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Socoder -> Off Topic -> They Would Be Bored

Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 11:48
Note sure if April fools or not... if it is, it’s not funny. Linkage

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 11:48
This one seems a bit cheesy too.

Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 12:52
Having seen Ben's link earlier, I have a feeling it isn't a joke. I'm sure I remember something similar being discussed a few months ago, and given the video of David Davis commenting on it I find it hard to believe it could be an April Fool. :/

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 15:05
Yup, sounds exactly like something our gov would do .

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Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 15:31
Saw it on ITV News earlier, they say they will only be monitoring who you interact with, not the actual content, what's their fucking point?.
Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 16:07
steve_ancell they say they will only be monitoring who you interact with, not the actual content, what's their fucking point?.

I think the idea is so they can see if you've been in contact with anyone they have have down as being suspicious.

While I'm dubious of the idea, given the amount of data they'd have to process this would all need to be automated, so it's really no more of a privacy breach than what we let Google and Facebook do already.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 01 Apr 2012, 16:50
Just to play devils advocate, one of the main arguments behind this is that they can already do this with phones, and so this is essentially just bringing legislation inline with technology.

In the uk we also havent seen phones taken advantage of through the current system. The phone hacking scandal doesnt count because it wasn't done through the existing back doors, but simply by paying people to give them the passwords for people's voice mail accounts. It was also totally illegal.

However I'm still dead against this, and don't see how it's practical. In short, this wouldn't scale, and so is a complete waste of time. The regimes which also take the most advantage of the existing back doors are not very nice regimes, such as Iran and Syria, as they get the same phone systems as us (where we insisted there should be back doors).

There are also existing ways of getting hold of emails and other sensitive details, by going through the courts, and requesting a warranty. That is how this should always be done, because ideally it means you cannot go through people's personal mail without prior evidence of a crime.

I'm also disgusted that the government chose April fools day to try to sneak this through the media. It reminds me of how Teresa May lied to the media about someone being able to avoid deportation, because he owned a cat.
Mon, 02 Apr 2012, 01:12
Not just a waste of time, but a waste of money also. Especially when the country doesn't really have any.

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Mon, 02 Apr 2012, 05:55
That's what I thought, and who's gotta pay for it all?, us. Looks like terrorism finally paid-off, fucking c***s!.