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Blippity Bleeep!

30th October 2015

At 4:30, something in my bedroom went ''blippity bleep''
I've no idea what it was, but it sounded like the noise Windows makes when you disconnect a USB device.
I woke up with a startle, and lay in bed for a few minutes, wonder*snip*


Doctor Two

18th August 2015

Had an appointment to see the nurse, so headed all the way down to the health center.
My Blood Pressure hasn't been officially checked for a while, so they needed a new reading.
''Umm...'' Went the nurse, whose job it is to take readings like*snip*


New Fence..

14th March 2015



Three Years Later...

6th March 2015

March 6th 2012 : Taken into hospital with High Blood Pressure and Vomiting
March 8th 2012 : Brain Surgery for Tumour removal.
Previous Health Updates
Aug 2012 : (Linkage)
Feb 2014 : (Linkage)
Aug 2014 : (Linkage)
2012 wasn't a very fun year for m*snip*


Stripping it All Away

21st December 2014

Today I did something I should've done ages ago.
As some of you might've previously read, I recently took over the domain of LittleLever.info.
For the most part, this was a rather frivolous purchase, and it won't ever really come to anything.*snip*


Health Update

20th November 2014

Nothing new to add!
Just been up to Salford for my regular 6 month chat with Dr/Mr Leggate. (Google-fu for nosey peeps : Leggate Salford Royal )
The general gist was ''well, if it's not gotten any better, then chances are it never will.'' E*snip*


I Stubbed My Toe...

30th September 2014

So.. I'm halfway through reorganising my bedroom, and as you can imagine, there are boxes and random items scattered all over the floor.
It's ...''manageable'', and I can just about shuffle my way from place to place, but .. Grrr..


Bedroom 2.0

15th September 2014

So... I ordered my new shelves..
Maine, Extra Deep bookcase, with Drawers, in ''Walnut Effect''.
The walnut should look good against my decades-old wood panelled bedroom walls (there since we moved in!!) and should hold a decent amount of my DVD*snip*


Health Update : August 2014

22nd August 2014

Last week saw the two year anniversary of this post, where I waffled and rambled on about my health condition. Mum suggested it was about time to write an update, so this is that!
Two years on, and although I'm marginally better, I'm still somewh*snip*


20 Years Ago....

16th August 2014

As Mum got fed up of writing standard ''James missed school, again, because he had another migraine'' letters to the school all the time, she started writing more obscure notes to the teacher...
Amazingly, whilst reorganising her room, she's s*snip*


New Laptop!?

4th June 2014

Last night I took the time to upgrade Monkey from 76c to 78f. (or something like that)
Seems it's going to be a little more work than expected, as they've significantly changed the template .html file, and I'm going to have to faff about making it nicely *snip*


Jay's Health Update : Jan 2014

30th January 2014

Had the GP out for a visit, today, and he checked my Blood Pressure whilst lying down, then standing up
A HUGE drop between the two stats, with my blood pressure plummeting when I stand. He suggests this could be the cause of my dizziness, or at the very*snip*


Mr Impatient's GTAV Wait...

17th September 2013

GTAV Launch Day.
I pre-ordered my copy from Very, so I knew there'd be a wait.
I also knew which company would be handling my delivery.
..bloody Yodel...
So, when I eventually woke up at 9:30, and the game hadn't yet arrived, I wasn't all tha*snip*


Buggered for Life

13th September 2013

So, yesterday I went for my regular 6 month checkup.
Dr Leggate's disappeared on a holiday, or a fundraiser, or having a brew or something, so instead I got to see Nicola, who was one of the main neurologists whilst I was in.
Sat with her for about 20 mi*snip*


Apple's Pricing Strategy

11th September 2013

When I first heard the words ''iPhone 5c - CHEAPER iPhone'' my thoughts went a little like this..
iPad is £399
iPad with 4G is £499
Therefore, logically, it costs ''In Apple Prices'' (which we all know are stupidly over-the-odd*snip*


Making a Desktop

11th August 2013

So, I finally figured I should make a wallpaper/desktop thing for August.
The other day, I made a quick little signature bar thing, for use on the Monkey Forum. Logo, background, and a few sprites from various games.
Turned out quite nice..


The Quest for the Class Photos

2nd August 2013

I'm starting to get worried, now.
I used to have 2, or maybe 3 class photos from Primary school..
I had them together, and I last saw them when I moved from my old bedroom, into my sister's room. (She went off to Uni, so I nabbed the bigger bed*snip*


One Year Later

27th July 2013




8th May 2013

To say I was marginally disappointed by the features of an X360 is an understatement.
As a basic example, to use YouTube, (in a shit substandard style with a crap controller which has a n insanely shit Dpad) you need to pay for an Xbox Live Gold account. *snip*


Feeling a Little Angry

12th April 2013

[update]August 2018[/update]
Note to anyone coming here after the recent IGN plagiarism stuff.
I don’t consider this to be the same situation. Blatantly stealing content, then passing it off as your own work is infinitely worse than the crap list*snip*


My Music

25th February 2013

I've had about 5 requests for ''All my music in one big zip'', lately.
It's about time I did that, then..
The JayTracks Music Archive
(Image.png) (Linkage)
To download a particular track, head to the Music Archive, pick an *snip*


A Valentines Day Date

14th February 2013

...with Dr Leggate


2012, the year of crap

7th January 2013

The Lump
1.5 litres
Bloody Nurses


hello, Nurse?

13th March 2012

With our crazy nutter of a patient in our ward, who sits shouting repetitve phrases until everybody gets pissed off at him, its becoming increasingly more dificult to find any god damned nurses at their actual station.
It shouldn't be this bad, of course,*snip*


One and a Half Liters of onion smell..

13th March 2012

I have no idea why they'd limit my simple liquid intake, but they've only bloody well gone an done it anyway. FFS.
I now get to drink less than two liters a day, and right now I'm looking at the prospect of an almost drink free night ahead.
Back to si*snip*

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