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Socoder -> Web Development -> AGAW - Browsercade

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Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 09:16

WIP - Browsercade


I've enjoyed doing Shoebox for the past few months, and am currently trying to decide whether I should make a similar browser-based collection of Keyboard/Gamepad supported games.
Delving through the depths of AGameAWeek's past, I'd be able to build up a fairly interesting collection that can all be played in your browser.
.. I might even add one of those "Onscreen Controls" things for when you're playing on mobile..

If I were to do this, I've decided that a nice name might be "Browsercade", and have "designed" *cough* the logo/icon above.

Any thoughts?
Leave them below.

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Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 09:54
Looks good to me.
Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 11:33
An excellent idea! I assume that a whole bunch of your agaw games can be ported as-is with little to no changes?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 11:45
I'm expecting to have to recreate a whole lot of games from scratch!!

It "might" be possible, especially given my habit of making any/all languages generally end up the same, once I've wrangled my way into them...
... but I'm fully expecting issues, if I attempt to squeeze them all together.

I reckon a RedoFromStart will achieve better results.

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Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 16:00

Tue, 18 Jun 2019, 08:18
RSKGames suggested I add a bit of depth to the logo.

The menu's also looking nice, now!

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Tue, 18 Jun 2019, 08:30
Yep, that new logo looks better.
Wed, 19 Jun 2019, 07:52
Agreed, much better .
Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 08:37
The hardest part about doing Javascript based gamedev, is that I've grown accustomed to hitting Alt+F4 at the end of each test, so I have to keep reopening the browser every bloomin' time!!

Today I'm tackling redefineable controls, and .. Dear god, is it complicated in the browser.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 09:35
Also the good thing about your Javascript based framework(Shoebox) is that if you close accidentally or close by frustration of not winning, when you go back you get the exact same state of the game when you closed.
Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 09:54
I'm going to try my best to keep that ability. Might be a bit more difficult with the larger scope of arcades games, though.

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Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 17:44
Probably gonna look quite good once it all starts to unfold.
Mon, 08 Jul 2019, 09:39

Been working on controls and things, for the past couple of weeks.
Lots of redefine stuff, and it should work nicely with gamepads, too.
The music engine's working, the framework switches to Pause mode when you alt+tab away, scores are (I think!) saving properly..
All seems to be going well.

Next I need to get touchscreen controls working nicely, add a couple of "draw to buffer" functions, and then hopefully everything should be in place to actually get started working on the first game.

It's been a long hard slog, this one!!

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Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 09:40

Damn, this has taken HOURS!!!

Next, lots of testing to check everything works ok, and then adding a virtual DPad and a few buttons.

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Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 19:44
Are you doing this in Monkey or is it all raw Javascript?
Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 19:49
Yup, just plain old JavaScript.

Well, not "old" JavaScript. The gamepad stuff is certainly not old!!
New JavaScript!
But plain!!

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Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 20:04
I ain't coded Javascript in ages, it would probably make what ever hair I have left fall out.
Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 12:45

Browsercade - Test Number One

I've finally got the engine up a decent standard.

The webfont's working.
The music's working.
The onscreen controls are working.
The background layer buffer is working.

Everything feels like it's just about ready for me to start coding some games.

As a quick test, I've uploaded a simple Blockman "Maze Wandering/scrolling" test thing.
It isn't perfect, and the collision detection's a bit dodgy, but otherwise you should be able to open the game, move around, and jump a bit.

Keyboard controls should work fine. Cursors+Z/X/C, or WASD + K/L/J. Redefineable in the options menu.
Gamepad support should work fine. Plug one in, hit a button and it should pop up the redefine doohickey. Also redefineable in the same options menu.
Touchy Onscreen buttons are available. Tap the little icon on the bottom left of the main menu to enable them.

Music should ... more or less work.. It can be a bit stuttery when it starts, but seems to kick into gear after a couple of seconds.

Alt+Tab/Pause/etc should be ok, too, and is meant to pause the music, but .. sometimes forgets to do that!!

Also, reloading the page is meant to take you back to where you were, like how Shoebox does, but it can be a little bit dodgy right now. It doesn't restart the music, for starters.

Basically, have at, and let me know what breaks!!
And be sure to let me know what browser/mobile/tablet you're using for testing.

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Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 13:27
My phone doesn't show the on-screen controls icon...

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 13:31
Tap the logo to start.
*note to self : add "tap the logo to start" text*

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Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 13:37
Tapping the logo put it straight into the pause screen, I had to refresh the page to get back to the proper (green) menu screen thingy. Got there in the end though.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 23 Jul 2019, 14:23
OK, all should be slightly less not-broken!
The logo screen now says "[Start]" on it.
The pause menu includes the Touch-Controls option.
And the buffer is wrapping a little bit better.

Additionally, I've rejigged a bit of Blockman's code, so he collides much better around the arena, now. Hurray!!

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Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 14:22
Last minute test before tomorrow's big unveil.
If anyone can, please do!!


On Mobile/Tablet, tap the little screen/controller button on the bottom left, to access onscreen controls.
For everything else, use keys!
If you have a gamepad, try playing with that connected.
It "should" work just fine, but.. Well.. You know how these things can be!

Basically, have a play, let me know if anything's broken, and ... Yeah, all should be good!!!

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Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 16:57
Need to rewrite the controller initialisation stuff. Apparently if you have a "thrust joystick" controller thing, it constantly sends "thrust is at 1.0" and that's confusing the poor browser!!

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Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 22:14
Seems to work allright. Only when in the credits it once at the beginning without any input it went into pause mode.

I did not test with controller.
Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 22:27
The framework pauses itself if you alt+tab away, or if you hit F12, or switch tabs in your browser, or any other number of "went away from the page" instances.
If you're absolutely sure it shouldn't have, I might have to take a look at my code, to be sure.

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