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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Mark's LibSGD

Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 03:04
Mark Announces LibSGD : Linkage

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Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 03:04
He's built a new forum, too. https://skirmish-dev.net/forum/

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Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 03:22
Exciting! I remember Dabbling with Blitz in the early 2000's

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 05:02

Test runs just fine on MacOS/Win11Arm running in UTM where "nothing runs because there's no graphics driver"
.. Bit slow, but that's to be expected.
At least it runs.

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Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 11:48
Great news.
Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 02:54
With the recent news that coding skills won't be needed in a couple of years. I am even considering not buying any more devices suited for coding.

So I might even just stop with game programming now. Dune 3 has been put on hold too, with the current situation with ai.

I have no idea what to do.
Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 03:36
You are kidding I hope?
Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 04:15
I was planning on getting a new iPad next month for some extra three.js coding on that. But I need to think through if that is needed. Adobe also showed a new music ai.

On the other side. Browsing the apple app store. There is not one game that speaks to me.

I need to think it through and keep track of developments.
Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 04:17
Ahhh, it's just, imho, sure, not buying new devices is one thing, but giving up on coding is quite another.

I get the same feeling going through most game stores also.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 04:47
I said as much on the comments of that Matt Wolfe video the other day, but I code because it's what I do to chill. If it's 20 years down the line, and we have Trek style holodecks where you can step in and say "Make me a glorious movie length story I can play along with" and it'll all be taken care of, then what's my hobby any more?

.. I'd be Tom Paris.
I'd be writing little holo novels, crafting the storylines, and enjoying the creative aspect of it all.
It might be simple and easy to just say "Make me this!", but that's not why I'm doing this. And .. I might be right out of line saying this, but I think that's not why most of you're all here, too, right?!
We enjoy the making. That bit of problem solving, like how Spinal's currently trying to get his scrolling to work. That's the bits that I get a thrill out of.
Sure, the AI could probably have that fixed in an instant, but then where's the fun?

Coding, the way I do it, is for me. That's MY thing.
And Mark's thing is making us languages we can code with.
And if Mark can make us a super new form of Blitz, and we can then use it to create another bazillion games with it, then isn't that really all that matters?!

Almost every week I make another new'ish game, and then see a hundred better games pop up all over the web, being all the more popular, and gaining all the attention. It's not stopped me yet!!

*so tired*

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Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 09:13
It's kind of nice to see a return of Blitz, in some form. I miss the days when we had lots of new game-related languages and tools coming out. It's great all the stuff we have today too of course.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 06 Mar 2024, 13:04
BTW, the Patreon page is up, for anyone who wants to support it.
Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 04:51
Has anyone tried to compile/run the sgd test on windows 10 ?
Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 05:32

Yeah, runs just fine on my little GPD device. No issues whatsoever.
(Had to check if it was running Win10! It is.)

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Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 07:05
I'm asking because i can compile the code but the exe is opens, turns purple but it is closing immediately.

I have the fmod.dll and the other dll in the same folder as the exe.
Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 08:01
Try toggling Debug mode.
Wed, 13 Mar 2024, 03:39
I'ts not the debugger.

Something else is not working.

The handles for the model, lights, picture etc etc show a number (under debugging) as if they were loaded.

I have put a delay 5000 after each command (one by one, each try) to see where the crash happens, and it crashes when the Present() is used.
But the present() function does not crash it when the lines between create scene and while loop (including the turn entity) are deleted ...

So i was wondering if anyone else on win 10 experiences this as well.
Wed, 13 Mar 2024, 03:47
I did have it do that kind of thing once under the Win11Arm guff, but it's not done it again since. I did toggle the debugger off, so figured that was probably what solved it, but I guess not.

The usual "update drivers, etc" suggestions, I guess.

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