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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - June 2023

Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 08:33

What Have You Done - June 2023


What did you get done this Month?
  • Sold the House
  • Bought a Bungalow
  • Forms
  • Forms
  • Forms

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    We're not quite done yet.
    Another form was mailed off on Saturday. Hopefully this is the last one..?! Maybe!?!
    We'll know on Monday, depending on whether our checklist gets that final [tick] of approval.


    What didn't you get done?
  • AGameAWeek
  • Newsletter

    Why not?
    I tried my damnedest to keep on schedule with everything, but all the stress got overwhelming.
    Far too much stuff to do, and an alarmingly short space of time, given how everyone around us was chanting the whole "It takes months, don't stress" stuff, and then everything all happened within about a week.
    The "regular" stuff just didn't get a look in.
    Now that the chaos has settled into "just fill all the forms in", things seem to be getting a little easier, but .. Good grief, still all the stress is swirling around me!


    What are you working on right now?
    Mum's sister is off to Ireland tomorrow. We haven't told her yet, so Mum's meeting them at the airport and having "the chat" with her.
    Meaning tomorrow she won't be here to help, and the skip goes on Wednesday, and the Charity people are picking everything else up on Wednesday, and now there's only a day and a half to organise all the stuff, and time's ticking away, and nothing's getting done and I'm freaking out, and stress, stress, stresssssss!!

    How's that going?
    Could be better..


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • I think we might be moving fairly soon.

    I mean, things so far have been fairly fast paced. The biggest concern right now is how the people buying this property are getting on with forms at their end, and whether it'll all happen just as fast, or if they're getting stuck with slow-assed solicitors and horrific other stuff.
    We just don't know.
    I'll email our estate agents tomorrow to see if they've heard anything yet.



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  • Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 09:47


    What did you get done this Month?
  • Budgetted hard for the month, which was okay.
  • Started another game off
  • Had fun with Linux, Virtualisation and Windows XP
  • Fixed a few laptops up
  • Had good progress with my container garden

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    The postiives, yeah.


    What didn't you get done?
  • FInish anything off
  • Have lost touch with the gym through June, sleep pattern has been odd

    Why not?
    Gosh, I don't know


    What are you working on right now?
    Getting Gridshot (gb) started off a bit more, will try to post a video later on.

    How's that going?
    Not bad, a bit slower than before but I haaven't played with gameboy stuff in quite a while.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Keep budgetting
  • FInish Games Off
  • Gym more often.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 12:37
    Myself. Working on myself with books on social skills. Kind of discovered I have not really developed those skills. We moved 3 times and I had 3 different lower grade schools. Not really was able to connect.

    Divorce and bullying also set me back in my youth. Then healthcare workers somehow never figured out that I was socially behind. I am learning to smile in public now. And re listening to the books one by one for other pointers.

    Maybe I can start loosing that social phobia in the next few years?

    Edit ; lower grade school should've been written as primary school. (Translation)
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 12:49
    We moved 3 times and I had 3 different lower grade schools. Not really was able to connect.

    Here, standard education is grades 1st-12th. We moved so much, that by 9th grade, I had been to 12 different schools AND I went to the same school 1-2nd grade. So all that moving was after 2nd grade. We always moved in the middle of the school year, so I was perpetually the "new kid" every year. Being the new kid either goes really well, or really bad. No shades of gray and usually it is bad. Bullied and beat up beyond belief, routinely at school. Generally do not fit into society and with the exception of here, really have no contact with others online or in my personal life, except for wifey and stepson. No friends since I moved and do not expect that to change.

    I am glad you are working on yourself Pakz, but do it for you. You are a very likable chap and somebody I hold in high regard as a person and as a coder and artist. You are extremely gifted and are an inspiration to me.
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 12:56
    @Pakz, which books are you reading? My son has been going through hell at his new school for the last 3 years with regards to any social skills and anything info-wise that can help him out would be great. I wish he had opted for a regular, not single sex school.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 13:13
    ChatGPT can advice on books. I get tips from there.

    Categories for me that are helping are. communication skills training. Social skills, Charisma. Emotional(eq) mastery. Escalation, conversation training, anger management, memory training.

    I am just buying anything to get useful knowledge from.
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 13:16
    Cool, thanks, hope the reading helps
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 13:18
    I see a future outside around strangers now The whole self development and self help (book) industry is quite helpful.

    Edit: there are a lot of audio versions. I just listen to them while relaxing and such. Got a note taking system now too.
    Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 22:33
    Btw. Thanks you @Brice