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Socoder -> Language Tests -> JSE - Optimisationalism 4

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Sat, 23 Sep 2023, 15:10
Weird, you'd expect the first to be quicker because it sould stop checking once it's found the correct one. The second will check loads even after the correct command has been found.
Unless it has something to do with the number of cases in a switch.

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Sat, 30 Sep 2023, 15:03
Been playing a lot with JSE, the past couple of days, adding a bunch of new image functions that ended up making things worse. D'oh!

I've scaled back a ton, now, and if you're in the mood to compare..

Main version (root, v.3ghh) vs Newest Test (index_.html, v.3ghj)
(Be sure to refresh, then check the FPS display to check the version.)

Run the same Optimisationalism 4 in each one, and let me know just generally better or worse. Be sure to close the browser and re-open in-between tests.

There shouldn't, hopefully, be too much of a difference between these two. Honestly I'm just double checking I haven't made things infinitely worse!

New features Mostly here. Works marginally better in the index_.html edition
A lot of today's work has been about rejigging the entire way the output works, making the screen scaling stuff that little bit more (maybe) optimised, whilst allowing for the new lighting/shading/shadow/glow/blur stuff.

Anyway, let me know which is faster.. old index.html or new index_.html
..or at the very least, if they're about the same.
Thanks, all!

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Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 10:39

The top one. The first link was a lower value. Not sure of that means ot is faster or slower.

Edit : this was on iPhone 13 in portrait mode.
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 11:37
Yeah, that's roughly what I'd expect. Some better, some worse.
Really hoping someone with a slower setup can chip in, so I have more apparent changes.
But as far as your values go, there's a few cases where things are indeed slower. I'll need to figure out why that might be.

It's Mills() taken, by the way, so lower=faster=better

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Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 11:45
Things like cache sizes on a chip seem to have an impact too. That I was reading. I imagine optimizing for modern and old architectures might turn into a problem.
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 11:54
Any optimising I can make for slower system will be good for all!
True, on my system it's a teeny speedup each time, but all those little nips and tucks all add together.

... I just have to remember that when I code something that does WAY too much, that it'll struggle on everyone else's systems

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Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 12:00

I used my mums 2 or 3 year old motorola phone. The left one is the older engine. The first link.

There was some background activity though.
Sun, 01 Oct 2023, 12:32
Seems like the Plain Text is getting worse! Eeek!! Can't have that..

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 03:53
Is this good or bad?

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 04:02
Well, your last number was 12.something, so that's quite a leap!
Though JSE's been optimised a buttload since then, but it's still around about twice as fast as your old system.

And, remember that JSE is only running in Single Core (as far as I can tell, Javascript does what it wants sometimes!!)
Get some multi-core benchmarks going, and you oughta be flying!

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 04:14
CPU was nearly 1% load 😁
Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 04:33
Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 05:11
Gave my phone a try...

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 05:39
If you're using Firefox, try any other browser, and you should see the Plain Text times reduce significantly.
Firefox is quite bad at drawing to canvas!

Give Opera a go. That's got a fantastic JavaScript engine.

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 06:21
chrome in both cases
Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 07:11
Gosh, that's scarily slow for text drawing, then!!! Not sure what that's about.
I'll have to have a dig.
Definitely something on JSEs side, though. All the rest of your scores are great

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 07:38
Will check it out tonight on my still just about working Lenovo T420

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 08:11
Might as well update all my results

Macbook Air M2
Safari : 2.691 > Reveal 🔎
Edge : 3.014 > Reveal 🔎
Firefox : 3.544 > Reveal 🔎
Opera : 2.918 > Reveal 🔎
Arc : 3.079 > Reveal 🔎

iPad Pro 11" M4
Safari : 1.628 > Reveal 🔎
Other browsers gave the same results, so I think they're still all running Safari code underneath. The EU "Must allow other tech" seemingly hasn't had any impact yet!

iPhone 12 Pro
Portrait : 2.371 > Reveal 🔎
Landscape : 2.436 > Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 15 Sep 2024, 07:30
Got a new telly, this week.
The last TV we bought was a cheap-as-chips Fire TV, but after a year of using it, it got to the point where changing channels was taking about 10 seconds, the EPG was practically unusable, and the whole damn thing was pretty much useless. And that was annoying the crap out of Mum... And me a bit, but Mum's the one watching the telly all night.

So, new TV.

Panasonic TB-43W60AEY : "Runs on TiVo!" it said, so I figured "Anything's better than that shitty Amazon Android interface"
Oh, joy, it's the same fucking interface.

At least it runs a bit faster, though, so that's ok, right..

If this one only lasts a fucking year, I'm going to be super pissed off.

Telly (Panasonic TB-43W60AEY ) : 90.30!! > Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 15 Sep 2024, 07:33
That's the problem with modern TVs, they get system updates that slow everything down. But knowing how to find a TV with a fast as hell processor and tonnes of ram is a difficult task.

Maybe the solution is to never let it online and just use an external doodad for smart functions.

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Sun, 15 Sep 2024, 09:00
Yeah, new Apple TV is on the books for Xmas, I reckon.

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