Well, Noggin survived the system transfer from the old switch to the new one. Nintendo better not release the switch 2 for a couple of years, or i'll grumble a bit.

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Sun, 18 Jun 2023, 03:50

That's one thing I've been avoiding. All my SmileBASIC stuff is in my Japanese account, and that doesn't have an online membership, and so doesn't cloud save.
Not sure how well things will go if I upgrade to a new switch.

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Sun, 18 Jun 2023, 03:53
@ Spinal. Just watched the video above. That is looking really sharp.
Sun, 18 Jun 2023, 04:01
The game or the avatar?
Sun, 18 Jun 2023, 04:04
The game, I watched the 30 seconds of gameplay video. Avatar looks good, too.
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